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Rollas Made in South Africa


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Toyota, which has been importing the Corolla Hatch from South Africa since last year, says it has had no problems with quality.

"We have not had any feedback from customers to suggest any problem"

Spokeman Mike Breen

Herald Sun Cars Guide 12/11/2004 P12

Well I have some things to say

There is a problem with the corollas quality, look at all the problems we have all come across, not to mention the recall that happened due to Toyota fitting the wrong ECU :huh: .

As far as I'm concerned that is a PROBLEM.

Also - I think our concerns and problems we have repeatively told toyota are falling on DEAF EARS- because this person claims to have had NO FEEDBACK from customers to suggest any problems.

What an absolute joke :angry:.

Im not going to stand for this cause as far as I am concerned with comments made like that Toyota is being misleading as there has been numerous problems with the South African Built corolla and I feel (as should many members) that our feedback is falling on deaf ears

Does anyone have any ideas on what we could do, possibly go to the papers and outline the truth over the corolla. It really peeves me that they will get away with this if nothing is done.

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why dont we send a link and some letters explaining our problems to the herald sun car guide to dispute what toyota are saying.

There are always problems however for car enthusisats when it comes to problems with cars, the average person driving along in their normal car ay not even notice their is a problem as they though thats how it was meant to be.

case point: a friend whose car pulled to the left and steering vibrated at over 80kmh, it was more like a violent shudder. 2002 toyota corolla auto sedan, japanese built. bought from new! "It was always like that. Isnt that meant to be like that so i dont speed?"

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Does everyone really have big problems? or only a few of us?? To be honest the only problem i have is a rattle on the power window/coin holder panel. I have had my front left strut replaced, my vibrating number plate fixed. The gearbox? i dont know if it's all toyota's fault, i have to admit at times it is mine, trying to shift at 8000rpm and landing in lift aint easy, i think we all have to agree. Im not saying we shouldnt complain, but are these problems that huge that you cant live with or drive the car, i mean what do you guys really expect from a $30,000 car??? mass produced in a fast paced environment??Perfection???Unless there are major, major issues i think we could be wasting our time because by reading between the lines Toyota doesent think there are Major problems with the vehicle, there are niggling ones yes, but thats were the dealers and their customer service come into it. I dont think there is any car out there that hasent got niggling bugs.

Maybe at our next major meet we should all document our faults, take fotos were possible and walk together at the Toyota headquarters and forward our claims, instead of taking fotos and checking out eachothers rims. Is this is such a concern to members, action must be taken and fast and we must do it together and in person, letters etc are a long shot, its easier but takes longer, our warranties wont last forever and the more K's you clock on the better it is for Toyota.

Too much talk nothing done....it isnt that hard....i dont have major issues with the car but i am willing to support fellow members. It has to be soon, before Xmas. My suggestion is in a couple of weeks, all problematic melbournians turn up.....all interstate members back everything up by letters....Give full name, car engine VIN.adress and complain on an A4 sheet.PM me your details in Word format, i will print them out and forward them to Toyota Headquarters.........if we have 100+ members it will make their ears buzz and something might be done.

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sportivo you have had your gear problem fixed? now with the problem was it the same as: Hard to pull out of first and hard to put into second? cause if you have had it fixed there is some promise for all of us.

lucio_libre if you had the gear issue that 70% of us has HAVE/had, your comment about paying 30,000 and what to expect would be diff. Cause if i pay 30K I EXPECT TO BE ABLE TO CHANGE GEARS AFTER 5.5KRPM.

Edited by ADR_rolla
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I have to admit the issues with the Sportivo and a less than great attitude from Toyota Australia was one of the contributing factors to me choosing to trade to another car. A common attitude with them seems to be if you take the car over 6000rpm you are racing it and therefore they do not wish to take responibility for the issues.

You do not put out a car that makes all its power well over 6000rpm if people are not supposed to drive there. You do not then advertise that car driving and reving hard on twisty mountain roads with a driver who gets over excited, and overdosing on adrenalin caused by that drive and the associated 141kw. I am afraid Toyota has lost me as their attitude is just to old school, and frankly they should not really be selling performance cars.

In total contrast since the purchase of the RX8 2 weeks ago I have had 4 phone calls from Mazda Australia. The first was to thank me for purchasing the car and to give me a contact number at the head office for me to call if I have issues. They just asked that first I report it to my dealer and have them look at it and if I get the car back still with the issue without a satisfactory explanation to then call that number so as they can contact the dealer and ask why it was not addressed and then organise one of their people to meet me there to look at it. The 2nd call was to let me know that they were sending an invitation out to me to partake in some track days and high performance driver training as they wish for me to learn how to use my new car to it's full potential and are encouraging me to drive the car on the track so as to enjoy it for what it is. During this call I was asked if I was still satisfied and if I had any concerns of which I mentioned one about a noisy clutch. They asked me to contact my dealer the next day and have them look at it. I did not get a chance to call the dealer as they called me after Mazda Australia rang them about my concern.

