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Today Tonight has been advertising bout their Monday night program, highlighting the supposed reverse racism going on at certain businesses. According to the ad, its become difficult for white australians to find jobs in places where it appears that everyone appears to be of indian/asian/wog appearance...

seriously...minority groups gotta find work somewhere!

I dont know about you guys, but it doesnt bother me that nobody at my local carwash is white, or that the guy behind the counter at the local QUIX or 7eleven appears to look muslim or indian in appearance. I havent run into many white Australians that have knocked on my door representing Optus/Telstra/Energy Australia/Origin Energy wanting to talk about business either. Most of those guys who knock on my door appear to be Indian/woggish and theres nothing wrong with that! Ive seen them walking round my neighbouring streets from from late morning to late afternoon.. they must be working on commission to be willing to do what seems to be 12 hour shifts door to door.

Personally I look at it as there are certain people who are not willing to do certain jobs that others are.

Although admittedly, the news article hasnt shown yet on channel 7, the commercial appears comes across as though its wrong for minorities to work together, that there has to be a white person in there to make the workplace appear equal opportunity or something.

Has anyone else seen the ad? Agree? Disagree?

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reverse racism

I contest the word 'reverse' in your post. It doesn't matter who racist comments or actions are directed towards, it is still racist.

I agree with Dave.

Certain jobs attract certain people whether its an age, ethnic, socio economic or other group. There are many jobs around that have been "taken" over by these different groups.

If they are being particular to undesirable jobs then of course you are going to see this more often than not. Not only will that job only be wanted by certain groups but it makes sense to only hire people who are going to fit in. A happy employee is much more useful than an alienated employee.

This happens in every single job at varying levels and you can not stop it.

Is it a bad thing? There are too many variables to commit saying yes or no.

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And in a post about racism, too! Smooth. ;)

the commercial appears comes across as though its wrong for minorities to work together, that there has to be a white person in there to make the workplace appear equal opportunity or something.

I'd consider tokenism to be more offensive than blatent racism.

Theres nothing wrong with minorities working together, providing those minorities don't expect to be working only with each other, and aren't stopping people from other groups from working with them. Thats wrong, but it happens. As I see it, a factor in the problem is that minorities have their own little 'countries' within our cities. Most major cities have a Chinatown or a Greek or Muslim or whatever area. The problem there is that they aren't required to interact with the culture of the country they are in. If anything, these communities help to segregate minorities further. If we go to their countries, we are expected to abide by their laws and fit in with their way of life, no matter our culture. We are expected to fit in with their culture. If they come to ours, we make exceptions to allow for their culture. We throw them a bone, because we like to be labled 'tolerant' and 'accepting of all cultures' when sometimes its just not practical.

This will probably come across as a racist rant but thats not how its intended.

All that said, theres a good chance its a typical TT beatup making it appear worse/completely different than it really is.

reverse racism

I contest the word 'reverse' in your post. It doesn't matter who racist comments or actions are directed towards, it is still racist.


Edited by Paradigm
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Today Tonight is running the commercial with the term - reverse racism is not something I made up. Although I totally agree with you Dave + Taco, when I heard the commercial saying it, I instantly understood what they were suggesting.

I think its best to wait til monday.. hopefully ill remember to catch today tonight to see exactly what theyre trying to get at.

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Just because certain jobs don't have Whites doesn't necessarily mean Racism is formed. Guy at 7 eleven and stuff are mostly indians, coz I heard they're willing to go for cheaper labour than of the standard. Few others have their own reasons I don't need to list.

Theres nothing wrong with minorities working together, providing those minorities don't expect to be working only with each other, and aren't stopping people from other groups from working with them. Thats wrong, but it happens. As I see it, a factor in the problem is that minorities have their own little 'countries' within our cities. Most major cities have a Chinatown or a Greek or Muslim or whatever area. The problem there is that they aren't required to interact with the culture of the country they are in. If anything, these communities help to segregate minorities further. If we go to their countries, we are expected to abide by their laws and fit in with their way of life, no matter our culture. We are expected to fit in with their culture. If they come to ours, we make exceptions to allow for their culture. We throw them a bone, because we like to be labled 'tolerant' and 'accepting of all cultures' when sometimes its just not practical.

I agree this at a certain point. But seriously, who doesn't? Take 7/11, An Indian manager would hire an Indian for the comfort of being the same maybe in terms of language - communication, culture, etc. Just like a White manager who would hire a white instead of indian / other ethnicity for the communication and the culture. Why don't Azn shops hire whites? Why Japanese restaurants don't hire whites / indian?? Why I never see any Azn in tuffies? Racism is often not the case.. It's just the culture of cre8ing a good work environment by Managers..

Edited by VF-X
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Don't let anything on Today Tonight or ACA get to you, an episode of Family Guy has more journalistic integrity that current affairs shows. I actively avoid watching either of them because I find them insulting to my intelligence.

There do seem to be a disproportionate number of Indians doing the Quickie-Mart shifts, can't say I've noticed any vocations with an abundance of Middle-Eastern or Asian persons, except in restaurants or grocery stores from those areas, which is hardly surprising or controversial.

