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Status Updates posted by cruzer

  1. ehrmaaagerd

    1. juvenile


      Did I see your AE82 run up the back of someone a few weeks ago? not you driving though

  2. Clip fell off fuel injector plug oh greaaat -.-

    1. 4ABHGE


      Emo moments with the AE82 #FunTimes!!

    2. cruzer


      was missing in peak hour traffic so popped bonnet open took plug off put plug on

      tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fixed!

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      and it falls off again LAWL TROLOLOLOLOL

  3. sutututututu

    1. 4ABHGE


      Kool VL turdbro bro. Duz it rip gud skidz?

    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      LAWL. "honderp" and now "VL turdbro" :D

    3. jeffy
  4. stupid assed car pos -.- worst day ever

    1. 4ABHGE


      Must be an 82 thing...

    2. cruzer
  5. word to your mother

  6. Great mini meet last night :D

  7. Nyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyanNyan nyan

  8. seen a lancia delta today does want :D

  9. seen a lancia delta today does want :D

  10. Gt5 <3 ahahahahaha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cruzer


      So keen for the dlc though gonna buy it as soon as its out :D

    3. maca_10


      u guys found the ZZE123R yet? its a standard car. Great you can finally save in the middle of enduro races

    4. cruzer


      ive got two of those rollas ;)

  11. real steel great movie :D so awesomely awesome

    1. JJCRU23R


      is that out already?

    2. cruzer
    3. KIRIUS


      seen and agreed, i thought it would be crap, and sure some little kiddies went crazy clapping at the end over it in the theatre but it wasnt half bad :P

      they left it wide open for a sequel too.

  12. Toyofest today :D

  13. Great meet :D last night

  14. New seat for the huffy slider :p, now just gotta make a bracket to mount it

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. cruzer


      its ranged 8 to adult so shhhhhh gramps

    3. juvenile


      If your driving it to the meet just make sure you leave home earlier

    4. cruzer


      ahahahaha havent got roof racks so i cnt be all usdm :P

  15. Oh ipod how i hate you so much right now

  16. Got a wheel alignment SO much beter to drive to now :D

  17. Fuuuuuuuu stupid neighbours tree and its little flowers flying everywhere - _ -

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noodle Boy

      Noodle Boy

      got hayfever? worst case scenario if you do.

    3. Seby123


      faark that tree is so annoying honestly

    4. P_T


      I feel ya brudda. Mine's worse, I get that little stem you see in the middle of the flower, they get stuck between the wiper and the glass so I get streaks on my windshield.

  18. A;ready lookin forward to this weekend :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JDM-GTFour


      If you mean sydney meet.. me too! first ever. :)

    3. MrRob
    4. cruzer


      sydney meet then a few other car things with mates :D

  19. Drugs are bad mkay

    1. Kenshin X
    2. VF-X


      I'd say depends.. =D

  20. i want a different car :(

  21. Dual computer screens <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Triple 24" FTW >:D

    3. Hiro


      Would definitely give up my single 24" widescreen at work for 2 21" or 22" 4:3s, since I live in CAD land the extra real-estate would be invaluable

    4. master.Cuong


      how about tri 27" :DDDDDDDDDDD

  22. Selling my car :)

    1. KIRIUS


      Tofu corolla! ^_^ awesome


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