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P-Platers treatment

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The other night was driving home from North Sydney on Pacific Highway, minding my own business, no music not speeding, not doing ANYTHING wrong. anyways, as i was driving up ahead a policemen runs into the middle of the road with a red light waving me down. so naturally i stopped... as it turns out the traffic lights were out, and a few of the street lights so he was angry that i didn't slow down enough, even though i did not know they were out, there was no police car with flashing lights or anything......

i rolled down my window "your a f***king idiot, give me ur f***king licence. on the stop suspension, ur walking home tonight mate" i was like wtf? so i gave him my licence and moved up about 10meters out of the way of traffic. he gave my licence to one of the other officers who went into their car for about 5mins...came back to me, wtf r u doing driving like that, this is a high predestrain area, they dont want to get hit by u. i said that i was doing the speed limit. then he got all defencive 'u know ur p-plate is obscured, i cant see it, get the f***k out and change it now. so i got out, he walked around my car looking at it, i changed my plate and apollogised for it not being correct. he goes u better be sorry, gave me my licence and told me to ***** off.

i managed to take a photo of how it was positioned before i corrected it for the officer. tell me wot u think...was all of that fuss necessary?


btw i am not in anyway making judgements on the police force. i understand that the majority are champions, who are just doing their job, but there r sum real F***K heads around, the same with any group of people i guess. just happend to be my lucky night

anyway i didn't end up getting a fine, cause he said they weren't giving out fines for sum reason?? not sure

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Dont worry about it man. The cop was just trying to scare you. They do it to P Platers all the time.

They were probably just jealous about your smooth ride :P

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I heard about the fine strike on Oz****a.com but i didn't think it would still be on til now.

I thought it was only going for a week.

Anyways, treatment for P-platers by most drivers on the road is fricken *****.

As i remember someone else saying some where: if i speed they give me dirties etc, if i drive too slow (keep at the limit) they tailgate me and give me dirties.

Gah, another pet peeve is when people overtake and speed and go about saying we're all bad drivers...

btw, i don't speed as i can't afford to lose my licence and get fined.

EDIT: forgot about the actual topic.

Well, i myself have never encountered a bad cop before but it's pretty darn obvious that that cop was being totally unreasonable.

Edited by Get Funke
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That P-plate looks fine to me. At least, it should be obvious what it is to anyone who has ever seen one before, imo. My P-plate is stuck inside my rear window, and whilst it is there I doubt that it is as obvious as yours.

They were probably just ****** because you didn't slow down enough for them at the intersection. I have seen one or two get mighty upset at drivers for that, even though I don't think it is strictly illegal not to. Did you get your license suspended (seems you didn't if you could drive off)? I suspect that after conferring with the more senior officer, he realised that he put his foot in his mouth and the P-plate thing was a face-saving act.

Edited by Keisari
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On the spot fines are up to the cops still. It's been going for a few months now. While working I was pulled over for 40+ over limit. I admitted I was a ******* and he let me go. I bet you if I had tried to play innocent and say I wasn't speeding my licsence would of been cut there and then. Remember *most* are just trying to do their job. On green p's btw

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On the spot fines are up to the cops still. It's been going for a few months now. While working I was pulled over for 40+ over limit. I admitted I was a ******* and he let me go. I bet you if I had tried to play innocent and say I wasn't speeding my licsence would of been cut there and then. Remember *most* are just trying to do their job. On green p's btw


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i've had a cop swear at me before. next time ask them "excuse me officer, can I have your id number please. i don't appreciate the tone of voice and language you're using towards me, and if you truly believe i did something wrong then by all means fine me."

they usually ***** themselves and realise they've stepped out of line and revert to the 'oh so nice' tone.

don't let the power get to their heads.

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That P-plate looks fine to me. At least, it should be obvious what it is to anyone who has ever seen one before, imo. My P-plate is stuck inside my rear window, and whilst it is there I doubt that it is as obvious as yours.

