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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. spot on!! Danny, Please please please please tell me you realise this is a scam and you're only posting this up to warn others. here's a tip. go to google and do a search for 'Nigerian Scam'. you will find out all you need to know. never ever send your personal details to anyone via email (even someone you know) it's not paranoia. All someone needs to steal your indentity is a few personal details. e.g your driver's licence number, your date of birth, your address...etc. anything!
  2. Current: Next: (Evo X) Dream: (Astin Martin DBS)
  3. Unless your boyfriend plans on flying over to Sydney anytime soon (is he? ) let me be the first to salute your hotness LOLZ
  4. to be honest, it's pointless getting pretty caps for your tyres. little punks steal them all the time. I'm ashamed to say I've stolen caps before when i was a kid. I used to put them on my push bike tyres.
  5. Nice catch Bill! farq the things huge. It must have put up a hell of a fight!!!! Good work.
  6. I agree with SB. the white background looks good. I would also note that the sticker is not square. the white is trimmed so that the red "swoop" is at the edge of the sticker. Just in case you guys want to know.
  7. oh no! hope all is still ok in the engine bay.
  8. Well it probably was silver in colour cause they are the only ones N/A that can easily reach that sort of speed... damn straight! hahaha
  9. I still think it will be a tight race on a track. Handling comes into play for the first two laps (max) and from there on end it's all about brakes and tyres as they'll be cooked/melted. hehehe
  10. looking good boys. it was nice and sunny earlier yesterday =)
  11. that looks hot dude! I must say, I'm so impressed with Toyota's current line up. All the cars looks great (styling-wise). All the years of Loyalty to Toyota have paid off. hehehehee
  12. oh! i assure you cops will put over bikes for noise! I have a fine in my wallet to prove it. hehehe as for cops not harassing bikes...well lets just say; it's all about discrestion. The same way Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini's don't get pulled over for not having a front number plate but your rice-boy civic will. that's the way the world turns with these matters. I agree that Harley's are unneccesarilly loud but the louder the bike the least likely you are to drive next to them like a knob and race them. or even worse, change lanes right into them because you "didnt' know where he pulled out from".
  13. i recommend anyone with a new car to drive it stock, at least for the break-in period. it gives you a good baseline so you know if a modification is good or bad. just because it's made for you car doesn't mean you need it. $$$xxx doesn't always equat to xxx in performance improvement. This is especially true when playing with your suspension e.g you lowering the car. my 2cents
  14. Damn straight! it's 4:30am on the M5 down past Narellan rd. hahahaha jks it's been a problem since the 1920's when cars began to reach speeds that could kill. Pot aka M.J, aka reefer has been illegal to grow since <insert year>. it should be extinct by now, but it isn't! why? because banning **** doesn't make it go away. I'm all for arguing when you get done for 15-30km/h over the limit (depending on time and place). but doing 203km/h on a road when everyone else is doing less than half that speed is just knobbiness at it's best - Best case, he hits the wall and takes himself out of the gene pool, worse case is that he takes someone else with him (who could one day potentially produce a really really hot daughter or something hahahaha - i think that sounds really bad, doesn't it?)
  15. Holy shmakos batman! 203Km/h on the M4. you'd cover the entire length of motorway from strathfield - Blacktown in a couple of minutes flat. there's speeding and then there's 203km/h on the M4! that ***** gives us all a bad name =(
  16. A breaker bar makes the job of losening the hub bolt really easy but you'll need the torque wrench to put it back on with the correct settings. makes sure your torque wrench can get to the recommended setting (some of the cheaper ones won't) the best thing to do is to take out he cotter pin (you won't need a new one if you don't break it), undo the lower control arm, undo the steering tie-rod, prop the drive shaft up with some blocks of wood and then undo the strut. the knuckle should then come out for what you need to do to it. the entire shaft including the CV should come off from the flange (six bolts if i remember correctly).
  17. hey dude! I'm from Fairfield too. what car you drive?
