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Fuel consumption survey (3.5L Kluger)


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Ok I have been reading a lot on the thread about fuel consumption. I have a kluger kx s 2012. Which is awesome to drive I have had a few issues with a surging feeling in deacceloration stage which I have taken back to dealer and they can't find anything wrong. Anyhow my fuel consumption is ****. The first 1000klm was about 14-15l/100klm. Which I was warned about but told it would get better after 1st service and then get better after 5000klm. Which I have now hit. After 1st service it was sitting around 12 then has consistently been at around 14-15 again. I have tried premium 95 and still only get about 400klm out of a tank. I have not driven it for 2 weeks fueled it up drove home fuel economy was about 10.9 drove it the next day and it sat on 18l/100 and has only just dropped to 15 over the week. 265klm half tank of fuel. My friend just picked her new kluger up this week and hers is sitting on 12.9l /100. Any heads up I'm not a led foot and we have 80klm zones for half the trip 15klm trip to work.

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I've found this thread very interesting. I've only had my Kluger for a week. Picked it up with 1/2 tank of ??. Topped it up with 95RON ( I used 95RON in my '99 Ford Fairmont which gave me good fuel economy on the highway). I've only driven the Kluger on short suburban trips so far (with the occasional 10km freeway run) and showing 13.5. I asked the service station attendant whether many customers used 95. He replied that it wasn't popular as many thought 95RON meant it had 5% ethanol. I tried 5% ethanol once; got less kilometres for my money. I've found the 95 good value for money so will stick with it. Have a trip from Brisbane to Melbourne coming up, will be interested to see what my fuel economy is.

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Took the Grande 2wd for it's maiden "out of town" voyage today.

600km round trip to Rockhampton (Qld) and back.. even then... it now only has 850km's on the speedo.

Was a good run and didn't push it too hard ( it's still my new baby ya know !!! ) kept it as close as i could to 100km/h and 110km/h in the appropriate zones with the occasional overtaking punching it up round the 120 - 130. (did i say that out loud ??)

got back home with it reporting 10.6 l/100km... Gotta say i'm pretty happy with that... still being a new motor and yet to loosen up a bit.

oh... and for those that are interested.. it's running on 95RON.. i never put anything less in any of my vehicles


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ok can i ask a stupid dumb blodd question i notice a few of the last posts are from queensland...thats not the stupid question what is 95ron i usually fuel up at caltex and put 95 unleaded in. I have booked my kluger in as it still feels running rough. I am averaging 13-15l/100klm so am keeping a journal of fuel consumption because i have to wait a month for the booking. I still have the feeling of it wants to change gears but doesn't and even when you take your foot off the accelerator it has a pulling back feeling and the needle on the rev counter goes up a notch then goes down about 2..

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95RON = 95 Unleaded = Premium Unleaded

And there's no such thing as a stupid dumb Question.. Just stupid dumb people...but lucky for us they are all driving Nissan's.

When you say "Running rough" is it coughing or missing when you put the foot down ??... or just a vibration ???

The short time i've had mine... running around town will have it sitting around the 15l/100km

Disclaimer- No offence was intended on the Nissan comment... I'm sure Nissan drivers are nice, intelligent people.. in fact.. some of my friends own Nissan's ... and i do like them... well.. when i say "Like"... i mean that i may allow them in my presence and may even allow them to look at the Kluger... but not touch it.


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ok can i ask a stupid dumb blodd question i notice a few of the last posts are from queensland...thats not the stupid question what is 95ron i usually fuel up at caltex and put 95 unleaded in. I have booked my kluger in as it still feels running rough. I am averaging 13-15l/100klm so am keeping a journal of fuel consumption because i have to wait a month for the booking. I still have the feeling of it wants to change gears but doesn't and even when you take your foot off the accelerator it has a pulling back feeling and the needle on the rev counter goes up a notch then goes down about 2..

With my kluger,I really couldnt find any difference in performance or economy, when using 95 over 91, but 98, thats a different story, the kluger loves it, especialy bp ultimate, she gets up and boogies, the car feels more liverly and the power deleivery is smoother. I notice while driving around gently, that when going around a corner or lightly accelerating the transmission sometimes seems to have a gap, it doent seem to know to shift up or down, I had the same problem with my old prado, but in general the gear shifts are seemless and precise, its only when slowly accelerating or decerating there seems to be a bit of a gap in the gear changes, but im not worried about it because as I said in general its offers smooth and precise changes.


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Just to expand on what Jaydub said...RON= Research Octaine Number.