NSW road rules state that by law the P-plate must be on the exterior of the vehicle and un-obstructed, that plate is clearly obstructed.

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Yep, plate was obscured alright. Never had a problem with the police, even when I was doing something stupid. I rant about this a lot (several posts in reply to P plate related 'targetting') so I'll spare everyone this time around, if you are actually keen on my views, feel free to do a search.

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That P-plate looks fine to me. At least, it should be obvious what it is to anyone who has ever seen one before, imo. My P-plate is stuck inside my rear window, and whilst it is there I doubt that it is as obvious as yours.

NSW road rules state that by law the P-plate must be on the exterior of the vehicle and un-obstructed, that plate is clearly obstructed. and u can see from how obvious my front one is, that im not obstructing it on purpose or trying to be sneaky.

thats not the point. the point is the way he reacted. if he had of said mate ur plate is obstructed can u fix it.. blah blah ur lucky we're not fining people atm etc.

calling me a f***king d**khead and saying that i better be sorry and telling me to get the f***k out of here is wot i protest to

and there r people with MUCH more obstructed p's around, that honestly is not bad, i hnow have to put up with my reverse light being blocked, which considering im a pizza deliverer makes it hard to reverse out of peoples driveway's etc...

Edited by addy287
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That P-plate looks fine to me. At least, it should be obvious what it is to anyone who has ever seen one before, imo. My P-plate is stuck inside my rear window, and whilst it is there I doubt that it is as obvious as yours.

NSW road rules state that by law the P-plate must be on the exterior of the vehicle and un-obstructed, that plate is clearly obstructed. and u can see from how obvious my front one is, that im not obstructing it on purpose or trying to be sneaky.

thats not the point. the point is the way he reacted. if he had of said mate ur plate is obstructed can u fix it.. blah blah ur lucky we're not fining people atm etc.

calling me a f***king d**khead and saying that i better be sorry and telling me to get the f***k out of here is wot i protest to

and there r people with MUCH more obstructed p's around, that honestly is not bad, i hnow have to put up with my reverse light being blocked, which considering im a pizza deliverer makes it hard to reverse out of peoples driveway's etc...

Were there other people around though? Maybe that cop thought you were doing much faster than you really were, and it wasn't until he went back to the patrol car and checked that he realised you weren't - hence to save face he started picking on you for other things.

Since it was at night too, chances are the cop was just ****** off and wanted to go home - every job has workers who don't want to be there. I'm not saying that justifies the actions, but it might explain them a bit.

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That P-plate looks fine to me. At least, it should be obvious what it is to anyone who has ever seen one before, imo. My P-plate is stuck inside my rear window, and whilst it is there I doubt that it is as obvious as yours.

NSW road rules state that by law the P-plate must be on the exterior of the vehicle and un-obstructed, that plate is clearly obstructed. and u can see from how obvious my front one is, that im not obstructing it on purpose or trying to be sneaky.

thats not the point. the point is the way he reacted. if he had of said mate ur plate is obstructed can u fix it.. blah blah ur lucky we're not fining people atm etc.

calling me a f***king d**khead and saying that i better be sorry and telling me to get the f***k out of here is wot i protest to

and there r people with MUCH more obstructed p's around, that honestly is not bad, i hnow have to put up with my reverse light being blocked, which considering im a pizza deliverer makes it hard to reverse out of peoples driveway's etc...

Were there other people around though? Maybe that cop thought you were doing much faster than you really were, and it wasn't until he went back to the patrol car and checked that he realised you weren't - hence to save face he started picking on you for other things.

Since it was at night too, chances are the cop was just ****** off and wanted to go home - every job has workers who don't want to be there. I'm not saying that justifies the actions, but it might explain them a bit.

yea he was directing traffic at a blackout so he probs was p***ed about that and took it out on me, ahwell.

= life i guess

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If he really was being abussive you should have got his ID number and made a formal complaint. Whether they want to 'be there or not', it is their job and they need to control themselves, any other profession and they would have got the sack over that behaviour. On the other side of the coin they have to deal with abussive ****ers all day so they tend to come out 'guns blazing' to pre-emptively shut them down before they can start running their mouths.