The 3rd call was to follow up with me about my clutch and ask if it was looked at and if I was happy with the outcome.

The final call was to give me some information on a couple local clubs for RX series cars which hold various track days throught the year, so as I might join them on these days. I asked on this call about my warranty if I did these track days and was told it would not effect it as they encourage you to do it and would not sell this type of car if they were not going to support the owner enjoying it's abilities.

Now I know they only do this with RX8 buyers but it shows real support for their product and confidence in it, and makes me feel very happy and confident with my purchase.

Mr Toyota I hope you are reading this and take some notes, If you wish to keep selling performance vehicles marketed in such a way as to show they are just that then maybe you should support those who buy them and not just call us louts and hoons, passing off any issue just because you think they are boy racers because they had the audacity to fall for your marketing and buy your product!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Sorry guys for the long email and I hope you do get some type of favourable settlement to your issues.


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I dont think its a fair comparision. The RX8 costs around 60 grand for starters, its not a corolla. The corolla was never meant and is never meant to be the top notch sports model, i mean im sure mazda doesent recommend these clubs etc for its sp23. Maybe had we spent 60K plus for a lexus we would also get the same service, however for a cheap sports corolla i am more than impressed with what I get from my dealer and from the car. I mean its all fair what you guys say, but for myself i can not complain and im sure there are a few others in the same league just do not wish to state their opinion as they might get blasted. It's always easier to winge than to give credit, when its due its due, I for one cant complain, all my issues are dealt with or have been dealt with.

Some people are too damn fussy these days, they will never get satisfied. Zoom Zoom Zoom ;)

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yeah i agree i too only purchased the car because of its high performance.

otherwise i wouldve brought a subaru rs impreza/or a mazda sp23.

the car is great but if i take it to toyota on monday and the problem isnt resolved properly im gonna hit the f@#$n roof.

i didnt pay all that money to have a car i cant drive the way i want. and personally driving it at the moment is giving me the s@#ts because the gears are getting on my nerves.ya try to overtake someone or take off from a set of lights and it wont change thats not on.

we need to do something maybe even if we have a cruze day meet somewhere and goto evry dealership with our stivos and boycot them over a few weekends im sure the will take notice then when new customers are turned away by us letting them know what there getting into.

evryone in evry state should do the same thing.

i was so angry when i read that report in todays paper lies lies lies.

lets do it and make em listen you canonly approach them with letters and being nice for so long then its time to get serious and force them to listen and do somthing about the problems.

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That's a bit extreme and would only make them think badly of the forum and it's members. Like it was stated earlier - meet up, document and photograph any faults on all cars and keep following this up until you get results.

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i think a lot of drivers are being a bit fussy and overreactive.... the car has the performance but on the road is not the place to use it.... drive it on the track occasionally and ity might be a different thing.

The shift in the stivo is a million times better than an sp23 but its the clutch and shifter cables that let the car down...

Once out of warranty, these are the first items for fixing by me... not a company that will replace with the same parts.

The car is a compromise, between performance and a commuter hatch. If we all wanted true performance, do like stewy and buy a sports car.. not a sports hatch.

Once again marketing has created a quality perception gap, leaving customers on the outer.

At the end of the day, the stivo does what is was manuafactured to do, and it does it as it should for a grey cardigan wearing comapny producing them, with out emotion. (half tounge in cheek half serious read into this as you will)

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I have to agree with ilivforrx8!!! and Lucio on this one. Not all of us have the problems mentioned and I do think that some are being a little bit pedantic over some rattle or squeak. Again for those who love to misquote me there is a certain number of cars who do have this gearbox trouble but is totally the cars fault? When I got my Stivo I went over it with a fine tooth comb checking the paint for blemishes etc. Found a couple and reported them. I got told that they would fix them but the possibility of getting the finish the same as the rest of the car was not guaranteed. So I fixed them myself. Problem solved. Sometimes you just have to do things yourself then you have the satisfaction that the problem/defect is fix to your level of satisfaction. AGAIN for those with this gearbox issue LISTEN AND READ before you go replying to me and telling me I know nothing. If Toyota is not giving you any satisfaction get a second opinion from an gearbox specialist. get him to report his findings in writing then front Toyota with the issue. Lawyer's don't front up to court without any evidence so neither should you.

Next step- give Toyota a chance to respond with a solution to the problem. If the solution is unsatisfactory then ask for another. If you get nowhere then you go the Department of Consumer Affairs. They will then mediate between you and Toyota to solve the problem until you're happy with the outcome. Then Toyota will take notice when you involve a Government department. Bad PR is not what they want and done in the right way will see the result we or some of you want to see - the problem solved properly once and for all.

