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Everything posted by -DAvo

  1. OK, so my last attempt was an epic failure, so im going to start this thread and hopefully get a bit more organized. Shoot date: Any Tuesday night, possibly a Saturday early morning?? Possible Locations: 1. Curtin visitor upper carpark 2. Galleria Upper carpark (near cinemas) 3. Innaloo undercover carpark 4. Karrinyup undercover carpark 5. Southperth carpark (near the bridge) 6. Council building carpark along cedric street please post your interest and any other known photoshoot locations you can think of. good lighting (white fluro light is good) would be nice... thanks :)
  2. spotted a white Aurion with some sort of body kit in the myer CBD carpark today, around 1pm. anyone here on the forum? looked like a nice kit but was a bit dirty/scratched up...
  3. yo man! we need to meet up and get some photos of that bad boy! when are you free!? body kit looks awsome! and do i see angel eyes? or is it just the lighting??
  4. nah, it seems like 1.5 hours would be a bit short for all who would have to travel... i will endevour to arrange another shoot time with proper locations.. sorry for the mess around :(
  5. ahh your a champ VF-X! :) 01) Ingres (Roof Spoiler, VIP2 Grill, Eyelid, LED Brake Light for Back Bumper) 02) Hidden Taco (Lexus Grill) 03) SecaBoy (Hybrid Light) 04)-DAvo (Ducktail spoiler, grill vip v1 style ) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10)
  6. So 8 till when? yeah sorry guys, looks like id be limited to about 1.5 hours only tonight so probably not worth it. will try and re organise, with some more concrete locations too... thanks for your patience!!
  7. im aiming for tonight, but cant stay out for long...
  8. eDIT: Thinking of trying for the Innaloo underground carpark first, then if we get asked to move on, then try the karrinyup underground? i like the lighting at the innaloo carpark.. same time, 8pm, sensible meet up, no hoons. cheers!
  9. yeah i think that too sometimes, even worse when you have a white car :P but im one of those weirdos who acctually finds cleaning the car, relaxing! :P so.. yes it is worth it :) dont you fall off the train now mate! :P oh and once you see the water beading that nxt 2.0 gives, you will know it is worth the trouble :) i purchased the meguiars polisher and pads from repco and the mothers wax attack from auto pro (which i think is called auto barn over east) pretty sure if auto barn is the same as auto pro here in wa, they will do both mothers and meguiars products... the wax attack seems to be readily available here, but the meguiars DA polisher had to be ordered in... :)
  10. im using a Meguiars g220A Dual Action polisher... alsong with meguiars w8006 polishing pads (for paint correction and cleaning) and w9000 finishing pads (for applying pure polishes) and i use a Mothers wax attack palm polisher to apply my final step products (wax) :)
  11. correct, swirlX is basically a light paint cleaner/swirl remover. bear in mind, if your paint has some serrious scratches or deeper swirl marks, then you may have to either do a few applications of swirlX or move onto somrthing more aggressive such as ultimate compound. generally SwirlX is a excellent paint cleaner/swirl remover so you should be right with that. remember, Nxt 2.0 also has a small (very very small) amount of polishing action to it as well, so yo do not need to apply swirlx on every detail unless you really need to. (it also may be a worthwhile investment to look at a DA polishing machine, if you plan on detailing your car lots, i wouldnt be able to survive without mine! :P ) good luck with it all :)
  12. yeah, will confirm tomorrow the details on the shoot, still not 100% yet. will most likely be at about 8pm, till maybe 9-10pm... heres some shots from the innaloo underground car park http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...mp;#entry374073
  13. couple i took from tonights search for a good location...
  14. ok so we might have hit a snag, i was hoping to drop by the ikea carpark tonight to get more shots, and they buggers have blocked the entry into the carpark! i found a way around it but i dont really want security to be hassling us during the shoot... i drive accorss the rd to innaloo underground carpark and got some good shots there, so possibly either one of the two would be a good option? anyone else know of any good underground carparks that we can use? do you guys regulary run into security during these photoshoots?
  15. looking good there mate, and happy birthday :) just a few suggestions, take form it what you want, and im in no way having a go at ya... i think the car is looking great and its clear to see the effort your putting into it! :) instead of the turtle wax products, give meguiars swirlX (for your scratch remover) and NXT techwax 2.0 for your wax/last step product. you will be floored by the extra pop that combo will give you. ive used the turtle wax on my old corolla which was also silver and while it gave good reflections and decent depth, the meguiars nxt techwax 2.0 just blew it away! and it gives you heaps and heaps of protection being a synthetic sealant. my summer coatings include 2 layers of techwax 2.0 (or m21) at the beginning of summer, and multiple layers of meguiars hitech yellow wax for the depth and gloss. winter coatings are purely techwax 2.0 for the crazy protection from the elements. remember, the most important step is always the surface prep you do before hand. which is why i would recommend swirlx (after you clay the car of course) but again, im really liking the look your getting from the car, and its great to see another user so taken into the deatiling side of things :) it poo's me to no end when i see a nice car that the owner has neglected and looks dirty. keep it up!! :) (oh and when you use up that armor all protectant, try gold class dash and trim foam cleaner, i used the armor all stuff your using now, up until i found the foam cleaner :) better protection and nicer smell :) ;) )
  16. ok so looks like i MIGHT have this wednesday night free, anyone keen to head out and get a few shots? im liking the IKEA carpark... open to suggestions
  17. thats one slick looking yaris! loving the colour and the reflections your getting out of the paint! well done :)
  18. Thanks :) Plans would be to rip out the current CD stacker and replace it with the screen, amp, sub etc. I like my music. This time I won't be going el-cheapo like I did with the camry, I'll be going with expensive equipment once I've got the money and if I can really be stuffed, rip out the current tint and put in a darker one, about 30% midnight express. The camry, I had them put in 30% midnight express and thought it was just right. Also I've gotten heaps of inspiration from this forum for new rims too. Only "mod" I've done is put in the slimlines. One (slow) step at a time.. :P. nice :) have a look at mb quart speakers, im running their reference speakers and alpine amps and could not be happier with the sq im getting from them :) lookin fwd to seeing more :)
  19. nice work mate, the wood trim isnt really my taste but thats just me... nice to see (from pics and from previous posts) that you take good care of it :) any upgrades planned?
  20. went out and got a few more shots of my pride n joy, tried to follow the lead of Hidden taco and go for the "undercover carpark" look :) hope you like, more can be found in my post in members ride :)
  21. Yeah ive been experimenting with light painting, with mixed results... ive got some remote flash triggers on order so maybe ill get the results im chasing with those... fingers crossed. thanks for the comment dude :)
  22. nice clean set up you got planned mate :) love that headunit, ultimate all in one B)
  23. will take dibs on whichever one u dont want :)
  24. ok so after a week of sitting in the sorching sun and getting smashed by all sortsa rubbish from the main highway my car is parked near by, i decided to give her the royal treatment yesterday. (see attachments at the end of the thread) then i went in hunt for a nice carpark to try out some "carpark" shots, and what would you know, those swedish dont only make awsome cheap furniture, they also have a nice big open car park for me to use! thanks IKEA! please lemme know what you think, and which one you like best. im sorry for the mass photos, was a bit trigger freindly last night :P
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