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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Steven

    SPAM Thread

    It's a bargain at 50% off!
  2. Steven

    SPAM Thread

    Oh SPAM! Oh SPAM! Gourmet delight! My food by day, my dreams by night. To carve, to slice, to dice you up - pureed in a blender and sipped from a cup. What shining deity from Olympus knelt down to the earth and hog butt smelt? Creating then man's eternal desire for swine entrails congealed by fire. On some corporate farm, a pig has died. Eyes, tongue, and snout end up inside that cube of SPAM hidden in the can I now hold in my trembling hand. More than mere food, SPAM is for me a hedonistic expression of gluttonous glee. Mottled with pork fat, the pink cube engrosses. My mouth takes it in, my intestine disposes. Long have my arteries clogged to the sound of sizzling SPAM when there's no one around - furtively chewing or swallowing whole. Triple bypass by forty, my medical goal. Other processed meat products I've tried or declined Vienna Sausages, Treet, even pig's feet in brine. Though each may be tasty in different ways, none matches SPAM for gelatinous glaze. That glistening pinkness beckons me with gristle, fat, and BHT. Oh SPAM, my SPAM - the taste, the smell! The sacred meat product, from Hormel.
  3. What are the Hybrid taillight COVERS that are on the Thai website about? Always been a little curious because at that price they're obviously not the full taillight assembly. For some ****s n giggles I recently inquired about the price of hybrid taillights genuine from Toyota - They were around $450 per side (inner and outer lights).
  4. Having a WD-TV in the loungeroom, I often considered wiring one up in the car. Nice work. Now the trick is getting some controls hardwired in.
  5. This product falls under the same category as Fake blow off valves, Pretend CF panels/bonnets, and bonnet scoops (on unmodded engines). They're ricey to the extreme, and only serve to cheapen your ride by making it look like a rolling joke. I have no qualms with people dressing up their car with body kits and big wheels because ultimately they can look pretty good even if the car doesn't have much go. However the sole purpose of these "ultra-ricey" mods is to pretend the car is fast etc. Like we normally say around here, it's your car and you should mod it however you like. However if you stuck these on, be prepared to cop some flack. ... btw the way they're from carmate so they'll probably melt or catch fire within a few days anyhow.
  6. Will miss both meets this week unfortunately due to a clashing of dates. Actually due to my current circumstances I'll probably only come around once a month at the least. Shit sux
  7. Like Daryl's already said - there's not chance a fuse "in the wrong place" can drain your battery. The only difference between fuses are their ratings - using the wrong rated fuse is either only going to result in the fuse blowing (if you use a lower rated fuse), or removing that safety barrier that the fuse gives and risking a fire or melted wiring (by using a higher rated fuse). However I will throw you a bone, if perchance a relay was stuffed (stuck on for example) then yes it could cause extra drain on the battery. I think you should take whatever you've been told with a grain of salt
  8. 1) Dammit, I want those wheels 2) PERFECT 3) ... oh god I just jizzed my pants
  9. i can multi task. i just dont know what you guys like to do. well other than ....... well i'm not going to plan anything to do with that See?! That's another area where men excel. For "that" we don't need any planning what-so-ever. It's you bloody women who make it so damn complicated.
  10. Was it a private sale or dealer bought? I'd be getting in contact with the seller if private and asking some serious questions. Obviously if dealer then you have a warranty
  11. A few of the advantages are: • Instant performance that you can genuinely feel • Won the prestigious award of best new product at the 2009 SEMA • No adverse affect on the manufacturer's engine specification and tuning • Does not affect other systems like ABS and electronic fuel injection • 3 Stage programming which means the performance can be adjusted to suit the driver and conditions at the press of a button- e.g. The performance can be returned to stock settings for adverse weather, new drivers or if you are leaving your vehicle with a mechanic or workshop) • Plug in performance which means you can simply remove the chip if you sell the vehicle • Available for Petrols, Diesels, Autos and Manuals Instant Performance - Same performance from stock. "Instant" - no, just that 0.01 seconds faster than it takes to put your foot down a little further. Won Sema award - Doesn't count as an Advantage, just wanky advertising No adverse effects - Same as leaving it stock. However will this be in a legally binding written guarantee, or is it claim without any substance? Does not affect any other systems - So the fact is doesn't screw up other parts of your car is an advantage? 3 stage programming - Lovely. Though what's this an advantage over? The ongoing adjustments and fine tuning performed by the standard ECU anyway? I seriously doubt it. Plug in performance so easily removable - Great. Because it would obviously put anyone off buying the car if they saw this in there (or conversely, think you were dumber than you look and offer you less money) Available for petrols, diesels, autos and Manuals - Advertising gimmick. My claim "Available for red, blue, or yellow cars. Have air conditioning? No problem, it will still bolt up."
  12. Looking outside and it looks perfect for racing. Can't help but feel the race officials should have waited another hour or 2. I agree that any impromptu meeting would likely be crap, and that we should just leave it. We still got Hogsbreath and the Loop tomorrow so no real loss.
  13. I'm adopting a wait and see stance - If the rain stays away from here on out I reckon there's a good chance the drags will be on.
  14. In the majority of cases, it's not someone who is known to you but simply a random break. Most grubs don't know what's inside until they get there - if there is heavy valuable **** there they might take it if they came by car. Sorry to hear about your loses
  15. Rain is supposed to be clearing tomorrow in the early afternoon - as is typical with Brissie, I'm sure the track will be dry by evening.
  16. Dude, there is no "If" here. Just accept it's going to happen. And I expect the rest of you softies to take up the challenge as well. It's better to have tried and failed then not to have tried at all.
  17. 1. The Falcon 2. Daryl 3. Andrew 4. Dee 5. Steven 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  18. I connected my wires from the roof light, down the a pillar and fed behind the dash. The a pillars do come off without having to break the clip , it's just a bit diddly. Another option is to check the ignition barrell light - it might come on at the same time as the roof light which might save you alot of trouble.
  19. Don't these bars carry some kind of warranty ? I'd be asking some serious questions before handing over some more hard earned
  20. Depends on the date. If it's May I should be able to come along. If in March, I can't because the pushie is rear-wheel drive :(
  21. FYI guys if you're looking to ruin the look of your Aurion, there appears to be a company here in lil ol'brissie that will be happy to help. www.bodykitskingdom.com.au
  22. I figure direct injection must be on the cards fairly soon. The Lexus already has it afterall
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