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Not sure about NSW, but the cops in QLD use a voice recorder when they pull you over. I've actually know of a few people that has their own recorders in the car after getting some unprofessional treatment just like you.

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sorry to say but your story seems suspect..... seems to me your not telling us the whole truth, i doubt very much a police officer would use that type of language for such a minor infringement...im just talking from personal experiance

and your p plate is obscered, by law in nsw you must have it attached to a plate holder or have magnet type

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sorry to say but your story seems suspect..... seems to me your not telling us the whole truth, i doubt very much a police officer would use that type of language for such a minor infringement...im just talking from personal experiance

and your p plate is obscered, by law in nsw you must have it attached to a plate holder or have magnet type

agreed...i highly doubt a police officer would use such foul language...if the story you are telling us is TRUE..then you should file a formal complaint because that is totally unacceptable by the police force...

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i have a story to tell, and really need advice, got court hearing and solicitors and everything, but not willing to post as the officer said he owns a sportivo like mine, and i dont want him to see it, by any chance what so ever if hes a member lol

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sorry to say but your story seems suspect..... seems to me your not telling us the whole truth, i doubt very much a police officer would use that type of language for such a minor infringement...im just talking from personal experiance

and your p plate is obscered, by law in nsw you must have it attached to a plate holder or have magnet type

agreed...i highly doubt a police officer would use such foul language...if the story you are telling us is TRUE..then you should file a formal complaint because that is totally unacceptable by the police force...

You would be surprised to see what some officers will do when they know nobody is watching.

There is no point making a formal complaint, because it is his word agains the officer's, and he is the young p plater 'hoon'.

When i was on my p's and i was transporting my 180sx from the workshop to home, i had a cop pull the tow truck over and start giving him crap for my car. I was right behind them, so i stopped and informed the officer that the car was mine, and the ***** just turned on me instead!

The car was not stolen, did not have any record of illegal activity, i owned the thing from the day it landed in Australia.

Far too many cops just let the power go to their heads, and they treat the people they are meant to protect, like worms.

And you are not imagining things if you think cops like to pick on p-platers. I drive 10 times worse in my Magna with a full licence than i did on my p's with my 180sx. I never even get a second look from police in the Magna, but in the 180, police literally chase me down just to try and pin me for something.

It's reached the point where i am just sick of having a car that attaracts attention, and i want to sell it.

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just to keep you all informed of the situation.

i called the police the other day to let them know of what happened and to ask them if i now had a driving record etc.

The lady on the other end of the line was a perfect example of someone who was just doing her job, not going on a power trip like the other guy.

sh could'nt apologise enough to me for the behaviour of the other officers, but said that there really wasn't much point in putting a formal complaint as it would most likely result in nothing happening.

she also said that i DONT have a record now, so the officers at the time were trying to scare me by saying that i would get in alot of trouble if i got pulled over again.

so there, i can relax now. lol all finished

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looking at your P plate, it looks alright IMO, ive seen some dodge plates (some drawn on a piece of lined paper and some fadded till its a white piece of plastic). However i get pulled over so much its not funny anymore, and the tail gating isnt helping with "boom" cars up my backside (maybe its my plates) i think the plates are just universal targets. I have been cursed at by police officers several times, similar situation where there were no warning lights or signs set up (looked like a tree lopper's cones) and the police cars on the side street (out of view). They picked at everything in my car "what is that switch, thats illegal~." I came prepared with my law books and KAPOW! out of a ticket but burnt up 2 hours of my partying time.

yesterday, my friend was getting harassed by a riced up lancer (green P= 18~ age) so the next lights i jumped out and said "are you harrassing my girlfriend" with my hand in my pocket for some reason (wielding my danger phone!), he replied "we were just having a bit of fun" and drove away with my friend cursing her head off at em. Hilarious!

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