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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. qkslvr


    Best of luck to you Mrs.Sportivo and all those sitting the HSC from this forum =) School is almost out!
  2. fishing for compliments? hehehe the cars coming along nicely. =)
  3. yeah! what was up with all the sniffer dogs and under cover cops. You could spot the undercovers from a mile a way. All i can say is DAMN!! since when did NSW police women get hot!?! hahaha
  4. Did anyone from here go to GK on sat night?
  5. OMG!! that is, like, the most logical, coherant, and punctuated statement you have ever made on this forum! OMG! congratulations Mrs. Sportivo, I knew you could do it. LOL *waits for bitch slap from Mrs Sportivo*
  6. FARQ! I'm still shocked at the screws into the sideskirts! WTF!?
  7. Feedback will watch when i get home and comment. just reserving the spot for later edit. LOL
  8. Yeah. usually old 'beater' Hyundai Excels for some reason, i find. hehe
  9. welcome, matey. Nice pressie =) Enjoy the car.
  10. It's in reference to the 'VIP' styling made popular in Japan. look it up, it usually involves pimp'd out lexus'.
  11. Jeebuz! how does that work? you can simply argue that...The car was working, car got stolen, now car doesn't work. Hmmmm. doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. d@mn insurance companies. Sometimes, you just want to punch them in the mouth.
  12. while riding to and from work (yes, i lane split), i always pull up next to people (usually girls for some reason) chatting away on the phone. this one time, a cop pulls up in the third lane next to the girl but slightly in front. Instead of hanging up the phone, she pops her collar, pulls it up high to cover the phone. I was laughing in my helmet, i can't believe she couldn't wait for the cop to pass before calling again. Maybe they where chatting about the latest shoe styles or something. hahaha
  13. I also turn off the radio, blind-out the side windows, punch my passangers in the mouth and sticky tape my hands to the steering wheel. the last thing i want is distractions while driving. If it's one thing we've learnt since our birth, it's that us humans can only do one thing at a time and we're all accidents waiting to happen.
  14. Dambo's!!! I've got to ride home this arvo. The wind this morning was bad enough. I somehow still got wet through my rain-gear bastage!
  15. I still find it funny that the 'defect' laws are being used in this context. The laws where originally introduced to stop people driving old, unroadworthy sh@tboxes with no brakes. Although i can understand the problem they have with loud exhausts, bonnet pins...etc some of the things are just plain nit-picking e.g exposed airfilters, blow-off valves...etc edit: i just checked the BOM website. As of 3am this morning, they cancelled their sever whether warnings.
  16. raising this thread from the grave. hehe. Tom's moved on to 'greener' pastures now. hehe. How's the TT Supra going, Tom? Are you even still around? hehe
  17. My vote is for the Aurion banner. The only thing I would do is colour correct it to give it a blue hue (for consistancy with the current site colours). I would also play with the size of the Tocau Logo (also needs higher res and maybe ditch the white 'outer glow' effect as it makes the thing seem a little tacky. Also, from a web deisgners perspective, it's has to be more scalable. So maybe a fade-to-*insert colour* at the right of the banner. Solid colours are easier to scale for different browser sizes. If you don't want to fade to a solid colour, you can simply cut the last column (1pixel wide) off the banner and use that to fill the gap (slightly outdated technique but still works)
  18. Cars on aussie roads will always pull to the left. I've been told that is a design thing but i have my doubts. However, the pull is at least party due to the roads cambering slight toward the curb for drainage.
  19. Don't you hate it when sellers come on here and patronize us like this? Then they have the nerve to expect us to buy from them.
  20. I'm confused. what happened while you where going in 3rd in lift? Did you hear a pop or anything?
  21. I didn't know you where working in the city, Dylan. Thought you were still down at the Gong. hehe
  22. And this is the reason why they are going out of business. You can't simply put a superior product on the market and expect everyone to appreciate the fact without putting the effort in making it known. Maybe they could have introduced a cheaper 'entry level' product with the possibility of upselling to the premium product through the use of price-points (think apple iPod. "Oh the 8gig is only $79 more, and the 16gig is another $79 on top of that. what should i buy?") It's ok to give nods to those who appreciate this kind of thing at the highest level but that is not their bread-and-butter market. It's those 'casual DIY modders' that are their main revenue stream. These are the people that Greedy and Trust have let slip through their fingers. They're great at making parts but they suck at doing business, i'm afraid.
  23. farq time flies. The last one didn't seem that long ago. yeah badly, lols cant wait for future music too FINALLY I WILL BE 18 ! :) EDIT: OMGG LOLOL I FINALLY GOT UR USERNAME qkslvr - quick silver ? lols farq! YOU out of all people should have gotten that abbreviated spelling. hahahah The irony is gut wrenchingly funny. hahha
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