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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. call me a synic if you must but it all sounds a little too "Soviet" for my liking - the "special" police (i.e highway patrol) pull you over and start barking orders like "Vare iz you papers!?" [You hand over your "permission slip" to be out at night] Officer: "Dis lettar states you finish work at vun am. It iz now teu am. Vayt are you still doing outs?" You: "Sorry officer. I stopped by Maccas on my way home from work" Office: "ZAT IZ NOT GOOT ENUF. STEP OUT OF ZEE KAR!" the document has a positive spin with good intentions but it sets a dangerous precedent towards curfews under the guis of "the greater good". Isn't that how the Patriot act came about in the States? Ok Ok, I'm beeing melodramatic but you still get my drift right?
  2. do you mean the bolt that secures the headers to the engine head? Or do you mean the spring-loaded bolts underneat at the flange?
  3. um, lols i think ur friends will already know cos you'll have to fly here to syd which means u'll be missing for a couple of weeks lols and plus, my friend kharly was on "So you think you can dance" (and yes he was in the top12, the asian guy with all the mad piercings & yes he did work at industrie8 in cabra) and he told people, lols so yeah everyone knew he was gunna be in the top12 even before the show came on tv, cos when the top12 is set they have a mad break to show the before scenes & then have the live evictions n soforth. OH, that reminds me, i saw Rhi-annan (Not the American singer) on Friday night at Privilege Bar. she's so tiny!!! hehehe. she looks heaps taller on TV. whoever that is LOL this chick: http://dance.ten.com.au/rhiannon-villareal-profile.htm
  4. That chrome corolla is not rice, its a show car and it would be illegal to drive it on the street due to the paint. Rice is your typical ugly crap on cars that serves no purpose and looks like diarrhoea. This is rice, big canon exhaust thats noisy and USELESS for a non turbo engine plus UGLY clear tail lights AND a big F&*K OFF spoiler that stick out like a sore thumb: That spoiler is good for 10HP, not to mention the Vee-TAK. Everyone knows you need loads of rear-wheel traction in a front-wheel-drive car. Psft
  5. um, lols i think ur friends will already know cos you'll have to fly here to syd which means u'll be missing for a couple of weeks lols and plus, my friend kharly was on "So you think you can dance" (and yes he was in the top12, the asian guy with all the mad piercings & yes he did work at industrie8 in cabra) and he told people, lols so yeah everyone knew he was gunna be in the top12 even before the show came on tv, cos when the top12 is set they have a mad break to show the before scenes & then have the live evictions n soforth. OH, that reminds me, i saw Rhi-annan (Not the American singer) on Friday night at Privilege Bar. she's so tiny!!! hehehe. she looks heaps taller on TV.
  6. The 5sFe is a torquer engine than the 3sge but the 3s is more tunable than the 5s - meaning the 3sge can be tuned to put out loads more HP (IF you're willing to spend the $$$)
  7. would love to come but i got class on Wed nights. have fun tearing up the blacktop
  8. if it isn't the forum's favourite mischief queen. I should shoot a short doco on the life'n'times of Mrs. Sportivo. hahaha, gotta support a fellow 'westie' I'm taking bets now on how long until she gets temp. banned next. hahaha
  9. I got a new drive shaft/CV joint from the wreckers and put it in myself. $50 for the part and $80 for the tools. Lubemobile quoted me $1,500 :o a panel beater should be able to sort you out. good luck with it.
  10. the "fog lights" on the 03-05 sportivo's only serve to give a little extra peripheral lighting. They are not aimed high enough or bright enough for real fog, let alone to blind on-coming drivers. I really don't see what the fuss is about. Damn traffic cops I think the foggies law has been totally misinterpreted and misused. My understanding of fog lights are those "roo-shooting' lights made by Hella or something found on the front of 4x4's, trucks, and utes with bullbars. what we're refering to are driving lights 90% of the time.
