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Everything posted by lucio_libre

  1. :P Cool Pics. The AEM didnt seem that bad Paul, the problem was there waz no garage near by, just alot of city slickers wondering what the hell you were doing with that huge pipe, quite amuzing actually. Fiddly as always. Good shots Stewie, nice to see the only black car in there, :P . My passanger had trouble with the headrest, so i offered her my shoulder :P :P :P As for roaring past, i kinda miss shifted a couple of cogs, and she took off like in the melbourne cup :D ........cant let those red cars in front all the time now can we?
  2. Do we have to supply any food for the BBQ lunch? or we just scab it form exclusive auto?
  3. It takes a while because i dont have any laterite(nutrients underneath the gravel). What you need to do it research plants on thier light needs and nutrient needs. Anubias dont need much light or nutrients. I made a home made CO2 injection with yeast, sugar and a 2 liter bottle of coke with some other devices. Ill put up fotos soon. Only problem is algae. I found two tricks. Dont use air stone or any oxygen during the day, the plants supply them. Use CO2 during the day, plants soak them up. Dont used CO2 during the night use Oxygen during the night. Plant heavily at start so tank settles quicker, and plants eat up excess nutrients so you dont get alot of algae. Just do heaps of research, theres a million websites out there.
  4. ive got a 150 liter tank with anubias, one amazonian swordplant, plenty of algae and small snails(just to ***** me off), 2 big bristlenose catfish, a couple of columbian tetras, black widow tetras and serpae tetras, im running an ehaim ecco external filter. Had my tank for 3-4 years, id hate to tally up the costs ;) and a 300watt heater, with two 4 foot neons lighting up the canopy.
  5. Too many wings, reminds me of a swiss army knife, the rounded rear skirt and veilside front is more suited for rounder shaped cars not the boxier shape of the stivo. This must be the "Special Fried Rice" model
  6. The toyota echo comes in a nice blue similar to the electric blue in the ford, however if i had a choice i would go for the Ketzels mr2 golden colour out of the high octane 3 video.
  7. So what would happen if you sped past an unmarked copcar and he decides to chase your ***** in the latest SS, writes down your number plate and then send you to jail for trying to outrun him? laquer might work for flash cameras, which are slowly getting replaced by other speed dedecting devices, so dont think this is the solution. The only solution is to keep to the limit, unless you live in the outback.
  8. Its allright Steve, we dont need any sheilas, we've got "Livefor6" :D
  9. Man ive done some freaky stuff in my car, check the front passanger panel scratches from their legs at the next meet Yes I hear you have DONE some freaky stuff in your car. It went somethinh like this I'm told; Passenger: Baa... Baa Lucio: Come here you little sexy white thing you.... zip.... Passenger: Baa... Baa... BAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!. (note: this is where the flailing legs & hooves did the damage to the passenger side trim) Lucio: Oh yeah, Oh yeah... Oh, Oh, oooohhhhh here comes lift... Aaaahhhhhh!! :P :P :D :D And as far as Peekay's being the most tuned, well mine is a nicer red Now you know how the white sauce came about when you had roast lamb that evening :) BAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
  10. Man ive done some freaky stuff in my car, check the front passanger panel scratches from their legs at the next meet, when they reach the big O, OHHH OHH..get my drift :D.and dont worry about d*ck sizes, it aint the size that matters its how hard you can keep it that counts :) :) , i mean the stivo is only 1.8 not a 5 liter, but still goes just as hard :D
  11. Theres only onlw way to determine this question in my opinion fellas, whose had more shags in their stive has to be the best stivo around :D
  12. Every cold air intake has an air pod which acts as a filter for dirt and crap from the air, to put it simply, a CAI is a metal pipe connecting to the throttle body fitted with an air pod at the end, and the air flow meter somewhere in the middle of the pipe, look them up on the net, you will see what i mean. Its less restrictive than the original air box, as more air enters the pod, and since the pod is located away from the engine bay, colder air enters the engine through throttle body via the pod and pipe. Since colder air is much more dense than hot air, when it mixes with the fuel in the combustion chamber, there is more of an explosion as there is more oxygen to burn, and you get more power.
  13. Ok, as far as i know Peekay would have to be one of the most modified along with livefor6(peekay wannabe :o :o ...... :P :P ..just kidding Stewie :D ), and a few others like danthuyer, who is in QLD, and many others. For the quickest i dont know, but i think i have reached the top speed on the forum in the rolla at 230kp/h. Even these days i ease her in at a lazy 180 just coasting along, the car is just soo good at high speeds, its ridiculously fast. I studied lots of cars before the purchase, even brought the car without test driving it coz i couldnt drive a manual beforehand, luckily the 4 month wait gave me enough time to bunnyhop along. hat got me was the impressive power figures from a 1.8 and the toyota employee discount wiping 21%off the normal price. The car is worth every cent as my only major issue wez the replacing of the left front strut, dont have any vibrations or gear cable noise
  14. No Questions what so ever, not only does it contribute to performance, but you dont have to touch the air pod for 50,000 k's and even then you simply wash it and re-oil it, not to mention it creates more open room under the hood for hands on stuff if youre a DIY.
  15. I might just get a sticker and put it on the original cap, then its TRD :D
  16. A twin turbo 2zz, that would be worlds first. Keep it NA all the way, its more fun when you beat a turbo. We are lucky the way these engines work, spin all the way to 8 grand, so theres quite a few posibilities, even though 140kw out of the stock 1.8 NA is pretty damn good, awesome actually.
  17. You dont have to remove the CAI, just take the origonal airbox with you and any mods they need to perform they can do so on the original box.
  18. You can see it as you open the door, its on the inside wall of the car, hard to explain, but with the door open you cant miss it.
  19. Hey Kcorro, is that chick in your advatar coming as well or is that you after your latest mods?? :P :P
  20. Just wondering if the person who owns a white corolla with white 17's lowered, at VU in Footscray has joined the forum, i left the URL on your window. IF you have, welcome aboard, if you havent....................what are you waiting for??? are you crazy????
  21. I love it, it's changed the way i think about this engine and Toyota's customer service, as Steve Irwin would say "CRICKEY!!! AV' A LOOK AT THIS BEAUTY!". Left it in 6th, revs dropped to 2000, and she pulled away soo smooth, no shakes and wining from the engine. I tried to launch from 5 grand and the front end jusr torquesteered left, hit wheelspin and bounced off the limiter leaving a nice pile of tyre smoke behind. Did you guys get a Plate stamped on the inside just below the door hinge on the drivers side with the date the recall took place???
  22. The engine pulls stronger from as low as 3000, and its soo much stronger from 4000 to 6000. In lift, i reackon it actually feels even better, like its about to rip the front end out. The way it is now, its easily a sub 10 second 0-100 even without using lift, with lift low 7's. I noticed they didnt disconnect my battery and also the air flow meter was changed.
  23. It's just a simple replacement of the whole strut. After 25 thousand K's my left front tyre is completely worn out. These tyres are so soft, they wear out by sitting in your driveway.
  24. You want a black corolla, i'll sell you mine.
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