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Everything posted by Andrew357

  1. Initially offering to cover costs then changing your mind 6 months later is fine. Applying your change of mind retrospectively is a pretty dog thing to do.

  2. I like the loops. We can also cast a spell of relocate anyway (casting being the act of physically driving the car to another location)
  3. you can find your paint code with your VIN in your engine bay. Given your description and the year model, i am guessing you have Pacific Blue, paint code 8N8.
  4. May or may not have put an offer down on a Gen6 Optitron gauge.

    1. 69.NIX


      pete likes this

  5. I know... Hamburger earmuffs!

  6. You aren't driving a Ferrari V12. e10/Unleaded/Premium. take your pick
  7. That is e10. Use whatever suits your budget as you won't see much of a difference between the choices available
  8. Whenever someone says I'm going to get it dyno'ed I see that as a power run, not a tune!
  9. I am sure that is exactly what you meant!
  10. Tony is very reasonable. I sms you the details. Tuning first, Dyno last. No use getting a power reading if you aren't properly set up
  11. This guy speaks from experience. BTW, how's that modplate going?
  12. But you have not the power to /thread! If all you've seen is a pod filter in everyone's engine bays, you haven't been looking hard enough.
  13. That's right, you can trigger the alarm manually by pressing and holding the unlock/lock button on your remote.
  14. I have had this problem, but it only happens occasionally when I part in a particular spot at work. It happens infrequently enough that I never really investigate it.
  15. you do a flush drain the coolant, and put new one in, Nice to know but how? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+flush+a+radiator Tada!
  16. If you aren't going to throw massive amounts of boost at it (well, at least straight away), don't do the internals. It will prevent you from paying big $ up front.
  17. Stupid scroll over American Horror Story ad scared the **** out of me

    1. juvenile


      Last thing I wanted to hear in the dead of night,scared the crap out of me too..grrrr

    2. jeffy


      all i get is citroen and band ads O.o

  18. ahhh i see, yeh i shall do that in excel right away. but a question, what do you reckon still tho? filling up the fuel weekly regardless how much fuel left you got, or use up till the last bar of fuel left then go fuel up? Fill up when it is cheap. Regardless of how much fuel you have left. I filled up on Wednesday but since the price has been pretty good I filled her up again today. Your car isn't going to go 'Oh damn. crolladx doesn't have much fuel left and fill day isn't for another 5 days, I am going to consume less fuel to compensate', so just fill when the price is good.
  19. Monitor your tyre pressure and fill up when fuel is cheap. Keep a manual log of your mileages and fills if you want to work out your economy. Trip computer is a guide only. Filling up on a cheap day with a discount voucher will be the most effective way to save $. oh: Don't rev the car so much.
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