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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Was weight saving just the removal of the sub? I wonder how much your new intake contributed...
  2. A low 13 second 1/4 from an essentially stock TRD?!!! Bloody hell Daryl that's incredible. Really goes to show the TRD is a great platform that makes the most out of its setup. Has this perchance inspired you to start modding? High 12s can't be too far away....
  3. There is smoke coming from BOTH front wheels! Truly excellent. Do we have perhaps 1/4 mile figures to go with this most excellent burnout?
  4. .. It's like he's challenging us. I don't know HOW it was freed, but to put it right back there again is like daring us to do better. I don't feel like backing down...
  5. Despite the "small" gathering of motor vehicles, it was fun for a quick pre-catchup before Thursday (yes I actually dragged my **** out there, and parked as far away as possible to ensure that I got thoroughly soaked before leaving). Great tales told as well. I sure someone's son is now far more worldly-wise than he was before he was dragged along tonight...
  6. Seeing this in person really makes the difference - mate you interior is absolute PORN. You've thoroughly convinced me to get some (better) cow hide imported into my interior, compared to the factory fare which I am sad to say could hardly be considered dead animal skin
  7. If: 1) The roads are wet 2) The Maloo has nothing weighing down the **** end 3) And the driver either can't drive for ****, or is dead then yeah I can imagine him having trouble beating a standard Aurion. But that's about it, these things aren't slow if you know how to drive them.
  8. I don't mind people calling my Aurion a Camry at all. I much prefer it over when I was driving my Commodore and people would call it "****box" and "rust bucket" and "commonwhore" :D Most people associate a Camry with a slow, boring yet reliable car that will always get you to Sunday bowls. It makes it all the more fun when you leave them for dead at the lights.
  9. Agreed, but to spent nearly 1/2 a week cleaning it the first place? Talk about keen. I once got so smashed I decided I would clean every nook and cranny of my car with a toothbrush, and polish every bolt. When I awoke the next morning my intake manifold was in pieces and I couldn't find my air filter anywhere :s
  10. tis nothing grand gentlemen, simply an answer to something that has been ****** me off lately. And I should clarify, the <item> is not a gun
  11. Changed the lighting on my climate control to a slightly blue color to better match the stereo. Also ripped apart the stereo and finally fixed the SD card reader that I buggered last time. Also made an Ebay purchase, hope to be the first one in Brisbane getting around with this set of <items>
  12. That one really p***es me off as well. Even if I drive carefully for the entire time they are following me, it nearly always ends up in them pulling me over and just doing a license check etc. So it's basically just driving carefully waiting for the moment that they pull you over. There is actually a legitimate reason for this, and that's doing a license/rego check over the radio - very few police vehicles actually have the in car computers. For most "metro" areas, these checks go over a dedicated inquiry channel; problem being is that there is usually a wait whilst you work you way through the que. They could pull you over immediately of course, but some people have complained that they were getting pulled over and then told to wait for up to 10 minutes for a check to come through. Complaints cause issues with the bosses, so hence the best compromise is as above. Trust me, unless there is a complete newbie copper driving, they really don't care to follow you around all day when they could be kicking it back drinking coffee somewhere.
  13. Update - No good, it was definitely the tail lights that were cracked, not the tint. Just put on a light coat of the tint and it actually cracked right in front of me! Tail light is now completely ******. I'm sending it off to the nightshade suppliers down south - There must be something wrong with the batch I recieved. They reckon they'll compensate me if they find there was something wrong with the nightshade. After all this trouble I've abandoned the tinting idea. It's cost me far too much time and money and I do not wish to risk this happening again.
  14. ... yes. I am not keen to repeat it again, however now that I am more learned about some things I'm finding myself thinking again in trying the nightshade :s Call me bonkers but I've got enough left to try one of the inner lights again. They're not too hard to sand back and polish.
  15. Yes! Mate that is hot. Actually if you removed the turbo badges it would be one hell of a sleeper :) I wouldn't tint those tail lights, I think they match the car perfectly as they are.
  16. Create a ride thread for it so we can actually see it :D -> although yes, tinting it's tail lights would probably look very mean! Also, took me all day but got them back to normal.
  17. Okay it looks like with a fair bit of sanding and prep work that I can restore these lights back to their original condition (if not better). However I still like the tinting idea, so I've spoken to a local panel shop that has done good work for me in the past and they've suggested a special tinted clear coat that can be applied over tail lights - the results are far more uniform and shiny than you could ever hope to achieve with the nightshade stuff alone. They've given me a price of $200 for all 4 lights. However if multiple people in the Brisbane area are interested then he'll be happy to lower the price further. As an idea, if 5 people get theirs done it falls to $180 each (cash). It's going to take me a few days to get my current lights fixed up due to other commitments chewing up my time, so if you are interested let me know. I'll be running this past Northy to make sure it's all on the level before any go ahead so for now it's EOI only.
  18. The mirror cover just pops off. You might need a flathead screw driver to go around the edges to help. The vht looks great of the indicators. :) When applying the vht, only do light coats with an hour between. This stuff shrinks as it dries and cracks very easily if on too thick.
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