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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. Hey dude. saw you again yesterday afternoon. i was the guy that turned around at waved at you on the motorbike at Chesterhill. hahahaha
  2. farq me sideways i was in agony the whole way. i had to stop the video half way. i just could watch it anymore! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. i feel like poking my eyes out and perforating my ear drums. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Spotted Ro11ar at Chesterhill this afternoon. I was the guy that waved at you on the motobike. LOLZ i saw that WTF look on your face when i turned around and waved. hahaha
  4. qkslvr

    April Fools

    I love that. it's my favourite! not many people know the key combo to change it back. ahahahaha
  5. Yeah. haha i always giggle when someone says rideoff instead of write off
  6. Definitely the throw out bearing. if you hold the clutch pedal down while you're at traffic lights or you slip your clutch alot then it puts undue stress and extra wear on the thrust bearings and pressure plate. either way, you'll need a new clutch.
  7. hey dude. I saw you while i was driving down to Jervis bay. was stuck in that traffic jam just after the Gong. you where on the lane next to me about 4cars ahead. i tried to catch up but your lane kept moving faster than mine. I was the silver pre-facelift. not sure if you saw me in your mirror. hehe
  8. hahahahaaha :lol: :lol: :clap: Kym shows us how he's still keeping it in the family hahaha
  9. have you got it set to 10deg BTDC or ATDC? probably a stupid question as it would run like crap when set incorrectly by that much. How's the oil consumption? have you checked the spark plugs for any signs of fouling as that will give you a clue to the condition of you engine.
  10. I see it all the time when i'm riding to work. some knob thinks he's Lewis Hamilton and ducks and weaves through traffic but keeps getting caught at traffic lights...and guess what. the same group of cars he's just passed catches up. If you cut through gaps and duck and weave through traffic, you seriously look like a total f'ing knob to everyone behind you. Seriously! Not just a small little knob but a huge tool of a knob so epic you can blot out the sun. I always have one of these Heroes past me at a million miles an hour and then i catch up and just lane split past his a$$ at the traffic lights. seriously, if you want to avoid traffic.....ride a bike! hahaha
  11. read the service manual, it's quite clear which ones are the major ones. as discussed the 80k and if memory serves me correctly, the 120k. Major service just means you need more sh!t replaced as apposed to just an oil change. Nothing major about it really.
  12. who cares... at $2000 it's a bargain still and comes with everything, plus you get cash back for the scrap metal. good point. I was just thinking of the engine at $1500 but $2000 for the entire wreck....do it!!!
  13. denial aside, you know deep down if you're f*cking up your car. If you're feeling guilty for thrashing it then i'd say 'yes' you're killing her. Sportivos are a reliable car but they are still susceptable to wear'n'tear. nuf said. oh btw, speeding doesn't get you there much quicker. You might get to your destination 3-4minutes earlier but if you're already late 3-4 minutes ain't going to do much. speed for the enjoyment, not to save time....oooops i meant dont speed
  14. Ah!!! the good 'ol ST162. I miss mine :( take care of that rust on the sunroof now. it's gets worse and starts blistering. that happened to mine. is it near the edge of the panel? the rust starts down inside the rubber seal so be careful. besides that, nice ride. I got mine for the same price 7 years ago now - they're definitely holding their value. :D Enjoy the car man, they don't make them like this anymore. every car now is tall, big and too 'Euro' for my liking.
  15. yes! that is a pretty good price for a 3SGTE. what year GT4 is it? if it's the Gen3 3SGTE, snap it up right now!!!! Edit: Sorry. is that with the wiring loom and ECU?
  16. that front end looks pretty retarded! engine damage? At least the gearbox is near the rear diff so it should be intact. one things for sure, ain't no front cut coming off of that thing. LOL
  17. I call it the "Pussy with a gun" syndrome.
  18. Very true - the amount of gorgeous cars rolling around Singapore is absolutely phenomenal!! However, there is nowhere in Singapore where you can legally drive more than 50, 70, or - on the expressways- 90. From what I can gather, as well, there must be a racetrack near KL, so when they hit the border to go racing, they still have 2-3 hrs of fun before they get to the track. I also wish to comment on Singapore driving... it works there, because everyone drives like that. But anywhere else would get scary - it is quite common to see Singaporeans driving on the line between the lanes, just to give themselves the option of moving in should a turnoff present itself... OMG. speed limits of 50, 70 or 90? No wonder people speed first chance they get. Also, what a waste of a nice car.
  19. You write pretty well for an advocate to the illiterate The point here is not that we don't like occasional "lazy" language (as you put it). but wen u type lk dis all da tyme wif no punctuation at all it gets kinda annoying no wat i mean? It makes you sound like a dumb red neck yokle. but then again, most of the time people (aka ppl) who type like this don't say much of value on this forum anyway.
  20. That's because they are not in high demand. At the end of the day money talks. Teaching and nursing jobs aren't exactly high paying by today's standards.
  21. a little off topic; but i was lucky enough to win a trip to Melbourne for the F1 recently. spent the weekend at the Vodafone McLaren corporate marquee. t'was bloody awesome. we where situated at the end of Turn 1 & turn 2 so i saw the Webber crash. I was dissapointed to say the least.
  22. I think that's the problem S.B. what exactly they're teaching in schools these days is questionable. The teachers spend most of their time just keeping the kids under control that nothing gets taught. Australia is one of the few countries where a kid can learn nothing all year, get assessed, fail and still progress to the next year. you effectively have kids moving to high school with the reading and writing capacity of a 4th grader. It's shocking. I don't mean to take a stab at the younger members of this forum but for ***'s sake! please learn the difference between "they're" and "there" - Use it correctly! It drives me nuts.
  23. Nice ride man! so unique. it's got the perfect combination of sports wagon, hot hatch, VIP Style JDM van....etc. i.e it's bloody hot!
  24. Teknoman was f*cken king! I used to watch it in the mornings too. what p1ssed me off was that i would always miss the last 5minutes of every episode because of the time the school bus came around. no matter, i now have the entire series on my computer. hehe
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