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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. what exactly did you check for in your distributor cap. did you check to make sure the contacts in the cap and also the contacts on the rotor are not corroded? Does your ignition leads have cracks in the rubber? and does the rubber looks old / hardended? As i recall, you can't buy just the ignition leads for the 3S-FE, you have to purchase the leads with the cap (which will cost you about $90 all together). the damp humid weather may be causing the leads to "Leak" ignition energy into the air and causing a weak spark. I'm not sure how to confirm this. Maybe someone here might know how to check this.
  2. You too Kym. I hope the shock install went smoothly. yeh they went ok, thank kein. all the best. by the way got my baby too...... ;) ;) ;) hahaha. Awesome! =) I've been riding my motorbike most weekends lately - the poor corolla has been neglected. =)
  3. Ford had a similar issue with their Falcons a few years back. A huge majority of owners complained of the same thing. Ford came up with a band aid solution of developing/ordering a special lubricant that they apply to the window seals that stopped the windows from sticking (for a few years at least)
  4. the got an error code relating to VVTLi and still they said it should be ok? WTF?!?
  5. OMG! everyone is defecting to the Mazda camp! LOL
  6. You'll find that if the alternator is not working the engine will usually just "die" for no reason pretty soon after you start driving - usually when you apply the brakes as the brake lights coupled with the low revs kills it.
  7. qkslvr


    There is a website dedicated to exposing these Nigerian scam artists. It's funny to read. My first thought was; WTF? people actually fall for these?
  8. I'd say if you can get it engineered then it shouldn't be a problem. If what you are saying is true, then the hardest part is finding an engineer willing to sign off on it. Bill?
  9. hahaha. Welcome Welcome. the car looks in really good nic for its age. Kind of like a MILF. LOL
  10. It's not different to having to remove the boot trip to adjust coils so it's not really a down side. =) Would you say the ride quality is close to stock with the Koni's
  11. Oooohh "BOV"? is that a hint of things to come.?
  12. Oh yeah... Ummm...*in deep stern voice* try the socket that came with the car. that should get the spark plugs out. *cough* LOL
  13. dude. Sorry to hear about your MPS man. You must have been gutted! My friend lives a few blocks from Padstow station, I didn't realise the place was that dodgey. but.........Congrats on the S14. ooodles of power and torque and rear wheel drive. you 've got to be happy with that. =)
  14. This is going to be awesome. You guys should really think about documenting this on video. I'd buy the DVD hehehe
  15. please, 16 years old??//boasting....I think I am old enougt to be your father by the way, my mechanic told me the budget turbo. This is what I account for....you either take it or leave it. Sometimes, over enginnering or doing is a waste of money.. ok......I think people should be more modest here rather than "arrogant"..dnt you think??? ps all my time trials are my own hobbies,,,,as long as I enjoyed and prove it...so be it. We all leave in science world arent we?? Hahaha. FFS! If you're really old enough to be my father then i really worry for you. I have no f'ing idea on half of what you wrote. this forum get's someone of your nature every few months - with their ultrafast econobox or their AWD Aurion with a gazilion horsepower. You give everyone on here a good chuckle, that's for sure. So thanks for keeping it all light. LOL btw, i'm seriously about wanting to see you complete your turbo setup. I'm sure alot of people (myself included) will be biting our tounges when you rock up with the sweet Pfst sound of the fully sick blow-off valve. but until then, keep posting. working is stressful and I need a good chuckle now and then.
  16. hehe. No one is trying to shoot down your turbo plans, Chopin2. Far from it. I sure everyone that has commented on your plans somehow wants to see you see it through. It's just that you talk/write like your 16years old and just gotten hold of his daddy's car keys. You come on here and start boasting about your x.xx second 0-100 runs and rar rar rar...but you've asked no technical questions about any of your plans. you lastest question was about using the wrong socket to extract your spark plugs. Then you go off on a tangent about your Honda and your ultra cheap turbo plans.
  17. I can see your point, Bigbum. I wasn't trying to shoot down the idea but rather just voicing my concerns on the effect of splitting the forum. Another potential problem if you are concerned about people posting in the wrong section is that noobs will not necessarily know what a zze12x, zre152 model is. We should use the year of the model rather than the chassis code when naming the new sections. peace =)
  18. sorry guys but i have to disagree here. segregating the corolla section into "new" and "old" will just take away from the communal feel of the site - which is what we're renowned for. If you're going to do that we might as well seperate the forum for the older models too. This is the Corolla section, Full stop! We where once noobs too asking noob question to the likes of Dylan, Bil, Craig, and all the other old farts on here (LOL). So to seperate the Corolla section just to avoid noob questions is kind of selfish and counterproductive. Just my opinion. feel free to comment, rebut, agree, b1tch slap...etch hehe my suggestions if you want to identify what model the question is regarding, to put the model in the thread tittle. Another way would be to have the profile on the left show the model (right below the "From: Sydney")
  19. qkslvr


    the Wii is greatness in a little white box! =) it's active and entertaining. you can even be played by us old farts when the "boys" come over for a few beers. The games aren't mindless violent trash so it's good for the kiddies (geez i sound old) hhehehe
  20. thanks everyone. I am using the spark plug tool that I USED for honda...but obviousely it does not work -16mm long deep socket. I think it must be the SMALLER socket???what size? You should have the tool in your boot... I wouldn't bother changing to iridium though, I found it made no discernable difference to performance or economy. It's probably different once you start getting into heavy modifications though. ok ok no offence to anyone. I did a lots time trials with my previous b18c both using standadrd R ngk vs irradium. and the result was 0-100km/h difference around 0.2 sec... I also tried the airnix ram pod filter vs stock type r filter...quess waht. Airnix is making a lose-0.2 sec slower but more noise......I do all small mods based on stop watch /g tec but not on common sense. Not trying to be a prik but is the 0.2 second an average over serveral runs or just one? Because a small difference like that over such a short distance not to mention your reaction time with the stop watch...etc there are just too many variables for you to say conclusively that iridium plugs made your car faster. Hell if that where the case you'd have every Honda fan boy slap on some iridium plugs and run 11's down the quarter. The reason sportivo's have iridiums is because of the heat rating and also because they are more durable for the high revving nature of the 2ZZ. to put Iridiums on a brand new, unmodded engine that revs to where it does just increases your poser factore by 10points. LOL. Dude, seriously, spend the money on something more worthwhile e.g put it towards an exhaust system, or a better stop watch.
  21. better yet - crush it and post on Youtube. I personally witnessed a marked and unmarked polic car drag racing at speeds well in excess of the 60km/h speed limit (think double) down the Horsely drive towards the Eastern Creek direction. No sirens, no flashing lights - just "hooning". Tell me why we should be happy that these nitwits are beeing granted more power again?
  22. http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/stor...5001021,00.html Hahaha. it's made the news
  23. thanks everyone. I am using the spark plug tool that I USED for honda...but obviousely it does not work -16mm long deep socket. I think it must be the SMALLER socket???what size? how many K's have you done? why are you replacing. Even if you treat your car like a hooker the plugs should last at the very least 20,000km. You will see no benefit with iridiums on a brand new engine except longer service life - and seeing as you are willing to change brand new plugs out so soon - I'm doubting you'll even take advantage or that. Iridium plugs won't make your car go faster if that's what you're hoping for. save the $70-$90 for something else. my 2cents
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