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Everything posted by lucio_libre

  1. Congrats Mate, Aust Weekend im up for a cruise. Whats the next mod?? let me guess, sheep wool seat covers, just to remind you of home :)
  2. Welcome aboard.......BL@@DY VOLVO DRIVER!!!!! :P :P ...sorry had to say it.
  3. Nah you wouldnt Egene, i've seen the way you drive mate......*yawn* :P :P
  4. Yeah Merry Christmas to all on the forum, visitors and members alike, hope you all get your presents and have been GOOD this year!!! :P :P
  5. It looks like the blue stivo is humping the white stivo's rear rim........giving it a rim job :P :P
  6. Ohh yean, now youre talking in the league of the Big boys. Its unreal what those v8's can make.
  7. dont you guyz mind that the sportivo is front wheel drive and wish its a rear wheel? :P ← I used to own a RWD car a long time ago, it was an 85 celica with a 2.4 corona engine, not much power but plenty of torque to smoke those skinny 185/14's on it and it was auto. The car got me in trouble soo many times in the wet that i actually recognise the FWD cars as much safer to drive in the wet, as for the dry weather handling, they are pretty darn good.
  8. After washing my car, my gf and i went for a quick spin on an empty back road to do a couple of split time runs..she had the mobile fone stopwatch, as i had made 3 attempts. On my first attempt i held the clutch in till about 5000rpm, released, crappy takeoff, the car was struggling to grip as the right front was smoking (Tyo 215's), didnt land lift in second either, landed at 5900 and reeled off a time of 7.34. On my second attrempt, similar takeoff just launched from 4000rom as the cluch smell was still inside the car from the first attempt, didnt land in lift again and reeled off a 7.28.......3rd attempt i made a rippa launch......but missed second copletely recorded no time. I had enough for the night and so did my clutch. Its still hard to say exactly how quick the car is as this method is subject to human errors etc, etc, etc, but one thing is for certain, a CAI makes alot of difference, and the car is definetly quicker than 8.4 secs.
  9. Anything is possible. Yesterday i saw a HSV GTS with a 360 emblem on it, i thought they only made 300kW, this one had 360.......i presume kW....now that is power!!!!!!
  10. lucio_libre


    Hey Hey Hey!!!!!!!!! this type of crap wont be tolerated,...this topic is closed!!!!
  11. lucio_libre


    Whats going on here?
  12. Still <_< <_< any bird is better than a sheep :P
  13. Enjoy :) send my regards to Narelle(the sheep) :P and have a safe trip back.
  14. Well i dont know how to go about this, but so far ive killed 4 birds in the past few months, they all seem ignore my car like they cant see it, then "thump"."ohh man not again!!!" Im lucky ive had no damage so far, especially hitting a huge black crow at over 100kp/h....not to mention numerous other close calls.....birds just seem to play "chicken". Any black sportivo owners out there had similar experiences, i mean its just odd to me that all.....maybe i should change my number plade to EVL666
  15. It wouldnt be that blue WRX now would it? the one from a few months ago at our meet :)
  16. 230 on a cold morning, was about 3 degrees. Redlined every gear except 6th, there was still a few hundred rpm left. Its cold morning like that, when the weather makes you feel good about spending $500 on a CAI.
  17. Behehehehe Beheheheh (Advanced Kiwi Speak) :P
  18. Too funny... Lucio I thought I was the forum clown ← You are the official one!!! :) :)
  19. I thought it was "red barron" or is that meant to be you :D ?
  20. Ohh yeah....i remember those days, its the only negative aspect of Phuket, otherwise it was awesome.
  21. While youre over there buy some local girls, we need some "sportivo" models back home, i'll even provide them some accomodation :D .
  22. Some people will never be happy in life, always pedantic and constantly bloody winging. To be honest this forum has gone s**thouse over the last couple of months, quite boring now, and thats simply because its too damn easy to criticise and complain, comes out more naturally, HOWEVER NOT everyone is in the same league, i love this car, wouldnt trade it in for anything atm, the whole package makes sense, 4 doors and plenty of room, small engine, low fuel consumption, plenty of luxurious items, blah blah blah.... not to mention that this little screamer has no competition in its class...there is no sub 2.0 liter sub $30,000 car that comes near it, it is THE BEST car for this price, but nobody mentions that no more, people overlook the good with the bad. I never heard all this winging Stewart when you had your car, it's like you kept it secret? all you were raving on about was how good the car was and your street fun with others. Now somebody put up some descent stuff, i'm sick of reading repetitive posts.
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