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Dob in a hoon

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Oh (sigh) again... how am I a hypocrite?? Where have I complained anywhere about being caught?? Whether I am aware or not aware of such legislation, it does not make me hypocritical. Please... just spare me the bollocks...

I make no bones about it - like everyone else here - I, at occasional points in time, have exceeded the limit. But I am not going to advocate leniency just to get myself off the hook.... the point I am making is that if the laws are the laws, then they should be strictly adhered to by both driver AND the sentencing judge.

Regardless of whatever laws you may want in place Qkslvr, the simple fact of the matter is that you and I will know them before we hop into our vehicles. On that logic, neither of us have any grounds to complain in the event of being caught. And that is why I take personal offence to you name calling - I advocate tougher sentencing, and you call me a hypocrite - I ask you again, how? Especially as I myself advocate being made an example of if I were stupid enough to drive irresponsibly in full knowledge of the iron fist laws...

These few paragraphs are grounds enough for me to call you hypocritical. It's not name calling, merely criticism based on what you've said. From what you have said so far I can gather you view yourself as a moral and law-abiding citizen (which i have no doubt you are). You have admited to occasionally exceeding the speed limit. So you taking the moral high ground in saying that you don't mind being made an example of makes your comments hypocritical. I won't pretend to know you but one thing is commong amongst everyone, if and when you get caught under a zero-tolerance system with extremely harsh penalties that will impact on your quality of life and livelyhood, you will without a doubt try to get out of it.

Now, put moral judgement aside for a second.... If the third reich had been allowed to continue, it would have succeeded. Ponder that, please... (and please spare me more bollocks about being some extreme right racist)

My reference was not alluding to any racist nonesense. I was merely refering to the extreme-reinforcement aspect. So lets leave that can of worms alone.

What I am trying to say is that if you put such harsh legislation in effect, it continues until all the 'non comformists' have been eradicated. The sensible citizen wont take long to realise its not in their interest to break the road rules - the hoons will continue to have their vehicles confiscated, or licensed cancelled until their are no more of them. Simple logic really... mission accomplished, no more hoons.

It's not that simple because harsh laws are never enforeced properly and subject to abuse. Look at the USA's rendition laws - they have been totally missused and and used off-purpose. Just as hardened and organised criminals rarely get caught (only small timers get done), 'serial hoons' will get away most of the time while average joe gets jail time for doing 70km/h in one of the many 40zones on the Hume 'highway'.

As you seem so concerned for innocent plebs experiencing 'an@l rapage', how about we limit my harsh proposals of jail time or driving bans to repeat offenders, and those that kill/disable people???

Happier??? <_<

Again, this is already the case. So essentially you and I are arguing about nothing over the internet - we're so cool. In hindsight my rants are/where rather long winded and strongly worded at times. I apologize if you where personally offended but I am merely criticising your comments, not you personally. I would like to think we are simply arguing point-on-point here. I don't view this as a flame war so Coke and Popcorn can stay in the pantry.

Edited by qkslvr
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I still maintain, that by definition of the word, you cannot call me hypocritical until I have actually tried to resist the regime... Unfortunately, until then, you must take me on face value...

Either way, I am going to leave this area alone now... no more name calling etc...

Thankyou for the objective post, it really is appreciated :)

when you get caught under a zero-tolerance system with extremely harsh penalties that will impact on your quality of life and livelihood

It doesn't matter if laws are zero tolerance or completely compassionate - the common thing in any legal system is that if you break the laws, you are given an impact on your quality of life as punishment - whether that be a simple parking fine, or 20 yrs for murder.

Before you are issued a license you have a pretty damn good idea as to the applicable road laws - if you break them, you know that your life is going to impacted upon in some way or another.

Some people cant actually afford to run a car well enough to suit their family needs (let alone recreational), and you argue that your life should not be significantly impinged upon by road penalties. If you lose your license, then you will just have to put up with living how these families live - car pooling, catching public transport, even getting a new job. These people cannot fully exercise their right to drive in the present - if you lost your right to drive, it is because you negligently surrendered it; not because it was stolen by the system...

It's not that simple because harsh laws are never enforeced properly and subject to abuse. Look at the USA's rendition laws - they have been totally missused and and used off-purpose. Just as hardened and organised criminals rarely get caught (only small timers get done), 'serial hoons' will get away most of the time while average joe gets jail time for doing 70km/h in one of the many 40zones on the Hume 'highway'.