I've just filled up my Kluger for the second time since owning it. Both times using 95. Yet to see what difference (if any) over 91 based on what I've been reading in this thread (mind you I've only done suburban km..haven't drivien it anywhere above 80km'h Will take it for a good run on 110km/h zone on weekend when I drive to Southport). I believe 95 is a better quality of fuel, or is that just propaganda? I had a '99 Ford Fairmont which gave me 15-20% better fuel economy and noticebly more power when using 95 rather than 91.

Croco, after reading your post, I'm tempted to try 98 in the Kluger. We have a Shell card (salary sacrifice) so the extra cost doesn't hurt so much....end up paying same as price of 91 unleaded.

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Hi don, I agree with you, I think 95 is better fuel than 91, I use to 95 in my old 4 litre prado and in our territory and get better economy and power ,but like you cant see any difference between the two in the kluger, whether or not the kluger got a different state of tune, who knows, the 98 is great, but the price difference is a bit steep, I havent done the maths, but been told its actually cheaper to use the more exspensive 98, the debate still out there, but im also got the privlige of having a salary sacrafice with a company fuel card so the price difference isnt that big of a deal.

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Hi everyone, just thought I would add my 2 cents worth. I live in the rural area just outside of darwin and have a kluger grande AWD. My wife who is the main driver makes a 100km return trip each day. Being in darwin the aircon is always on when we drive especially at the moment with build up. We also use the cruise control quite a bit.

We have had it for 2 months and have done 6000 km. In that time for the first 6 refuels I used caltex98 and for the last 6 have used standard unleaded.

The average L per100km for the premium was 12.4 and for standard was 12. What was interesting whilst using premium the average per tank varied from as low as 10.8 up to 14.5. However premium varied 11.2 to 12.5.

We will be driving to Melbourne in December so will let you know the results of that trip.

Very happy with the kluger.

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  • 1 month later...

2012 Kluger KX-R 2WD

Just returned from a 2000k round trip Newcastle to Brisbane. Most of the way it returned 8.3/100k constant.

On the road from Surfers to Caboolture the consumption dropped dramatically to low 7's and for the last 50k or so was steady on 7.0/100k travelling at 100-110kph.

This is brilliant for the size of the motor and the weight it carries.

The only load onboard was myself and my luggage and some junk so that would make a difference. I would not expect these figures with 4 passengers and a heap of luggage.

The car is a dream to drive on long distance, everything is so effortless and very comfortable.

I used Caltex premium going up and BP Ultimate on the return journey. The car did seem to respond better to the BP Ultimate but returned similar consumption figures.

Around here it seems that Caltex unleaded and premium are the same thing so i wont be wasting my money on caltex premium any more but will buy BP Ultimate whenever possible.

Thats about right Barnsey. I average about 12 metro driving but can have consumption as low as 7.8 freeway driving.

I normally get around 8.1 for our annual trip up to the central coast from Sydney.Very impressive!

Always use 95 or 98. Not sure if economy levels are better than 91 but a least i know 98 will keep the engine healthy and clean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The fuel economy of the kluger would make diesel owner green with envy, just returned from a week away in newcastle and the coast and the kluger averaged 9.8 L100 to nelsons bay from dubbo cruising along at 100kmh,double demerit points so taking niceand easy, then on the way home filled up at maitland with caltex vortex and averaged 8.4 L 100 cruising along at 115 to 120 kmh with a few full trottle overtaking moves, so very happy with the economy over the whole trip, this is the first time I have used caltex vortex, but very impressed with the economy with vortex , but the probadly still some ultimate still in the tank, so its a bit hard to tell if I was better economy with vortex, I hadnt used caltex fuels for years, the last time was when I had our SS commodore, which always seemed to peform pretty well on the vortex, but like a couple of members said my kluger seems to run better on BP ULTIMATE,so I probadly stick it and I also agree at least the engine running clean healthy.

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Hi all. I have a 2011 AWD KX-R. Mostly used on the freeway (M5 Sydney) and its currently indicating an average of 8.6. I usually fill up with E10. I don't really notice any improvement in performance or economy using 95 or 98. Overall fuel consumption is 9.6 for the last 40k, so pretty impressed overall

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The fuel economy of the kluger would make diesel owner green with envy, just returned from a week away in newcastle and the coast and the kluger averaged 9.8 L100 to nelsons bay from dubbo cruising along at 100kmh,double demerit points so taking niceand easy, then on the way home filled up at maitland with caltex vortex and averaged 8.4 L 100 cruising along at 115 to 120 kmh with a few full trottle overtaking moves, so very happy with the economy over the whole trip, this is the first time I have used caltex vortex, but very impressed with the economy with vortex , but the probadly still some ultimate still in the tank, so its a bit hard to tell if I was better economy with vortex, I hadnt used caltex fuels for years, the last time was when I had our SS commodore, which always seemed to peform pretty well on the vortex, but like a couple of members said my kluger seems to run better on BP ULTIMATE,so I probadly stick it and I also agree at least the engine running clean healthy.

