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Everything posted by -DAvo

  1. Picked this up the other day from Toyota... 1 down, waiting on the other 3 to arrive soon :) yeeooow!
  2. blasphemy! you dont hide them! you remove them!! :P :P :P personally i think for the TRD/Sportivo's, black kinda takes away from the darker parts of the bodykits... no offence intended, thats just my opinion. which is why a white TRd/Sportivo makes me blush :P id personally go the silver, when buffed correctly, silver can easily hold a pretty outstanding shine and reflection. you probably wont get the depth of a darker colour but the shine is certainly acheiveable.. glad to see things are moving along mate :)
  3. team white!!! :) love it mate! and stand by for kappa wheels on a white aurion, will be coming soon ;)
  4. Haha. Really? Why is that? And now you know why :P yeeoow B) unique - your aurion seems pretty well cleaned too man, but yeah id happily have a shot at it :) im one of those weirdo's that enjoy polishing cars.. :P in keeping with the thread title, picked up a fairly largeish box the other day... 3 more to come soon :) will post teasers tomorow ;)
  5. just on this topic, my 30,000km service is coming up and last service i asked toyota to use their fully synthetic oil. but this time im looking atg supplying my own oil. will go for the fuchs GTO, but AFAIK it only comes in 5L bottles? I read somewhere on this forum that the Aurion uses 5.7L of oil... what do most people here do? supply the toyota guys with 10L of oil or just give them 5L and they top up the rest??....
  6. Thanks for that Daryl :) I think i may have to double side tape it back up, have a feeling the audio installer may have snapped one of those plastic clips. but will pull it all off tomorrow and inspect it closer then. Thanks again mate! how you had those photos is beyond me, but im sure glad you did! :P
  7. Hey all, Sorry if this seems a mundane question, but i just realised today that the plastic panel underneath the glove box has come loose? i cant see anyway of "pushing the clips back in" i dont have my camera with me at the moment so i cant provide pics until later but can anyone shed some light on this matter? from my un-educated look-see at the area, it appears to be a cover of some sort with maybe a opening for a vent? sorry for all the vague descriptions, will follow this up later tonight with some photos, but if anyone can shed some light on this, would be much appretiated... hate having loose "rattlely" items on the car :( thanks edit: have attached a p[icture from the toyota website which shows the area which im talking about, havent got a pic of the actual panel but this will have to do for now..
  8. IMHO two best colours for TRD's - White and Red.... both make me giggle like a teenage girl
  9. thats a seriously clean red TRD... *sigh* if only i had a darker colour..... :( :P
  10. cleaned up a mate's Subaru liberty Blitzen today, was badly swirled and neglected, but i think i got it a fair bit better. :P steps taken: 1. Wash with Meguiars gold class shampoo 2. Clay with meguiars quik clay kit 3. 2 passes with Meguiars Ultimate Compound using DA polisher and 8207 pad 4. 1 pass with Meguiars Ultra finishing compound with Da polisher and 9007 finishing pad 5. 2 coats Meguiars NXT tech wax 2.0 (tires cleaned and shined with meguiars hot shine gel) not bad, still a bit more work needs to be done IMO, front end and rear skirt needs a respray... was a WHOLE lotta car.. but makes me want a black aurion... so bad :( :P
  11. -DAvo

    GB: Aurion Parts

    Paid and emailed ;)
  12. id be keen as all helll for angel eyes too! anyone know of a good headlight-modder in perth? the guy who did my HID's said he doesnt do them anymore as it can get messy :(
  13. Or you could come down to the TECCWA photoshoot on the 13th and get some s****y pics there... Edit: ... what. It censored out SWA.NK. Come on. im planning on being there armed with my camera ;)
  14. I'd be happy to take some photos on the day, will try and do some recon on the areas you mentioned and then you can see if you like my work :)
  15. welcome mate! white FTW! :) the white sportivo's look especially hot! the contrast between the white and black parts of the body kit look schmick!!
  16. damn man, sorry to hear about the crash.. but as everyone has said, glad that you're all okay. hard to see the car that everyone looks up to in such a sad state :( but on the up side, once insurance ponies up, we gonna see another kickass aurion?
  17. yay im not alone! :) time for you to get a DA polisher and take it to the next level!! :) :) oh and congrats on getting off your p's, drive safe :)
  18. not much of a "mod" to the car itself per say, but it will certainly help the appearance of it :P was a pain in the backside getting this in WA, had to order it from motor active.... and the cost made me question my sanity, but oh well :P will be giving the car a mother of a detail in the coming weeks :P
  19. I'm guessing he'd either mean you can remove them from the car or you can separate the casing... both of which you can do with the Aurion headlights. Really? Any Picss?? Check out this thread: Angel Eyes or Circle Eyes? Says it would normally be $450 to do, but he managed to get the guy to do them for $350. am i correct in assuming that price does not include a replacement headlight unit? so you would have to send off your own unit to get done? anyone ever priced up a replacement headlight from toyota before?
  20. +1 for Daryl here, his helped me many many times through my noobie threads and annoying PM's :) cheers mate!
  21. excellent work mate!!! cant wait to see it finished! :) wanna do mine? hahaha
  22. very nice daryl, suits the colour of the car very well. any shots of the car lit up?
  23. :) while 500mm might not be the longest, f2.8 certainly makes it one of the faster ones out there :P
  24. sorry i didnt see your reply until just then :P anyway, as mentioned here, unless you are VERY confident in using a buffing machine, do not. i repeat DO NOT try the GMC "angle grinder aka sander" method. there are so so many things that could go wrong when using a rotary buffer that could cause pretty badass damage to your paint. my suggestion would be to outlay the funds and get a DA polisher. i myself am using a Meguiars G220A DA polisher with both 8006 polishing pads and 9000 finishing pads. at the time when i bought mine, they were going for about the 250ish price range, and add about 30 bucks for pads. another product which i use (purely for apply wax thou) is a Mothers Wax Attack palm polisher. As i mentioned, i only use this for applying my waxes/sealants as i dont believe it compares to the meguiars DA in terms of paint cleaning/defect correction, however some people do use the MOthers palm polisher for minor swirl removal. hope that helps, if you need any more specific help, feel free to PM me :)
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