No doubt a few 'innocents' or 'average joes' will get a huge kick up the backside. That unfortunately is merely a case of collateral or an externality, if you will. Before any scheme comes into place, there will be those good few that get caught in the crossfire. Nothing you can do about it really.

Yes, it seems unfair - but to be absolutist about this, those people caught in the crossfire were still doing 30 over the limit. It is a shame, it really is - but please recall, again, when you got your license. When you took your final driving test, you were forced to stick to the road rules like glue. If you didn't, you were not issued a license - simple. What is the difference now? There shouldn't be any - you were issued a license with specific conditions - those conditions are still legally enforceable on a full license.

You mention the current harshness of car repossession laws - but do you have any statistics on the amount of cars repossessed versus the estimated amount of habitual hoon drivers??

I am wagering that any cars repossessed represent a small drop in the ocean. For some reason, unbeknown to me, sentencing judges in this country demonstrate sheer refusal to deliver maximum sentences. That girl I spoke of a few pages ago; repeat offender and she gets a tiny fine and a 12 month ban.

By increasing the penalties for any offence, you are not necessarily making a zero tolerance regime, but you compensate for the over lenient judges - if judges want to consistently give minimum sentences, then fine....

... but at least raise the minimum sentences a bit to actually represent the level of contempt we should all feel towards blatantly negligent drivers.

Edited by Leroy
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These few paragraphs are grounds enough for me to call you hypocritical. It's not name calling, merely criticism based on what you've said. From what you have said so far I can gather you view yourself as a moral and law-abiding citizen (which i have no doubt you are). You have admited to occasionally exceeding the speed limit. So you taking the moral high ground in saying that you don't mind being made an example of makes your comments hypocritical. I won't pretend to know you but one thing is commong amongst everyone, if and when you get caught under a zero-tolerance system with extremely harsh penalties that will impact on your quality of life and livelyhood, you will without a doubt try to get out of it.

My reference was not alluding to any racist nonesense. I was merely refering to the extreme-reinforcement aspect. So lets leave that can of worms alone.

It's not that simple because harsh laws are never enforeced properly and subject to abuse. Look at the USA's rendition laws - they have been totally missused and and used off-purpose. Just as hardened and organised criminals rarely get caught (only small timers get done), 'serial hoons' will get away most of the time while average joe gets jail time for doing 70km/h in one of the many 40zones on the Hume 'highway'.

Again, this is already the case. So essentially you and I are arguing about nothing over the internet - we're so cool. In hindsight my rants are/where rather long winded and strongly worded at times. I apologize if you where personally offended but I am merely criticising your comments, not you personally. I would like to think we are simply arguing point-on-point here. I don't view this as a flame war so Coke and Popcorn can stay in the pantry.

Somehow, i fall in love with you.. :help: Will you marry me?

*JOKE :whistling:

p/s: stop talking, i dont know when the stupid government will read this and start thinking.. "hrm.. great idea for a revolution to Road Safety Rules?" Which still, unlikely <_<

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Yes I am pro hard penalties on people like Leroy's learner example who was caught doing 200km/hr and got a slap on the wrist. I'm saying if they (the authorities) were really wanting to put a clasp on road safety, they could introduce penalties whereby you wouldn't even hesitate about overtaking that person at 106km/h, you would sit behind them at 98 or set your cruise to 100 and go past like that, for the risk of losing your driving priveledges is just not worth it. That would make people slow down. Would it not? That's what they're pursuing with the P-platers in NSW. I don't consider myself a lucky driver so much as I consider myself an intelligent driver... (don't take that as an implication that I'm proclaiming myself as "too smart for the system" or something ridiculous like that)

Tats: I've been arrested 3 times for that already, WTF is going on here? :lol:

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Just an FYI here guys:

Being serious on the internet is what drove me insane. Nelson was born purely from an implosion to my cerebrum from all the seriousness.

In saying this, badgers burrow and make grunting noises. How cute.

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I'm going to exploit the hoon law by dobbing in:

- Anyone who doesn't park inside the lines (negligent driving as far as I'm concerned)

Those cars should be impounded and crushed into pieces...

Here are a few...


chick driver.. maybe she should learn how to park before going to uni (uni carpark)


This is worst.. middle of two parking... WTF? not like u have a lambo or something..