I know a number of white Australians who I'd readily describe as "job-snobs", and wouldn't even consider working at the local Quix because they consider themselves above that kind of work (personally I'm a firm believer that beggars can't be choosers).

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I know a number of white Australians who I'd readily describe as "job-snobs", and wouldn't even consider working at the local Quix because they consider themselves above that kind of work (personally I'm a firm believer that beggars can't be choosers).

Im willing to admit to being one of those people who would absolutely rather be unemployed than hand out pamphlets or sell anything door to door. Thats only because I know I can do better than those things, and ive got an indefinate plan B that I can fall back on if my teaching career goes bust.

That being said, Ive got respect for those who choose to take up the crappy jobs I wouldnt do. Ive spotted at least 1 of my students literally pushing a trolley filled to the top with newspapers, walking in the rain doing a paper route after school. Got total respect for someone whod do that just for 25/35 bucks (depends on if the weather and if the paper is wrapped in plastic). Anybody watch dirty jobs on discovery channel? some of those pay pretty well for the crap you got to deal with..

Just off topic for a sec... anybody here have or had previously had a "dirty" job?

Edited by mannyMANNYmanny
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Im willing to admit to being one of those people who would absolutely rather be unemployed than hand out pamphlets or sell anything door to door. Thats only because I know I can do better than those things, and ive got an indefinate plan B that I can fall back on if my teaching career goes bust.

That being said, Ive got respect for those who choose to take up the crappy jobs I wouldnt do. Ive spotted at least 1 of my students literally pushing a trolley filled to the top with newspapers, walking in the rain doing a paper route after school. Got total respect for someone whod do that just for 25/35 bucks (depends on if the weather and if the paper is wrapped in plastic). Anybody watch dirty jobs on discovery channel? some of those pay pretty well for the crap you got to deal with..

Just off topic for a sec... anybody here have or had previously had a "dirty" job?

The way I see it, if you're unemployed and sitting in the dole queue, you take whatever you can get - not as a career, but just to pay the bills while you continue to search for work in your preferred vocation. If/when you find your "dream job", ditch the crappy one and move on, but I don't approve of people mooching off The 'Link because they feel they are above mopping floors or working the fryer at Maccas.

I worked for a few months at a car wash, that was pretty dirty (I don't have cable so I don't know if that counts?), the work was physically demanding, the pay was **** and the boss was a real slave driver, but it paid the bills at the time (just) and as soon as I could I got a slightly better "crappy" job, and a few months later I got back onto my career path. I think that's the right way to do it, not holding out for 8 months waiting for the "good" job to come up, though given all the tax I now pay I can see the attraction if getting some welfare back :P

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I lol'd so hard when I saw the ad.. I'm white but of european decent so I'm more tan than most white people.. though I don't really think this was true, while I was at uni I worked in a newsagency from which my boss was Chinese, I've worked at Myers which is more mixed race, and I've worked as a waiter at a reception which was mostly indonesian and indian people working in the kitchen and mostly asian and a few spanish working the floor.. Today Tonight is just trying to put a new spin on the fact that India is calling us a racist country..

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I lol'd so hard when I saw the ad.. I'm white but of european decent so I'm more tan than most white people.. though I don't really think this was true, while I was at uni I worked in a newsagency from which my boss was Chinese, I've worked at Myers which is more mixed race, and I've worked as a waiter at a reception which was mostly indonesian and indian people working in the kitchen and mostly asian and a few spanish working the floor.. Today Tonight is just trying to put a new spin on the fact that India is calling us a racist country..

Australia's people as a whole are racist, just like every other country in the world. Name one country where the occupants arnt "racist". Having said that, Australia has to be the top if not in the top 5 of the most culturally diverse countries.

Australia has to thank all of the different cultures for developing Australia so great and so fast.

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Oh yeah, another stereotype are the Filipino's working in hospitality as housekeeping. There are just jobs that have a larger selection of a particular culture. I personally find nothing wrong with it, an no one should.

The only thing I have an issue with are those that come to live in Australia and choose not to fit in with everyone. There was this story on (dare I say) Today Tonight where an Asian community was arguing that stuff like road signs and parking restriction signs should be changed so they could understand them better and that they have been fined for things they don't understand. Seriously, if you want to live here, learn to understand stuff like that.

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Oh yeah, another stereotype are the Filipino's working in hospitality as housekeeping.

lol I thought most of them work at Australia Post, I got a lot of Filo friends and pretty much all their parents work there.

Nothing against Filo's though a lot of them are really close friends of mine, its the only culture I know that can dance, play basketball and swim like pros with out any practice :lol:

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lol I thought most of them work at Australia Post, I got a lot of Filo friends and pretty much all their parents work there.

Good point... that as well.

... its the only culture I know that can dance, play basketball and swim like pros with out any practice :lol:

Don't forget karaoke :lol:

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the fact that India is calling us a racist country..

