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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. I hear yah. ever since i started riding, I stopped driving like a maniac. haha also, i don't really see the point of having Traction Control on these cars. Judging by how "intrusive" the ABS on the sportvio is (try threshold braking on a skid-pan without the ABS having an epileptic fit), i wouldn't be surprised if Toyota turns the new range into granny-cars with their conservative/annoying/intrusive TC settings.
  2. although there might be little signs of physical damage there can still be hairline fractures in place. something similar has happened to me so I speak from experience (long story, but it involves my drive shaft spleen snapping at the hub and me having no brakes at a set of traffic lights) things to check: 1. fatique, fractures (hairline) at the hub nut (drive shaft sleen) 2. fatique, fractures at the lower ball-joint nuts 3. buckles or cracked rim 4. cracked or brocken inner control-arm bushing mounts I'm not saying these things are brocken but you need to check asap. A 1tonne+ chunk of metal hitting a concrete barrier at 40km/h can't be good. inspect these areas yourself first but i recommend you take it to a trusted suspension place. they'll probably charge you $80/hour - it ain't cheap but it's better than your lower ball join braking or your hub seperating (leaving you with no brakes) while you're doing 70km/h on the highway.
  3. I posted this because it made me think about some poor dude or posted about his Stolen DC2 Type R not long ago - his car was found stripped of the recaros and wheels.
  4. There's also a link to a video. http://www.dailybulletin.com/ci_9251385?source=most_viewed "Officers from the Dragnet Task Force on Tuesday attended the shredding of seven cars used for illegal street racing and containing stolen parts. The registered owners of the impounded vehicles were invited to watch the court-ordered destruction at Pacific Coast Recycling in Rancho Cucamonga as well. The cars contained stolen engines, stolen transmissions or both. The Dragnet Task Force trains police to identify the illegal parts and prepare cases. The Ontario Police Department coordinates the task force, which includes the California Highway Patrol, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, and the police departments of Chino, Upland, Montclair, L.A./Ontario International Airport and Fontana."
  5. I'm writtign a letter! OMG, she's having a B.F. *puts pen to paper* "I am a white woman".... haha
  6. Roll center is just a point in space relative to your car where, if you draw some imaginary lines from certain suspension components, the lines meet. In racing terms it just helps you figure out where the weight will transfer during cornering which then helps you figure out spring rates, antiroll bar sizes, this then dictates your bump damping and rebound damping settings. To everyone else who just wants a lowered car for looks.... it doesn't mean much. you've already sacraficed your ride quality with those low profile tyres and coil over setup anyway. hehehe P.S you want your roll center close to your center of gravity.
  7. Technically, you're still on topic because it was shows like these that sensationalised reckless drivers into the something news worthy, thereby single handly spawning the whole anti-hoon, pinky swinging culture in the first place. wow, that was a mouthful. haha
  8. I'm just pulling this out of my behind but i don't imagine you would be allowed to get tyres that are skinnier than what was standard to the vehicle.
  9. Ah! that's where you went wrong. Steel string acoustic or bass guitar are the beez neez. Feed that nylon string classical to the termites.
  10. actually, the final question during the rider's knowledge test was "Are you a complete moronic, ****tard, reject psycho, who has no regard for the safety of others, let alone yourself on the road?". I answered yes - i rode home that afternoon (and knocked over a few old ladies for good measure) Indeed, that seems to be the case. You logic astounds me. Please. let me buy you a dry, yet mildly refreshing beverage. I know of something else that requires the same virtues to ride - and she ain't always kind depending where in the calendar month you're at I cannot stress enough how that is SOOOOOO not a word. Scabble anyone? hehe you forgot Nelson "the man" Mandela
  11. Bag out the autosalon promo girls all you want. When you're there though, the girls are the only thing that's keeping you there longer than the 30minutes it takes you to walk through the place BTW, anyone from here entering this year?
  12. Gold. that ***** is signature-quote worthy. Either that or you're a dodgy asian fruit-man with five alias' and four wives.
  13. Progress is overrated I wish her all the best, but seriously, there are better gigs to try and get your hands on.... Dude, you make your own career path. Did you know Jennifer Hawkins started off modeling for Hot4's magazine? I've got the issue at home somewhere. That's not to say being a Show-car girl is a good or bad move. just that sometimes you can pull a career out of your **** that worthwhile.
  14. Hold on, i haven't finished dyeing my hair yet :lol:
  15. Hahaha. Kind of like that Tyler Durden Fella from Fight club. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I rhink you're right. All this seriousness has fried my circuits ARGH! *runs away chanting "His name was Robert Paulson"
  16. Scr3w the harsh penalties or the 'dob in a hoon' schemes, they are too indirect. This will definitely slow people down: *designs courtesy of Sydney Roads and Traffic.
  17. Shhh. we're arguing over the internet. can't you see this is important? jeebaz. If you have nothing to add then go back to your Sony Playstation 3.
