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Strange things are a foot at the circle k dude!

Hey death ever had a melvin?

Theodore it's the easter bunny!

just a little kiss on the lips!

I could quote lines from the 2 bill and ted movies all night- and still get a laugh out of them!!!!!

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Strange things are a foot at the circle k dude!

Hey death ever had a melvin?

Theodore it's the easter bunny!

just a little kiss on the lips!

I could quote lines from the 2 bill and ted movies all night- and still get a laugh out of them!!!!!

So sad Bren... :rolleyes:

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Do you yourself not find it amusing that you said I clearly had no idea about the 2ZZ drivetrain??.

You dont. If you had you'd stop theoretizing, and saying whats possible, and what's not. You'd stop worrying about MASSIVE STRESSES, cause, it is all OK with the drivetrain. The only thing that needs to be replaced is the clutch. The rest is OK, unless you dont run slicks and LSD... But why am I writing this? You already know these things, don't you?

That is a load of bus**t. The standard drivetrain is a heap of junk and will twist diff transfer casings and that kind of thing if launched at that high revs on a sticky track..

Dont launch that high or ure drivetrain will not handle it!!

Edited by Hames
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Aim for the cat dude... aim for the cat...

...I'm trying Evil Ted I'm trying

F I G H T E V I L U S S E S . . . S A V E T H E B A B E S

That was non, non-non, non haneous

More quotes in the 2nd film IMHO but yeah love them both, ahhhhh the memories.... Now to get started on the Wayne's World Quotes :P

Note, both series' use the line 'Party on Dudes'... :D

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boys boys boys

I leave the forum for a few days and WW3 breaks out :P :P

Ok being the only person i think on this forum who has been in a T-sport and a sportivo (someone correct me if i am wrong :P :P )

I would have to say the t-sport does not feel any faster at all..... The one thing i did notice while in europe though is that the weather is just colder, and humidity so much lower also and very dry...... So to me these environmental factors will definitly affect your performance...

Literally run the 1/4 with temps over 35 in high humidity i gurantee it will never get a time quicker than 1/4 run with temps around 10-15 and very low humidity.

Now does this justify the times seen in europe vs aus.

Maybe, maybe not..... Ok the quickest slip for a stock stivo i have seen was a 15.77 posted a while ago cant remember who from and even they indicated take off was not good and they could go quicker. I remember exec posted a while ago he landed a 15.5 totally stock.

Now with the changes in environment does this mean you could chop over 0.5 a second..... I would think not but im not going to rule it out as i dont think anyone can comment unless they see it ......

Now to the launch techniques..... Imek interesting method and i would try it but my car is used for business & pleasure so i dont have the time to replace the clutch every month or two. I also notice when i launch at anything over 5500 rpm's (by the way still using standard 16 inch rims) that the wheels simply spin endlessly and i dont go anywhere fast and it does slow it down so i imagine at 7000 rpm's it would be worse ? I could be wrong an once the car gets moving the fact that i have launched the car so hard there might be a seen improvement .... either way ill continue to use my technique simply because im not made from gold and cant afford / dont have the time to keep changing my rubbers and clutch every month.

This is not an attack on Imek or negating anything he is preaching im just show the practicality of a 7000 rpm launch and as i havent tried it i cannot comment on how effective it is...... So if you believe it is benificial i will take your word for it.

To the others... In neutral if i simply press the gas until it cuts out mine is at 7000 rpms but it does not change into the high cam. Appears the low cam has a 7000 rpm cut out so i dont know how 6200 rpms is what u guys r seeing ? anyway.

Either way people chill out .... take it easy ..... at the end of the day this is a forum and every1 talks ***** on a forum (i know i occasionaly do :P :P :P :P :P ) and enjoy the forum

If you take everything to heart on an internet forum i think u r wearing ur heart to close to the edge of ur sleeve.

My message to you all GO OUT AND RACE A HONDA ..... I DID THIS WITH A WRX LAST NITE AND DID VERY WELL BY WINNING* :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



* this was in controlled conditions ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Bill - Why don't we use the time machine to go back in time to before your Dad lost the keys, steal them and leave them here so we can use the them to unlock the cell.

Ted - Great idea... Hey it was me who stole my Dad's keys...

Bill and Ted both do the air guitar thing

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Aim for the cat dude... aim for the cat...

...I'm trying Evil Ted I'm trying

F I G H T  E V I L  U S S E S  . . .  S A V E  T H E  B A B E S

That was non, non-non, non haneous

More quotes in the 2nd film IMHO but yeah love them both, ahhhhh the memories.... Now to get started on the Wayne's World Quotes :P

Note, both series' use the line 'Party on Dudes'... :D

I am but one of the two people who think that Wayne's World was the greatest movie of all time ... I don't know the other person, or even if they exist, but they've gotta be out there somewhere ...

Anyway, point is, the phrase "Party on Dudes" wasn't used in its entirety in Wayne's World ... it was either personalised, as in "Party on, Wayne" or it was just a generic "Party on" with some sort of weird hand gesture.

Of course, its been almost 24 hours since I last watched the DVD, so I could be wrong ... :P

And of course, who could forget their first "professional" show, when the voice-over man says in a toffy voice-over man voice "Party on Wayne and party on Garth". Just pure movie magic! :lol:

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