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p/s: stop talking, i dont know when the stupid government will read this and start thinking.. "hrm.. great idea for a revolution to Road Safety Rules?" Which still, unlikely <_<

Shhh. we're arguing over the internet. can't you see this is important? jeebaz. If you have nothing to add then go back to your Sony Playstation 3. :lol::lol:

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I'm going to exploit the hoon law by dobbing in:

- Anyone who doesn't park inside the lines (negligent driving as far as I'm concerned)

Those cars should be impounded and crushed into pieces...

Here are a few...


chick driver.. maybe she should learn how to park before going to uni (uni carpark)


This is worst.. middle of two parking... WTF? not like u have a lambo or something..

i like to double park sometimes, makes me feel important :lol:

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Scr3w the harsh penalties or the 'dob in a hoon' schemes, they are too indirect. This will definitely slow people down:




*designs courtesy of Sydney Roads and Traffic.

Edited by qkslvr
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Scr3w the harsh penalties or the 'dob in a hoon' schemes, they are too indirect. This will definitely slow people down:




*designs courtesy of Sydney Roads and Traffic.

whoa wtf..that looks real man..imagine if u tried to dodge that..n u crashed into another car that was also trying to dodge it..who's gonna pay???

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p/s: stop talking, i dont know when the stupid government will read this and start thinking.. "hrm.. great idea for a revolution to Road Safety Rules?" Which still, unlikely <_<

Shhh. we're arguing over the internet. can't you see this is important? jeebaz. If you have nothing to add then go back to your Sony Playstation 3. :lol::lol:

it is meaningless to add, coz these imaginary rules will never be used in reality. BTW, how did u know i went for my ps3? Did u peek on me? *blush*

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smokers are jokers ? LOLOL no

dont get why ur getting so worked up about someone calling u a hypocrite over the internet

ffs, u called me a moron LOL and u didnt even know me so stfu all u betchs

Edited by mrs.sportivo
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smokers are jokers ? LOLOL no

dont get why ur getting so worked up about someone calling u a hypocrite over the internet

ffs, u called me a moron LOL and u didnt even know me so stfu all u betchs

Don't forget you called him a dumb c8nt too :) what a lovely young lady

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smokers are jokers ? LOLOL no

dont get why ur getting so worked up about someone calling u a hypocrite over the internet

ffs, u called me a moron LOL and u didnt even know me so stfu all u betchs

Don't forget you called him a dumb c8nt too :) what a lovely young lady

hahas yeah i did :D

and then i got banned >=/

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Don't forget you called him a dumb c8nt too :) what a lovely young lady

The last bird I tried to pick up at Moosehead sounded a bit like that :lol:

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Don't forget you called him a dumb c8nt too :) what a lovely young lady

The last bird I tried to pick up at Moosehead sounded a bit like that :lol:

Hey man, that's still better than the sheilas at Shooters... *shudder*

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awesome stuff ..... wat an entertaining read to see what my thread turned into ...... love all the contributions ..... hahahahahahaha

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awesome stuff ..... wat an entertaining read to see what my thread turned into ...... love all the contributions ..... hahahahahahaha

I'm changing the thread title to "Dob in a Xoom" :lol:

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smokers are jokers ? LOLOL no

dont get why ur getting so worked up about someone calling u a hypocrite over the internet

ffs, u called me a moron LOL and u didnt even know me so stfu all u betchs

Don't forget you called him a dumb c8nt too :) what a lovely young lady

hahas yeah i did :D

and then i got banned >=/


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smokers are jokers ? LOLOL no

dont get why ur getting so worked up about someone calling u a hypocrite over the internet

ffs, u called me a moron LOL and u didnt even know me so stfu all u betchs

Don't forget you called him a dumb c8nt too :) what a lovely young lady

hahas yeah i did :D

and then i got banned >=/


classic..what more can i say?

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Just an FYI here guys:

Being serious on the internet is what drove me insane. Nelson was born purely from an implosion to my cerebrum from all the seriousness.

In saying this, badgers burrow and make grunting noises. How cute.

Hahaha. Kind of like that Tyler Durden Fella from Fight club. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I rhink you're right. All this seriousness has fried my circuits ARGH!

*runs away chanting "His name was Robert Paulson"

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