So gather your evidence, front Toyota with it, see what they want to do to help. Then if nothing is achieved, everyone contact Consumer Affairs and watch what happens then. It only takes a couple of complaints and they all over them like ants at a picnic!

Hope this helps those who have a problem and gives some new directon to those who think they have run out of options.


PS. Think silver cars were made by the Lexus side of the factory!!! ( just joking for those of you who think to seriously!)

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Hi All,

Sorry SILVABULLIT i completly disagree with u about being pedantic i today drove another members vehicle today to actually see this gear box issue for my self and OMG is that bad.

The car will not shift from 1st into 2nd at anything over 5k rpm's.

Then when shifting from 2nd into 3rd anything over 5k rpm's causes the worst crunching sensation u have ever heard. As if the clutch wasnt pressed at all.

Now as for your second comment about getting a government agency involved .... well. All i can say is those dept's are employeed by our tax'es to simply make the consumer feel as though they have rights. It's simply a false sense of hope a fake net.

How can i comment about this. Well i have done everything u mentioned below already. Several times over...... Actually got 3 government agencies involved to NO AVAILE THEY WERE ALL USELESS AS IF THEY WERE PAID OFF BY THESE BIG CORPRATES...LIKE I SAID PAID BY OUR TAXES...BUT HMMM IM SURE BIG COMPANY'S PAY MORE TAX THAN AN INDIVIDUAL!!!!!!!. I have even flown overseas to get some action on this stuff. You mentioned in the CES exhaust post that there is nothing like spending your own money for the benifits of others. Well with my trip, my countless emails, phone conversations both in aus and international calls, countless number of meetings with people from toyota i would say i have spend a fair amount of personal wealth to help everyone here out.

Oh and apparantly i had my clutch replaced. Well only 1200 km's in and the same problem i had before has come back. To be honest i am now questioning toyota integrity the clutch which was supposed to be new now feels like the old one and all they did was tighten a few things and apply some WD40 to make the noises go away. HONESTLY TOYOTA IS JUST HOPELESS ............


Cheers Xoom

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i agree with xoom. although it's hard to understand since some of us don't have to live with it everyday. and believe me, it was beyond annoying. i see it as a house with a leaking roof. any house however cheap or expensive wouldn't have a roof that leaks. i also believe most who have bought a sportivo bought it because of its power, how it makes its power, and where in the rev range it make its power. if i wanted to buy a 140+kw hatch without the skyhigh rev limit, i would have bought a different car.

and tbh, i was very very shocked with the shift quality at high rpm, esp when it jammed on me the first time. had i not found a fix for it, i would have sold it ages ago and felt VERY CHEATED. things like that are not acceptable in any vehicle and i don't mean rattles and squeaks.

basically, yes it is a 30k car. but in any car there are basic requirements that need to be met. i can also think of situations where a stuck shift lever halfway thru a gearchange can cause accidents. IT IS THAT BAD.

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I think i need to drive a car with this gear problem..luckily i havent had any trouble with high rev shifting yet :unsure:

it sounds extremely annoying..

didnt some people have success with fixing the problem by reaplcing the Flywheel clutch and pressure plate?

p.s. ADR Rolla i saw you on Lower Plenty road the other day (i flashed you) :)

p.p.s Nice rims :)

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I only hope for my gearbox to stay intact long enough till i purchase my next car. I don't know how long it will last from the gears crunching "once in a while". My mates that sit in my car wonder why i bang the limiter so often when trying to impress and you all know the stock 2ZZGE doesn't sound as nice when revved past 7800rpm (sounds like sh*t sometimes) but that is the only way i can shift properly to attempt to land LIFT. If i don't do that there is 0% chance of me landing above 5500rpm 1st-2nd.

Adding on what Shao said, it is very disappointing as high revving cars need a good gearbox and shifter to exploit the full potential. But as most of us believe the problem lies in the clutch/flywheel assembly. A truck driver can shift quicker than a Stivo driver when the shifter jams <_<

Edited by ZEEROLLA
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look i know what i said sound extreme but i waited half this year to make sure i got the car i wanted with sporty looks good economy and plenty of power and this was the best of the bunch for the price howeva im getting peeved that ya spend the money on a car ya think is gonna be fantastic but when ya start having issues it really gets to ya.

when i first had it my 1000k service i told them i had this problem and they said the gearbox needed to be run in now it has 7000ks and its alot worse than when i first reported it.

mine is going in tomorrow so ill see what they say about it then. but ive got a really short fuse and being stuffed around makes my blood boil.

if they fix the problem sweet if they say its somthing else and nothing changes then there will be trouble.

if they dont wanna fix it or dont know how to fix it they should say so not make up stuff to get ya out of there.

so ill report back with yas.

p.s im so so so dissapointed i thought this car was gonna be a great buy but with people slowly coming out and reporting these problems. im starting to think different.

if things keep going on like this ill be doing as livforrx8 and trading it in on another car.

dont want to but i wont put up with this forever.

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