  11. looking at the picutres of the gutter, you're lucky it was an angled gutter. that's probably the reason you don't have more damage. My incident involved running up a standard gutter at the exit of a round about at 60+km/h. the round about had been rebuilt and the gutter placement had been changed (I used to be able to take a straight line through the roundabout without slowing down). anyway, it was dark and i took my usual line and BANG! car almost went airborn. I inspected the car for damange and didn't seem anything obvious so drove around for a while and that's when my hub seperated leaving me with no break.
  12. that's great news. It'll be a good boost for the auto industry in Australia. It's a step in a right direction for more Australia market specific models in the future. Maybe Toyota can pick up some of the engine builders from Holden that are about to lose their jobs. anyway, at the moment the only benefit i can see from a hybrid is the regenerative braking and also the ability to have a smaller, less peaky engine. Other than that, you're still using petrol.
  13. ^^^...Or being defected because you painted the fully sik 20" chromies black because you now prefer to be a ricer. hahaha
  14. legally, hearsay if 'fact' through a third party. what clarkson did on national TV would be considered a confession. I doubt anything will come of it though. he can simply claim that it was a joke or some publicity stunt. clarkson's pro-car enthusiest and anti-establishment persona is what makes Top Gear what it is. He makes whinning about luxury cars we can't afford seem so eloquent. I doubt the Aussie Top Gear that re-create that - shame.
  15. Speaking of 'Prince Alberts', did anyone watch the Monaco Grand Prix the other day? hahaha
  16. alcoholism controls the population. kulling is illegal and you certainly can't adopt a 1child policy - contraceptions would become popular - the Catholics would be outraged. hahah *** i'm such a troll! how many do you think i've offended in one post? hehe I get my inspiration from "Jesus is magic".
  17. Touche. but i still like my happy hour. *puts on battle gear* THEY MAY TAKE OUR LIVES, BUT THEY'RE NEVER TAKE OUR CHEAP TUESDAYS!
  18. Perhaps that's because noone (bar Rob and the few token nice guys) cares about your tattooed horse, or what chav car you bent over in the autosalon? you're incorrect there, Leroy. I myself am very interested in Sketra tattoing autosalons and bending over h....ooops, got my subjects muddle. just kidding around Sketra. common, play nice. to be fair, she did post this in the club lounge and not the car thread.
  19. All that whoring and no love my way. Pfst! I'm dissapointed.
  20. No No No No No No No. everyone knows that the electric supercharger is only meant to be used in conjunction with a flux capacitor. Obviously you guys haven't read the manual. Boost kicks in a 88miles/hour. Pfst! learn to read guys!
  21. As long as you make an informed choice, go for it. The horse doesn't look to 'gheto', i think it looks good. btw, Mrs.Sportivo. laser removing a tat hurts like a motherf'ing bitch! The laser essentially makes the ink explode and desintegrate undernead your skin. :o :o :o
  22. what's happy hour got to do with public drunkeness. I assume the problem is not binge drinking but public violence/mischief as a result of drunken youngin's. All the policy change and activity of late just paints the picture that the people in charge policy are all old and bitter men that dilude themselves about the 'good old days'. I'd hate to break it too you but 99% of politicians when they where our age where getting blind drunk while smoking tobaco/pot, pullin lines....etc you won't stop binge drinking by abolishing happy hour, especially when bars and clubs make their biggest turn-over because of it. There will just be new types of promotions to encourage patrons to drink up. Meanwhile, guys like you and me who enjoy a few colds ones after work on friday will either pay more, or just won't bother. And like Tat's said, it will just encourage people to load up before they hit the town. Seeing as a bottle of Vodka only costs $40, the problem is going to be much worse.
  23. They sound like some immature b@stards to me. If someone did that to me having to walk home would be the least of their worries.
  24. I know a guy who hear on a bus; "i gotta friend with a hell sik lancer - twin turboz and hell sik twin 4 inch exhausts ay..."... Oh actually that was you Leroy. nevermind.
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