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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Steven


    Back in my day we really respected our elders. Then I grew up and realised that a ******-off nanna is simultaneously the most dangerous AND the most annoying creature to ever walk the Earth. If I ever get sighted by the ol lady next door whilst I'm outside I know I'll be trapped hearing about something she doesn't like (ie everything) for the next 3 hours. It was a driving force behind me getting electric garage doors
  2. ladies and gentlemen I doubt we'll get anymore rain -twas just one of them summer afternoon storms we hear about so often
  3. Not my cup of tea unfortunately - carbonfibre looks great as a highlight but rarely as a main feature. I had considered CF some body panels on my Aurion, but after seeing that I don't think I'd like the way it'd look.
  4. a tad early but who's coming out this week? Was hoping to have a compilation video from Saturday but work and life are being Konts
  5. if you come on here asking for advice on how to mod your car, don't cry when the advice isn't exactly what you wanted. It's plain as day (or night, if you have 5% tint) that everyone here is just trying to save you many hassles that can stem from having such tint. I have been in a few accidents in the last few years, all of which involve someone else on the road breaking the road rules and crashing into me. Even though fault lies with the other guy, any insurer can wipe out your claim for having some obviously illegal tint, as has already been said before. But you're right, your car your choice and that's something we really value here.
  6. hey EK1, I can suggest you first consult the white or yellow pages for all your future questions - or failing that, try google. You'll be amazed at the amount of information you can find yourself if you actually try Pro-tip To aid your future googling, try to be specific too - you know where, what, that kinda thing. It will really help I guarantee!
  7. Any court would dismiss any parking fine issued by either the Police or the council that's evidence was based solely off a picture taken by a construction worker. First of their there is no evidence of 2 of the 3 most important facts of a charge (Time and Date, with the third being Place) - aside from the construction workers say so which, as he isn't the issuing officer, does not present a prima facie case. I've seen it heaps, people filming others committing road violations - in essence only the real serious ones are ever followed up on and even then it's a poopfight for the issuing officer if it's ever contested in court.
  8. the SL is based off the ZR6 not the presara that's why. Otherwise very nice ride, quite a few silver TRD's getting around and they are sex on wheels. Don't go changing it too much they are a special car. Interesting how you've got the facelift stereo in yours - haven't seen that before.
  9. I also enjoyed it - will do so even more once this headache subsides....
  10. Andrew or Daryl - whoever I'm catching a lift with please let me know by tonight via pm. If you need address details etc I'll let you know then (also if you can please advise me on whether drinking is okay)
  11. Woke up the same, immense pain when I even think of eating or drinking. I'm still going though, ya pansy
  12. R18? I wouldve thought XXX if not beyond classification. I'll be in if someone can get me back home afterward
  13. +1 for the mobile version. Looks ****hot on the Iphone
  14. Doesn't it also use a combination of the lights and the ambient light sensor, same as the dash cluster?
  15. just got my next roster which has me on a day off, so I'm confirmed for in.
  16. Steve. Please do me a favour and buy that. ... because if you don't, I will. Afraid it's yours mate - work is playing games with me so Im not making anymore mods to the car for a little while.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300471566606&viewitem=#vi-content That's the Ebay link from the seller who quoted about $56 postage to Australia. With the awesome exchange rate, that's nearly spot on $310 delivered. Wheel looks to be in pretty good nick too. I took a look at the Lexus paddles themselves with can be bought separately for around $200, however I can guarantee they won't bolt up to an Aurion Wheel. Lots of **** going on at work at the moment so I won't be able to work on this anymore until next weekend at the earliest.
  18. 2nd hand with everything barr the airbag they can be had for around $300 delivered from the states. The airbag for $400 is the cheapest I've found.
  19. Unfortunately it's just the area - literally a hotspot for car breaks
  20. Scratch this idea - it had occurred to me I could just use the entire steering wheel assembly etc from a Lexus IS350 - comes standard with paddle shifters and is a straight bolt up to the Aurion. Even found the complete wheels cheaply enough, however the Lexus airbag is worth a pretty penny and it was a bit of a stretch for the going price of the wheel alone. That said though, it did give me a few ideas of how to make up my own paddle shifter. Got the steering wheel out of the car this morning and completely disassembled - not as accommodating as the Lexus wheel, but not beyond hope either. Could you use the aurion airbag with the lexus wheel? I did think of that, as theyre exactly the same mounting wise, but the cover is a slightly different shape and might not fit - it would be a very expensive gamble: wheel plus airbag would be around $600
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