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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Indeed, an XR6T or an F6 are absolute weapons. Just like the original VL Turbos, these have developed an almost cult following of their own. If you get one, can you take me for a drive whilst I grip the jesus handles and shriek like a school girl?
  2. After not having mobile-internet for so long, I had completely forgot how much better Opera is over Safari!
  3. sounds good, I can do sunday. If it's 1 BBQ item per person, expect A LOT of snags
  4. When you say the two pieces directly below do you mean the bit where the push to start button is on the left and where the reverse sonar button is on the right? Yes. I usually pop out the big panel just below them a bit as well, but that one doesn't need to come off completely. Just helps to get a better grip.
  5. The two pieces directly below the cluster fascia need to come out first. If I recall they just pull out (Clipped in). The dash surround can then be popped out too
  6. I'm not sure what warranty they offer on work performed. Just because the car is out of warranty shouldn't mean the work done is out of warranty as well. That being said, it would be a wager to demand they fix it - along the lines that if they pulled everything out and found it was another part that has broken, then you would be liable to pay them for the work they had done. By denying that there was any chance the clip could have broken again they've pretty much guaranteed that the only way they'll do it under that parts warranty is if you agree to pay for it in advance should it not be the problem. If that makes any sense :S The speedo comes out fairly easily, but I don't think you can see far back enough to see how it mounts to the firewall. Certainly not enough to replace the buggered clip.
  7. Don't know how streetable it would be with that much power. Actually considering the low speed traction issues I have (with stock suspension and ****ty, worn tyres :P) I always wondered how the TRD boys managed to go on. By the way, in all likelyhood anything that would boost the power of an N/A v6 would probably work even better on the supercharged v6 :)
  8. any development is good development... unless it's bad development
  9. Busy 3 days off, but worth it. - Wired the stereo so it now switches on whenever I'm near the car with the key, or inside it. This gets around the slow start up of the unit. Works flawlessly and shuts off as soon as I lock the car. - Replaced all 4 door courtesy lights with LED T10 bulbs. Was making them manually using regular 5mm LEDs but in the end bit the bullet and just bought some. - Redid my roof console lights from using 5mm LEDs to SMD LEDs. Much more even light spread and a nicer white too. Also looks less ghetto. - Changed the blue climate control LEDs to white LEDs to better match the stereo. Still some slight difference in the lighting but that can wait till the next lot of days off to work out. - New DTV antenna installed into the boot lid. Initial testing shows it'll work as soon as I power up the booster, but ran out of time. - And lastly I began the "Aux In" connectors for the stereo, by installing the USB connector in the centre console. The stereo I bought didn't actually come with external USB, I needed to open it up and connect one up (in the process I damaged the mini-SD card reader, but who needs that anyway).
  10. With mine it's mainly the slow startup (solution already sorted and implemented). It's got some others but it's very difficult to put into words. Basically sometimes it won't resume play from an external source like ipod/usb until you've pushed a button on the ipod or unplugged/replugged the usb stick. With the usb's though I think it has something to do with the size, I'm using an 8gb where the manual mentions only using a 2gb.
  11. Yep I tested that several times. The unit does cut power however it's only for a second or two, and it immediately picks up where it left off. Even cycling accessories on and off without starting the engine doesn't seem to faze it Edit Just tested it precisely - It will reboot instantly with a power loss for up to 4 seconds. Plenty of time for starting. After this to 7 seconds it does a quick boot of only 10 seconds (cold boot is 20). I'm not too worried about the voltage cut whilst starting as George tells me it's got a pretty good surge protector in there. Apparently the factory splurged on this as it was more cost efficient as it significantly lowered the warranty return rate.
  12. Thought of a way to "fix" the slow startup of my new stereo whilst also making it a bit trick. Basically the unit will start up as soon as the car detects my key, and will shut down after I leave. I understand this means the unit may possibly be playing when the car is turned off, but only when I'm near it so I'd actually prefer it this way. Also the second I lock the car it will shut off. Of course I can only do this because I have the smart entry system. What I have planned may also work partially on a regular turn-key car but I couldn't confirm that without seeing one in person. Already planned how to do it, checked the car's wiring diagrams and that also confirms it's possible. Hopefully I should have it ready to show off on Thursday's meet :)
  13. Again I tend to differ with the FWD of the Aurion creating a limitation. I believe, when you consider Commodores, Falcons and Aurions then there are other limiting factors that play a more integral role to cornering ability than whether or not it is FWD or RWD. I refer to the racing around Mt Cotton I mentioned - it wasn't only my opinion, but also that of all the professional drivers there that the Aurions could easily out perform the Commodores and Falcons on the track. With decent tread and the amount of power these cars put out factory (not incredible. good but still far short of a proper race car) then the driving wheels will not play as an important part. But I digress. IMO the quality of the Commdore has fallen in previous years (considering it wasn't even that great to begin with), where as the Falcon has improved. Although mechanically Falcons have a rather checkered past, I still rate them higher in all departments than the Commodore.
  14. I've raced both the new Aurions, Commodores and Falcons are a track at Mt Cotton. IMO Commodores were the worst of the lot - definitely better than the previous models but trust me they do have body roll. The Aurion was very quick and nimble, the Falcon was also very sure footed but did feel alot heavier. They were all the "sport" versions of the car with all that implied, like suspension. I'm aware the Aurion ATX's suspension is alot softer than the SX6/ZR6 etc models, maybe this is why you feel the SV6 is more solid?
  15. I wonder what the car makers will respond to being a "reasonable price" for their tech specs, knowing how much they sometimes charge for just a bit of plastic? If you're an independent mechanic/workshop and have to buy the tech specs for every different new model car that comes out just in order to properly service/repair it, then I can't see it being a cheap exercise. The car manufacturers would find a way to make their money elsewhere. Regardless it's a good idea, because at least the option would now be there for mechanics to access this information.
  16. It was a huge meet with many quality cars present. Really nice for once in a while - I can see why people who only just started building there cars would feel out of place.
  17. The problem with these units is that there are simply so many different variants of them hardware/software wise that without more information on the unit in question it's impossible to answer your question. From my experience the units currently on the market range from absolute crap to half-decent, and you often don't know what unit you have purchased until you get it in person. I've just recently bought one for my Aurion and although I love it, there are a few bugs with it that I've only discovered by using it for awhile. Still, it suits my purposes so for the time being I'm happy. Hope this helps
  18. Another risk present in that if your current draw is exceeding what the factory wiring is up to (unlikely as you should have blown a fuse by this stage), then you are "choking" your amplifier and risk burning it out. Once you start down the dark dodgy path, forever will it reflect itself on your car.... I sense much laziness in you :P
  19. I'm for a meet at the loop, then cruise off from there. That way we can advise anyone who arrives at the loop who didn't read these latest messages
  20. an address and/or directions would be good guys - I won't have a chance to check my computer before the meet after tonight afterall
  21. excuse my ignorance but: What is JDMST, where is it exactly, does it cost anything etc etc
  22. I'll admit, I have yet to see an Asian with a rats tail and/or a mullet
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