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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. Yes! I can feeeeeeel your anger. It gives you focusssss! I like it when you get angry dude. Stark contrast from the placid, baby faced guy I saw at Kiama that time. Oh stop, you're making me blush also, Everyone knows that the term 'hoon' is widely miss-used anyway. the majority of fatal accidents that contribute to the road toll are not 'hoon' related, nor does the driver fit into the 'hoon' demographic. The term has been used to mask a bigger problem of members of the general population that just can't f*cking drive. here's an example: http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/woman-...9839589153.html because 'hoons' is a nicely giftwrapped label to point the finger at so that authorities can seem like they're doing something about something as inevitable as traffic deaths. I'm all for making the road safer for the long term. but the so called 'blitz' on a minority group for a limited amount of time is just a stunt to make the right-wing pr1cks shut their gap until the next high horse trots along for them to ride.
  2. ^^ Nice eloquent post. +1 but, F*CK THOSE RIGHTEOUS B@STARDS, I SAY.
  3. qkslvr

    Rear brake's

    Thanks qkslvr, It is a general vibration which is felt each turn of the wheel while the brakes are applied. The faster the wheels are turning the greater the shudder. There are no problems with control or the braking effectiveness, except the the grabbing is greater at one point. I have checked the new drums for out of roundness and there are no issues there. The one thing I have noticed is that the shoes are very abravise, but to me that would mean that would mean that they would try to lock-up if anything. I've done this before with other types of cars, but this is the first time with a Toyota. How did you check for roundness? It only has to be slighly off for there to be a 'tight spot'. also, did you make sure the drum was centered?
  4. Seriously. 'pic or ban' in this case was definitely a compliment. Now, if someone said to you 'TOGTFO', then that would be a little rude.
  5. this campaign is some douche bag's clever idea to get citizens to do police work for them. Then they can just issue fines, sit back and get fat! those fat fu*kers! Everyone breaks minor laws at one point in time: J-walking, minor speeding, U-turns at double lines, turning right at a no-right-turn in a quiet neighbourhood....GET OFF YOUR F*CKING HIGH HORSES! </rant> seriously, how is this going to work? Will you suddenly start seeing those old nosey pr1cks in ford lasers start snapping pics or taking video of everyone they think is driving faster than them. You see these pr1cks everywhere, those that can't mind their own f8cking business. Great idea RTA f@ggots! instead of these nosey b@stards concentrating on the road, they'll be driving worse than they normally do, swerving around in traffic and not paying attention just so they can report you to the police to make up for their own inadequacies - go give yourselve a pat on the back you f*cking hippies beard growing f*cktards!!! sorry to rant guys but i'm having a bad morning and thinking of this sh!t just p1sses me off to no end. If this new 'dob in a hoon' **** takes off, we're going to start seeing alot more road rage when some dude realises they are getting filmed and corners the would-be dobber and procceeds to knock-him-the-f*ck-out for not minding his own business.
  6. Hahaha. you guys need to harden the F*ck up! i see these windows washers all the time at the 'mechano set' lights. Don't squirt your washers because some misunderstand that as an invitation to dry off your window. just sit there, make minimal eye contact and when they are just about to approach your car look them in the eye and say NO while shaking your head. It works - funny that. And even if they do decide to wash your windscreen for you anyway, so what. You'll have some water marks which will take you 5seconds to wipe away when you get home.
  7. qkslvr