  18. on the contrary, engaging N and clicking into gear puts more wear than just leaving it in D. the "auto clutch" is actually a torque converter - a kind of fluid pump. when the engine side spins, it forces transmission fluid against the fins on the transmission side and when you give it enough gas, the force is strong enough to move the transmission and hense the car. when in idle the revs are low enough that the brakes can hold the car still even when the engine is still running (this is why the car wants to move forward when you relax the brakes)
  19. Having OD (over drive) off simply means the car won't engage the "top" gear so your car holds the revs higher as you get to a faster speed. ECT effectively dulls down the power curve so you don't get wheel spin when you accelerate. that's why you get better accel with both off. Having overdrive off will probably give you more engine wear as the engine will be revving higher (you won't notice any engine wear until after 100,000+ km though). If you do alot of highway driving, having OD off will also give you slighly worse fuel economy. for a new car, i wouldn't worry about engine wear relating to OD and ECT though.
  20. Yes you could...if you have a number plate etc. Although, expect police not to do a great deal... it's your word against his. (NOTE: not safe driving practice - but perhaps you should have played his bluff and started entering his lane. Wonder who would have got out of the way first...) some f@g in a 80's prelude did that to me this morning. the car in front of him slows down to turn right into a side street. what does he do? he merges into my lane without even looking. I was more than in front of his passengar door, all he had to do was turn his fu*king head to the left. Argh! luckily i throttled away just in time.
  21. to leroy, we already have CC restrictions in NSW. you're more inclined to find toser drivers than toser riders but when you do see one, you'll spot these posers from a mile away. they deviate from the rider norm on both ends of the spectrum. One end being those that wear shorts and singlets on their weekend rides down to <insert name of beach>, the other end you'll find the posers that wear full race suits on their bling bikes taking the racing line during their daily commute to work. hehe what annoys me when i'm riding usually are d1cks that want to race me or try to put slighly ahead of me on the next lane for some reason - must be an ego thing. it really annoys me because i alway end up in their blind spot. i usually just back off or pass them if there is room. otherwise i'll just casually stroll past them at the next set of traffic lights. LOL There's no prize for getting to work first - i just want to get there.
  22. hahaha. yeah, there are really w@nkers that ride bikes. some of them are just too cool for school. hehehe
  23. Supra 1 - Lambo 0 what the vid doesn't show is later that night when they both rock up to some exclusive club with hunnies that would make hefner blush. they pull up to valet, the supra owner has his system pumping and looking fully sick, the valet attendant then tells him to proceed to level B5 where he can park for $10/hour while the lambo owner opens the scissor doors, hands over the keys to the same attendant while palming him a <insert generous tip amount> whilst he gets stares from the knobs in the "VIP" line, the velvet ropes part and he's in! hahahaha - Supra 1 - Lambo 1,000,000,000,000.....etc
  24. there are just d1khead road users everywhere no matter what mode of transport i suppose. I both drive and ride. I ride to work everyday now because petrol is cheap and parking is free in the city. I would just ignore the f*ktard as he'll get himself hurt oneday anyway. As a rider, i've learnt not to trust anyone in a car on the road simply because most of the time they don't even notice you. This truck almost changed lanes into me this morning even though i had been riding right beside him for almost a km. And I doubt the biker was ignoring you, most of the time you can't see or notice anything to the side because of your helmet - not unless you actually turn your head to look. weather you drive, ride, paddle or swim, do it defensively and never put yourself in a position where you can't opt out of a situation i.e don't tail too close, don't be in anyone's blind spot for any extended period of time and if you're in a free flowing lane and the lane next to you slows down due to some congestion ahead, be prepared for some f*ktard to dart accross into your lane. when it comes to passing, bikes > car but most of the times we have to give way - 140Kg vs 1,200kg is no contest really =) wow, that was a long reply. anyway, hope the incident hasn't put you off riders. most of the time the whole "self preservation" thing usually makes riders a little bit more cautious than drivers - generally. btw, I just can't stop staring at your sig pic *drools* - who is she and how do i get more of her? hehe
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