And that's a load of toss too (the facts, not your comment). On what are India basing their accusations exactly? I mean, really, some students got bashed. They were Indian. So what. I bet all of us here could give plenty more examples of whites attacking people who aren't Indian. All in all, the amount of Indians who have been attacked, in the scheme of things, would be a fraction of a percent of all people who have been in similar situations. Me and a couple of mates (who all happen to work in finance) got jumped by a group of w@nkers while walking through the city to the pub about a year ago. Had we not managed to get the situation 'under control' the 3 of us could very well have ended up in hospital. Perhaps I should have contacted TT about Australia's violent attitudes towards finance workers?

The only thing I have an issue with are those that come to live in Australia and choose not to fit in with everyone. There was this story on (dare I say) Today Tonight where an Asian community was arguing that stuff like road signs and parking restriction signs should be changed so they could understand them better and that they have been fined for things they don't understand. Seriously, if you want to live here, learn to understand stuff like that.

Exacly. If we moved to a foreign country, we would move there accepting the rules dictated by their culture. Whereas when other cultures move here, many expect that we will fit in with them, instead of them fitting in with us, and like I said before, sometimes thats just not practical. The most popular example that pops up is that of muslim womens head gear (can't think for the life of me what they call it just now). In Australia it is law that in certain places or situations you must not obscure your face, for security reasons. But we make exceptions for women of those religions who wear such items. Just because their religion requires them to wear it does not make them less of a risk. In fact, given that the particular religion who most commonly wears them happens to be the same religion whose extremists fly planes into buildings and preach that anybody who doesn't follow their religion is an infidel and has to die, then the muslim woman who walks into your bank with her face covered may well be there for nefarious reasons. Of course, most Muslims aren't that way inclined, so its extremely unlikely. But then, we all would have thought it extremely unlikely that 4 planes would be hijacked and flown into key American buildings. It only takes a small handful of d!ckheads to cause ruin it for the masses.

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... its the only culture I know that can dance, play basketball and swim like pros with out any practice :lol:

Don't forget karaoke :lol:

Thought that was the Japanese?

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... its the only culture I know that can dance, play basketball and swim like pros with out any practice :lol:

Don't forget karaoke :lol:

Thought that was the Japanese?

You must have never been to a filo house party.

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... its the only culture I know that can dance, play basketball and swim like pros with out any practice :lol:

Don't forget karaoke :lol:

Thought that was the Japanese?

You must have never been to a filo house party.

Nope. In fact, I only know 1 filo! North West Tassie is still predominantly white. Though the Asian population is growing. Don't know what we'll do if we get a Sydney or Melbourne type Asian:Non-Asian ratio. We've got no room for a Chinatown! :unsure::g:

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... its the only culture I know that can dance, play basketball and swim like pros with out any practice :lol:

Don't forget karaoke :lol:

Thought that was the Japanese?

You must have never been to a filo house party.

Nope. In fact, I only know 1 filo! North West Tassie is still predominantly white. Though the Asian population is growing. Don't know what we'll do if we get a Sydney or Melbourne type Asian:Non-Asian ratio. We've got no room for a Chinatown! :unsure::g:

LOL Filo house parties are the bomb, all the food you can eat.. I didn't mention Filo's are natural cooks too..

anyways, back to the topic.. I totally agree that india has taken this whole racism thing to the extreme, but they really need to look at whats happening in the own back yard.. I mean, here there have only been about 5~6 attacks per year at most.. over there I'm sure its much worse, they've moved here for a better life, yes.. but would they prefer to be living in india......... I didn't think so.. I'm not trying to be racist either coz I have a lot of Indian friends too (Westernized ones) who say the same thing.. plus we could have also thrown the same tantrum when they dubbed Simmons as a Monkey just coz his Aboriginal, but we didn't did we?

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the fact that India is calling us a racist country..

And that's a load of toss too (the facts, not your comment). On what are India basing their accusations exactly? I mean, really, some students got bashed.

The funny thing is the Indian media isn't following up on the fact that one case was self inflicted for an insurance job and many others were commited by Indians.

I asked some of the Indians I know about what Indians actually think, not their media; they tell me the majority of their population doesn't really care. Plus they also informed me "Indians can hardly go around pointing the finger". That is from a friend who grew up there.

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Today Tonight ...



Any given TT or ACA story will have at least one of the following three qualities:

- The story will be such a non-issue as to be mind-numbing. Probably a re-hash of a weight loss or pseudo-scientific fuel saver story you saw this time last year.

- The bias / hyperbole / absence of integrity will make you want to dry reach.

- Potentially genuinely interesting / topical subject of legitimate community debate is used as a vehicle to peddle a populist viewpoint among the 18-35 yo blue collar white population (amidst a raging orgy of self-congratulatory masturbating), thereby securing a target advertising audience.

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plus we could have also thrown the same tantrum when they dubbed Simmons as a Monkey just coz his Aboriginal, but we didn't did we?

Except Andrew Symonds isn't Aboriginal, he was born in England and one of his biological parents (he was adopted, and he moved with his foster parents to Australia at an early age) was West Indian...

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