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Everything posted by Steven

  1. very unusual for it to be completely flat, unless somethings draining it (lights left on etc). Might also indicate a possible fault with the alternator too.
  2. 1) This is pretty much standard fare for all these aftermarket GPS units. You'll just need to get used to pushing the NAVI button to return to the music source for control reasons. 2) I've never used GPS voice so I can't comment on this. Anyone else want to have a shot?
  3. I just need to take a sander to the box on wednesday, then it will be ready for carpeting etc. Not sure what I'll be doing grill wise.
  4. I'm sure driving long periods without any sound counts as torture in some countries (afterall it's women who invented it) But, I have music again! also took the opportunity to adjust the storage bins slightly as some of the carbon fibre was lifting and jamming it. On that note I'm seriously thinking of redoing it, but this time using superglue as well. It simply lifts out at the edges too easily.
  5. Ive got my factory one you can use in the mean time if you want. Can bring it thursday night. thanks for the offer mate, but I took Daryl up on his as on second thought I couldn't wait that long :) DJKOR - Cheers mate, you're an absolute champ
  6. Factory GPS is out and sold, though it seems I'm going to have to wait a couple of weeks before getting the new one so no music for awhile :(
  7. working until 10pm tonight so no luck unfortunately. Still I hope to have a few things ready for next week
  8. I plan too once the aftermarket model I'm watching get's the update I'm after.

  9. I won't be a this weeks meet either due to work commitments. Yep measured it the other day using water, came to about 34L, which is pretty close to what I wanted.
  10. just an update considering I haven't done one for awhile. Subbox is nearing completion, should have it mostly ready in a week or 2. Custom grill is causing me grief, no idea when I'll have it done. Just ordered 100 5mm white leds for the interior etc. I know proper ready to go leds are available for interior lighting, but the 5mm cost me $6 delivered and they're not bad to work with
  11. Due to change in circumstances, I'm now looking for a roommate to share my house on Brisbane's Northside in Everton Park. House is a 2 story brick home with twin lockup electric garages downstairs. 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 with built in closets, only 1 in use at the moment (as a computer room, I live sleep downstairs). Rent is fairly cheap for such a house - information available for applicants. Prefer persons of like mind hence why I'm seeking interest on these forums. Any interest through private messaging and we'll go from there. - Steve
  12. Just wondering if the included picture is actually from your car, or from elsewhere? I've also got this same unit (hopefully selling soon) and it's slightly different (no Aux, white backing instead of blue-ish etc).

    Also how has the interest been? I thought these would be worth at least $600. cheers

  13. lookin good mate, can't wait to see it in person. Coming to this Thursday's meet? Adding that extra piece of carpet up top really finishes it off, can't believe they'd leave it bare from factory.
  14. Agreed with FF 7 - playing it right now, awesome game (only wished disc's 2 and 3 weren't so much shorter than disc 1)
  15. I had changed my mind and was heading out the door when I thought I'd check on a grinding noise from up front - yep, brakes are gone. Also it looks like my Rotors are screwed as well now. Darn it I had planned on going camping this weekend too!
  16. I'll also add notice to my lack of presence tonight. Work wants me there extra early tomorrow, and I'm not too pleasant to be around when I'm tired.
  17. After a few weeks of trying it, I've grown familiar with the new setup and I don't particular find it that much greater than the previous software. Of one particular issue is the search function, which has now become almost useless. The old style you can narrow your search to find exactly what you wanted - this new search is easily inferior to the old style and will definitely result in more people posting new topics instead of searching the archives to previously answered questions etc.
  18. Was this brought about due to a certain Aurion from the last week? lol /jks Sounds great I'll be there
  19. It can get a bit fiddly, but more time consuming than difficult.
  20. few things in development right now. I was hoping to get my sub box finished this weekend but alas the Epoxy gods thought otherwise (damn you sticky bastards). Here's how it currently looks
  21. very hard to tell with that picture. As for the carbon overlay, I'm not sure of any kits, but there are plenty of types of Carbon fibre lookalike film that you can apply yourself. See the "interior trim paint" thread for more information on this.
  22. I'll pop in - is there a car park around southbank somewhere that we can all meet at?
  23. hey mate, it's coming along nicely. I'll admit I didn't really understand what you meant when you described your sub box to me the other night, but that looks great! Very fine workmanship, I hope mine comes out even half that good. Keep up the good work, hopefully see you next week
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