This is what I have been saying for years in my mega thread on the Kluger *and now my FJ*

These engines are a gem, over double the power of an oil burner smoke machine, 10 times the character!, they have a soul, and they use very little if any more fuel :)

You just can not beat these modern V6 petrol BEASTS!

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Hey all. I will re-post this link for those that missed it. It is one of the better fuel comparo's that I have seen as they allow for pretty much everything. So much dodgy info around about the different fuels so good to see some actual real evidence.

I also guess you have to ask yourself if you are prepared to risk e10 in a pricey vehicle? Have heard a few horror stories!


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Cheers wilsact,I remember seeing that comparo on a ACA,the price difference beetween premium and regular unleaded ia asbosolutly ridiculous,especialy 98, I cant understand why there is such a huge gap in price, the gap seems to got larger in the last couple of years, I would like to know why?.

I dont personally like e10 fuels, but in the owners manuel it sais the kluger is e10 compatible, so I guess its what ever works for you.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all

I bought Toyota Kluger 2013 Altitude model last year. I live in Adelaide and my economy on regular basis is about 10.8L per 100 KM. Worst was 12L per 100 KM when i was on holidays and driving was short trips to coles and shopping centres. Other time i drive to work and back home . I do live in Hilly areas. I guess it all depends upon how you drive and yes indeed how much traffic you get.

But one suggestion i do have for all is the tyre pressure which i keep about 38 to 40 PSI


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Hi ,

I have a 2013 KXR (2WD)and at present i get 9.4 on 95 , 8.9 on 98...................never used E10.


Edited by DDC73
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I have a Nov 2011 model kxr 2wd and can't get anywhere the km you lot are getting. Getting around 13-14L l per 100km. I only use 95 and sometimes 98 fuel. Most of the travel is city driving with 23, 000 km on the clock. Wish I could get the same consumption.

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Agree the lowest i get is 12-13 i travel in an 80klm zone most of my daily trip with 2 sets of lights. And i would say i drive pretty much like a nanna..haha in other words im not heavy on the pedal or brakes. i have 2012 kluger s 2wd 35000klm

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  • 2 months later...

It would be good if people would mention tyre pressure used when listing economy figures?
Some people run 32 psi!! As mentioned above... 38 to 40 is best with std profile 17" tyres.

2012 KXR 2WD 25000k
Best 7.0 hwy usual low 8s.
City 10.5
Towing 14' van 14.0
40 psi std profile tyres.
Always use 98 octane.

Edited by KX-R & ACV40R
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i still have orginal tyres was told 31psi by toyota 34psi by local mechanic and when haf wheel balance done i was told i had to much pressure in my tyres would love to know..as mentioned original tyres on kxs what would the recommened psi be for better fuel econ. did highway trip just recently 10L/100 was the best we got

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  • 2 weeks later...

Having just upgraded from an 2007 KXR 7 seat 2wd to a 2012 KXR 7 seat AWD, I was expecting a rise in my consumption going to AWD.

However so far I am not noticing any difference on a 50/50 mix of hwy and suburban returning 9.8.

I will shoot down to Sydney in the next week or so and see if my usual 8.4 for that trip in the old car is replicated (Pacific Hwy), and so have a better idea of any differences.

I transferred my near new tyres over to the new car so we are comparing apples with apples in that regard. Can I assume that the electric steering and RCC battery charging system on this '12 model is making up for the extra drag from the AWD?

Interestingly, this new car is an ex Hertz rental with 50,000km and in great nick, but for the first 200 km the economy numbers on the green worm display screen would not drop below 30 until I filled up.(I guess due to some pretty spirited driving by the last renters still being expected by the computer).

The distance remaining screen after my first refill started at 320km, and now after 4 refills it is up to 450km, a long way short of the 690km that was always shown after refills on the old car. This may be due to my topping up every few days whilst I take advantage of E10 at $1.32 at the moment at my local BP.

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my 2007 KXS AWD Kluger usually gets around 13L/100KM, I run 40PSI on my 19" tyres as well.

I don't do much freeway driving though, its usually on 80km roads and around the City.

Edited by nhutty
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