    Rear brake's

    what kind of a shudder is it? does it feel like the back end is 'fishing tailing' a little? or is there just general vibration?
  8. what's with the Myspace stile angle, Sketra?! I demand a re-shoot! LOL
  9. These kinds of thefts are quite popular for the DC2R and DC5R. the recaros cost upwards for $2k to replace and the genuine Type R rims off the DC2R aren't cheaps either. This is extremely organised, usually some dodgey panel beater will put out an 'order' for parts and the guys who 'supply' will get it one way or another. the moto with these guys is don't ask, don't tell. It's really pathetic that these scumbags get away with it. I've been told of cases where insurance companies won't replace the factory recaros and just replace them with other crap bucket seats - so you literally get robbed twice.
  10. Yes. the Toyota Matrix in the US-of-A has an AWD variant that takes the 1ZZ. you can probably modify the box to take the 2ZZ and then simply a matter of capping off the front output shafts and only using the rear output. It's probably not as simple as that but, yeah. :D
  11. that's f#cking low stealing a car from a uni student. Will keep an eye out. it'll be easy enough to spot. There's a big chance the cars already been 'chopped' up though. Unfortunately the engine will probably find it's way into some fanboy's civic conversion. And the recaros, well... I hope your mate was insured.
  12. It's called a motorcycle. it costs me $20 a week. I only drive on Weekends now.
  13. yeah, I propose a "project mahem" style retaliation! hehehe (just in case there are any counter-terrorism agents reading this, this is a joke) hehehe
  14. Get a quote from another mechanic. some of the things like new headrests you can do yourself. See if you can find the parts from a wrecker and either put them in yourself or get the mechanic to do it. The only thing that you might need a mechanic for is the gearbox mount as the car needs to be on a lift. Good luck =)
  15. no i haven't as i said in the original post you need to cut the original hand brake cover to fit this one what i meant was are there gaps once it's on. does the leather boot sit nicely with it or is there a gap?
  16. Ummm. the covers shown in pic 28042008240 & pic 28042008239 are not from a ZZE122 corolla you can clearly see that there is a slat in it. The cover for the ZZE122 corolla is a single piece with no slat. look at this: this shows the cover for the ZZE122 facelift corolla. The covers that don't have the foglight are the same but simply don't have the round hole. It's obviously from a toyota because it says Toyota on the back of the part but just not the corolla. I've looked up pics of the following models and the part you have doesn't seem to match up: - Corolla ZZE122 - Corolla (current model) - Camry - Aurion - Yaris if you look at the way the damage was inflicted to the astra, you have to wonder what angle the car came at. because the corner is pushed in, but there is still the corner of the bumper that is not flat. then there's a split followed by that long virtical dent where the number plate is. I'm wondering if the driver actually back into your car twice . also, i've seen cars back into each other before, to do that much damage, there had to be enough run up to build up speed e.g 20km/h + . then there the silver car, it grazed it hard enough to pop off the foglamp cover. try looking at pics of the Prado, Hilux, Kluger
  17. have you fitted the handbrake cover to your rolla? any problems with fitment?
  18. Bill. glad to see you're putting the hair dryer to good use. LOL. The Excedy served you well. Lets have a moments silence. RIP. haha
  19. I filled up on Friday. OMG!!!! $82 to fill the tank. not surprisingly, now that the long weekend is over, the prices have come down again. what a crock!!!
  20. F8ck!!! Shoes on a car forum! OMG! why didn't I think of that?!
  21. Do you have aftermarket springs in there? I had the same problem. it turned out to be the plastic boot (looks like a cup sitting upside down) that drapes over the shock piston that was rubbing against the inside of the spring. Mine eventually had a hole worn into it (the plastic cup thing)
  22. I don't understand the problem. Your gearbox is supposed to be able to do that - it's not very good for the synchros in the gear box though, so don't do it. The clutch is simply there to disconnect your engine from your drive train, this makes changing gears easier and takes the engine load off the gears while you're shifting.
  23. If the wheel is bigger, why would you need to lower the spring? the wheel being bigger means, yes, that the car sits higher but also means the top of the wheel will be closer to the wheel arch. Lowering it will just make it worse. I don't really get your logic.
  24. actually, now that i think of it, $160 is a fair asking price considering what Honda asked for it's NSX. Also considering BMW wanted around the $100K for it's 330Ci back in the day (and that wasn't even top of the range), i guess it's fair. The GTR has a more established herritage than the NSX (at the time of release)....so fair enough I say. Too bad i forgot the PIN number for the key card with $160K in it.
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