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Status Updates posted by -DAvo

  1. Half way through my pre wedding detail! 2nd layer of Autoglym HD wax on! next step, interior!

    1. Andrew357


      Worth the $$$?

  2. Half way through my pre wedding detail! 2nd layer of Autoglym HD wax on! next step, interior!

  3. To paint the middle/lower part of my front lip black or leave it white... hrmmm what does TOCAU think?

    1. pezzie


      white! it looks really clean and unique

  4. Whoo! Just ordered a Canon Ef 135mm F2L! cant wait :)

  5. Just cleaned the car after neglecing it for a good 3 weeks!! :( and then it started to rain again as i was finishing up. oh well.. at least i got the 3 weeks worth of Perth winter roads off the car :) AG Aqua Wax.. you my hero!

  6. Just back from Singapore and have SO many new ideas... muahaha

    1. lasertip


      Yea. The modders there are hardcore ey. My friend spent around 10k on modding his rx8

  7. Perth toyota owners! lets get a meet happening!! see this thread http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php/topic/33426-perth-meet-up/

    1. chicken


      sorry mate its crunch time for me with my scholarship ending soon

  8. What's on your mind?, some a-hole thought they'd have a shot at key'ing my rear passenger door. lucky for me they did a p1ss weak job and i should be able to buff most of it out. grrr

    1. Silver-Aurion


      it's definitely out of jealousy

    2. Pah


      that sux people like that need shooting :)

  9. after a week off the road, im glad to say im satisfied with how the car turned out, she's never looked better!@ now im off go for a drive... thunderstorms forecast for tonight :) at least i know shes well protected.. bring on the water beading!!

    1. dutchie101


      Pics pleasse DAvo!

  10. epic detail is almost complete! 3 layers of AG EGP on and cured,. time to get under the car and shine those mufflers and other bright works!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. juvenile


      I think I want to lick your car

    3. Kenshin X
    4. Tash


      I love your commitment :D I managed to clay, polish and wax on the weekend but there is sooooo much more to go, including more coats of wax. You are the detailing Yoda :)

  11. The Epic detail has begun!! Phase 1 (wash/ clay/isowipe down) complete :)

    1. Defyant


      Jeeesus i struggle just to hose my car down :P wish i could take a leaf outa your book mate :) and piccys arealdy!

    2. Tash


      Nice :D

  12. Got the car back! (minus weather strip around skirting which had to be ordered ex east and will be here monday) very happy with paint work, yay! time to plan! oh and super happy with how my new grille turned out! :)

    1. VF-X


      skip the crap and post some pics already. :D

    2. diamond white

      diamond white

      it's great she's back on track

    3. Defyant


      piccys piccys!!!

  13. Car is away at repairers for next two days.. missing it already! time to clean out the garage and get ready for the epic detail :)

    1. Tash


      At least she'll be back better than ever Davo - especially after the epic detail! I've got my epic detail booked in for next weekend, borrowing my bosses garage (I only have a carport). Then I'll be all ready for QLD :D

  14. Car has been approved at my prefered panel beaters for repair! this was after AAMI tried to send me to their prefered repairer who were a bunch of pricks! whoo! time to plan a mega detail once i get car back! :) :)

    1. Silver-Aurion


      what happened to the aurion?

    2. Tash


      Fantastic news Davo, glad you got the result you wanted :D Looking forward to seeing the Aurion back at her best, you'll enjoy the detailing regime when you get her back heheheheh

  15. Just ordered some new DBA rotors, and now looking for pads! to go Geunine or aftermarket??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andrew357


      ^ +1 + Like to Daryl's post.

    3. dwee.


      Got to agree also! Trung (AE92) lives and swear by them!

    4. dutchie101


      If you want dust free living, Endless SSM are bloody excellent..

  16. just purchased some slimline vsors from ebay... this ebay thing could get dangerous.... :p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      Is this the $60 one? Is it any good because i'm thinking of buying it as well.

    3. Tash


      I'm with you john, we are the victims here and I am a slave to the bargains! Impulse buy again last night on my behalf, purchased a set of eyelids from the states lol

      Good luck with the slimlines Davo, they look pretty good on the Aurion :)

    4. -DAvo


      yeah they are the $60 ones, ill let you know when i get them.. thanks Tash, yeah i wasnt a fan of them for a long time but their slowly growing on me.. i will still be debating on whether or not to keep them on thou.. if im not sold on something on my car 110% then it does not stay on :p

  17. whatta day.. long day at work.. about to leave, walking to car.. lady in landcruiser backs into my car!! low speed impact but her towball scratched my rear bumper and the sportivo skirt will need to be replaced.. FML

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. juvenile


      oh crap i feel partly to blame because I was saying how good your car looked :(

    3. diamond white

      diamond white

      ditto juvenile ;0(

    4. -DAvo


      haha tis all good guys! im laughing about it now! insurance will take care of it and she's gonna be back better than ever! ive already started planning the EPIC detail session once i get it back from the panel beaters! plus the damage isnt all that bad. skirt will probably need replacing, and bumper may just be resprayed.

  18. Hello 590mm!! the forecast is 95% fine weather with minimal scrub on major dips taken at high speeds! whooo! its alll gooood

    1. 1stKill


      wow...post up some pics of the height,please :)

    2. -DAvo


      i will soon lee, have a few small mods i wanna get on before i go for another photoshoot :)

    3. dutchie101


      Ah comon!! we wanna see!!

  19. Rain starting in perth.. time to plan the "winterization" of the car!!

    1. 69.NIX


      a winter coat? :P

    2. -DAvo


      two, acctually ;)

  20. got his goodies from thailand.. now to wait for more goodies from USA :p

    1. ZRSHIFT


      Cool!! Just wondering. How long did it take for delivery? Plus how much was shipping and which shipping method did ya go for?

    2. R3P3NT


      hey sup, yeh same here aye jst wna kno what method you used, how long it took etc... also i was told that you were the one to speak to regarding the chrome billet grilles and where to find them


    3. ZRSHIFT


      I placed an order from Thailand and checked the EMS delivery which is 3-5 days. I called up Australia Post to find out that they shipped it as no priority!!!!!!!! So i might have to wait another month or so before it arrives. I cant believe my money got taken like this lol. Oh well patients i guess.

  21. Poppin' the big question tonight... wish me luck!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 1stKill


      Good luck Davo :)

    3. VF-X


      Polish yourself, not the car. And ur set. =D

    4. juvenile
  22. car is in getting next mod done... hurry uppp!!

  23. car is in getting next mod done... hurry uppp!!

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