  18. These few paragraphs are grounds enough for me to call you hypocritical. It's not name calling, merely criticism based on what you've said. From what you have said so far I can gather you view yourself as a moral and law-abiding citizen (which i have no doubt you are). You have admited to occasionally exceeding the speed limit. So you taking the moral high ground in saying that you don't mind being made an example of makes your comments hypocritical. I won't pretend to know you but one thing is commong amongst everyone, if and when you get caught under a zero-tolerance system with extremely harsh penalties that will impact on your quality of life and livelyhood, you will without a doubt try to get out of it. My reference was not alluding to any racist nonesense. I was merely refering to the extreme-reinforcement aspect. So lets leave that can of worms alone. It's not that simple because harsh laws are never enforeced properly and subject to abuse. Look at the USA's rendition laws - they have been totally missused and and used off-purpose. Just as hardened and organised criminals rarely get caught (only small timers get done), 'serial hoons' will get away most of the time while average joe gets jail time for doing 70km/h in one of the many 40zones on the Hume 'highway'. Again, this is already the case. So essentially you and I are arguing about nothing over the internet - we're so cool. In hindsight my rants are/where rather long winded and strongly worded at times. I apologize if you where personally offended but I am merely criticising your comments, not you personally. I would like to think we are simply arguing point-on-point here. I don't view this as a flame war so Coke and Popcorn can stay in the pantry.
  19. The stud is just pressed. so a simple center puch and a rubber mallet should do the trick. But you may need to take the pillow mount out to do it. The stud is spleened so make sure you don't damage the top mount when taking the stud out. Taking the pillow mount out can be troublesome to take out because the top mount turns freely so you'll have to wedge it with something. then use a long breaker bar for the man bolt. I second Rollamods suggestion. You can go aftermarket with the bushings. You just need someone with a press to take the old bushings out of the control arm. Time to go polyurethane with the bushings perhaps? :)
  20. I could accuse you of back tracking but i won't - out of respect for fellow long-term forum member. I've seen your mountain climb vids and respect that you participate in motorsport. I'm not arguing weather speeding should be left for the track. we all know that answer to that. I'm simply having a shot at your nonsensical argument that because you have never been caught which puts you above the group being targeted, therefore you are pro-hard penalties. It's not personal, I'm just arguing based on your post. As for you, Leroy. me putting my misspelt 'hyporcrite' was not directed specifically at you. but since you mention it, Yes, i guess you are a hypocrite. You are obviously not aware of the anti-hoon laws currently in place that confiscate cars if drivers are caught 'drag racing' (I use the term loosely). Because if you where then you would also realise that this is already a harsh penalty for what i assume you consider to be a 'serious offence', as you put it. What was being suggested is archaic and overly harsh laws that will, quite frankly, do nothing. Unless these laws can personify and physically pulls the 'hoon's' foot of the gas pedal, you will see the same ******w1ts doing the same stupid ***** and more often than not killing and innocent person. Meanwhile, average citizens who occassional break the road rules (YES, INCLUDING YOU) will get an@l ****** by some Third Reich-style zero-tolerance system. If a system like that worked, Nazi germany would still be in power, North Korea wouldn't be the joke that it is today, and China....well... This is definitely not a problem that can be solved by technology so if these kind of tough laws actually do work it would have already been put in place early in the 90's instead of us Joe-blows arguing about on an internet forum in 2008.
  21. like i always say. it takes a special kind of liar to never speed. It's not an argument of civil liberties. although some might argue that it is. It's simply a matter or how much do we need to enforce before we have a 0% mortality rate? Forcing people to wear helmets or seatbelts to save their own skin, forcing companies to put "contents may be hot" labels on hot coffee....farq! how far do we go? For those that say they never speed so why not bring in the harsher penalties. 10years down the track when you have families and really do intend to stick to the speed limit but get done for doing 80km/h in a 70zone. Enjoy the an@l rappage of the 5year ban and walking to work. Enjoy the excersize, hypocrit!
  22. By "flexi-joint" do you mean the CV-joint on the front drive shafts? if so then i think you are talking about the CV boot that covers them. The CV boots can be replaced but if the CV joint is worn then replacing the boot won't fix them. In that case, you'll need to replace the entire joint.
  23. What sort of a sentence is that?? She has even been caught again since then.... come on, life ban or decent jail time. It will only take a couple of people to be made examples of, before people pull themselves into line out of survival instinct The sort of people that drive at 200km/h on public roads don't have any survival instincts. So what you're suggesting is stupidly archaic penalties for all just to put a few f*ckwits in line. Let me know when you're running for public office so i can vote for the other guy. How about we set up a task force to life ban people from brushing their teeth if they leave the tap. Better yet, lets set up another task force to knee-cap all those 'annoying' window washers out there. F*CK THAT, LETS CALL IN JUDGE DREDGE TO ISSUE ON-THE-SPOT DEATH SENTENCES FOR EVERY PERSON THAT EVEN THINKS ABOUT HOONING. It's the f*cking road. If you want to be completely 99% safe then stay in house and stay off the road. The laws are there to keep everyone within reason, not to force everyone to conform. So right-wing, self righteous b@stards can all go f*ck themselves.
  24. Whistler PRO78 Buy now only $595 you buy from there and you're getting jipped, no offence...From eBay you can get them including shipping costs for less than $180. hello. i asked them about this, and I was told there are no legit whistler products sold on ebay. there is a company in asia who make a clone of the whistler and it works nothing like a real whistler, and nothing from ebay has any warranty. i read this someplace else also about counterfeit products being sold on ebay. And this one time at band camp i read somewhere about a guy who's friend told him that paying out on another product/seller to sell your own stuff is the lowest form of selling. But hey, that's just what i read. Ebay is good if you know what you're looking for Please visit my....Ummm... I mean this cool ebay store that i found: www.ebay.com/myebaystore
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