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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. I'm sorry but the Astra VXR looks the goods. I too will never buy a Honda...Honda is notorious for they're PR marketing hype which would have you believe that they put their F1 technology into everything from the Jazz up to the Euro...They have no racing pedogree and their is substance to their claims - just marketing smoke!
  2. If you're "pretty good with both computers and electronics" then why do you want to quit school? stick at it man. it's only 2 more years and it gives you more time and freedom to figure out what you want to do with your life. Trust me, when you're a corporate slave working for someone else to make a few bucks, you'd wish you where still in school - life's much simpler. Hang on to that as long as you can. You'll know what i means in 5-10years times.
  3. 999,979 this would make a really cool drinking game....sort of
  4. A 240kW RAV4 would be a pretty scary drive me thinks that's where the best traction control system (read: your right foot) comes into play. hehehe. it will only put out as much power as your right foot commands.
  5. that's been done too. Just ask Sonnie. we got a demo of the purge system the other night.
  6. qkslvr

    TOCAU Polos

    exactly how i like it ;) But we are not affiliated with TRD. It just seems a little "try-hard". But.....I'm not too fussed, whatever is on the back, I'll still take one anyway. =)
  7. http://toyota.jp/blade/ Go look it up yourself. The AWD blade only comes with the 2.4L 2AZ. The only place an AWD 2GR blade has been mentioned is in old motoring blogs where they were speculating. I trust Autoblog enough, and they said it was launched??? http://www.autoblog.com/2007/08/02/japan-t...ster-hatchback/ Regardless of what engine it has, it looks good and I think it'd look differentiated enough to just use it's body as is for a TRD product with a Corolla nametag. that looks so crap! it looks...well, it looks like exactly what it is: a Japanese car that has tried to go too European (in the wrong ways). a TRD Corolla based on the blade would be equivalent to those really HOT asian chicks you see on saturday night with dyed blonde hair. You're damn keen on taking her out for a spin but way in the back of your mind, you know something just looks out of place. :whistling: btw, i'm Asian, so don't get offended my Asian brethren. hehehe
  8. qkslvr

    TOCAU Polos

    TRD as in Too Rice'D hehehe. I reckon have the club emblem on the back (and a smaller on on the front)
  9. qkslvr

    TOCAU Polos

    I'll get one. It will be a nice way to support the club. every other club has a shirt. i vote either in the white or black polo. let's get a pole happening
  10. I would have to say no. I got mine put in a few weeks ago and they are better than lowered springs. I love having springs that are matched to the shock again. they are stiff/firm but not bouncy. word of warning though, Sydney major dodgey highways will still be way bumpy, but again, way better than lowered springs.
  11. you lost it? wtf. isn't it inside the headlamp. where could it go? LOL
  12. from the ratio figures, I'd say the "new" 6speed box was a way for Toyota to fix the gear ratio of the previous model rollas cheaply. change the final drive to give better in-gear accelleration at the cost of top speed in each gear. You effectively see "closer" ratios. The reason there is an extra over-drive gear i.e 6th is to regain the overall top speed lost by introducing the new final drive ratio. Your max HP is...well...your max HP. unless the factory made a major mistake with the top gear and final drive, you're not going to get a better top speed with just gearing alone (as you have stated).
  13. It's a shame to see all the cars i knew as a kid dissapear due to market factors. But this a harsh reality. The "Golden Era" where the "big boys" drove Skylines, Supras, RX7s, 300zx...etc and the budget sports fans drove Integra's, Celicas...etc are gone. The market for these cars have been obliterated just as in the motorcyle world where the market for 250cc sports bikes where wiped out virtually overnight. hence the lack of new 250cc sports bikes in the last 10years.
  14. hey mate. Have you tried checking the silicon intake hose for cracks? If it's cracked after the sensor, you could have unmetered air which could be a confusing the hell out of your engine for the first few minutes after start up. thus, bogging down when you put your foot on the gas on cold starts.
  15. It's the SMS texting language, Dylan. it kind of annoys me too. bcoz u haf 2 concent8 so much jus 2 read wat dey r trying 2 say. And don't even get me started on punctuation. If you actually try to read it how it's written, you literally run out of breath and go purple in the face. LOL
  16. nice to meet you too. like I said to you last night - DON'T GIVE THE WHEELS BACK! hehehe. they look better on the stivo than your brother's car anyway. LOL
  17. hahaha. Dave, you must of just caught the tail end of the meet last night. We ended up at Westmead for the eveneing.
  18. if it's coming from the rear wheel, It could be the hand brakes. have it checked out at Toyota since the car is under warranty.
  19. what car, year model, Km's? also, does the noise happen only when you start moving or is the squealing noise present as soon as you start the engine?
  20. does the noise occur as soon as you turn on your engine or only when you start moving?
  21. Spotted SEXC_ROLLA this morning on the Horsely drive. I was the one on foot. I think you saw me staring at your car. hehehe the red paint looks stunning "in-the-flesh"
  22. "civic ITR"? as in the civic-Integra Type R? anyway, was it the EK9? anyway, if you're in Sydney, you should come to the meet this Saturday. would love to see this 7.5sec 0-100 hot hatch Corolla. I'll even hold the stopwatch for you. LOL
  23. Thanks mate. I used to do stop watch and gtec for last 6 years on civic and ITR, what counts is the "consistency" of the outcome rather than accuracy as compared to drag racing results. G tec tends to read 0.3-0.2 sec slower than my stop watch. At least, I know, its the same driver, same manner, same road and same style. I was able to hit 110 in between the two speed bumps that I used to do with ITR and ..at least that tells me, corolla is doing well. I think its to do with new car and 6 speed with low diff(4.6) and a very good traction at launch as compared to my other cars 215/17/35. also, less power is lost thru trasmission and engine. So despite either its accurate to you or not, at leat at my "system" its working quite consistent. I will do two more runs this week, to further confrim my findings. as a scientist, consteitency counts more than any thing else. Thanks Consitently inaccurate? LOL. Consistency doesn't equal accuracy, though. If you're from Sydney, take your car to WSID and post your quater mile times. Your E.T and your trap speed is a much more meaningful figure for comparison.
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