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Everything posted by dutchie101

  1. Good thinking. Ill see what they say tomorrow and reset if they dont.
  2. Ummm, ill have to check..US130 via Priority International
  3. Steve, looks like it half worked. Any link i have in my inbox is now a link to a photobucket vid, which is obviously not there. IE any link to a thread or website is now like this: Hmmmm....
  4. Just had toyota fill mine today with Castrol Edge 5-30W synth. Apart from a bad petrol smell after a probably not needed injector clean, i seem to have lost power. Ive never had t push the pedal to the floor stop before, and now i have to. Im not sure if its a fuel thing or the oil change, but im def down on power, it seems to take far too long to increase revs. Anyone else had this problem? Im wondering if the VVTi isnt running properly? Im heading back tomorrow for a re-visit... not happy.
  5. Is annoyed, 20k service and injector clean yeilded slower car and crunchy braking. Not impressed as i have go back to town tomorow and i dont have the time nor the patience. >8(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnnieboi


      hrmm.. 20k service shouldnt need injector clean? and why would they touch the brakes for? thats good for another 20-30k down the road

    3. Silver-Aurion


      if a car needed a inj clean @ 20k there must be seriously wrong with it. lol. buying some really dodgy fuel or something ;p

    4. dutchie101


      The suggested the clean when i arrived, stupid me being in a hurry didnt get out the service manual to check if it was on the list. Lets see what happens tomorrow...

  6. Found one in England, just waiting on shipping costs. Is there a good substitute thats is similarly priced and high quality?
  7. Got an email back from Meguires this morning: Good Morning Peter, Unfortunately, there is currently no G220 DA polishers available in Australia. We are no longer importing a DA polisher of any kind. Should you have any enquiries, please contact me at the below. Regards ____________________________________________ Amy Wellington Customer Service/Admin Assistant MotorActive Wow, that sucks.
  8. Oh no, the movie monster has been unleashed! run for the hills!
  9. Thanks, nicey shiny! geez i hate putting up a post and its the last one of the page, then people have to flick back to see what ive done... Headers havent arrived yet. My bet will be they get here on friday when im on my way to 'burn. could turn up anytime between tomorrow and monday B) Oh lets hope they fit!
  10. Sure Steve, please try this one: http://s808.photobucket.com/albums/zz8/dutchie10101/?action=view&current=ZREexhaustnote.mp4
  11. Steve, there are plenty of you Tube vids that have been removed or similar. I cant see the difference. I dont think me buying another brand of car has much to do with it either. If i upload them to here, that will be quite some work to re-link all my pics. Im mainly asking about vids.
  12. Washed with Meguires NXT wash, waxed with NXT tech wax 2.0, cleaned the windows and gave the interior a wipe down. Pretty happy with the results. Might try Meguires Deep Crystal polish before the NXT 2.0 next time.. supposed to provide deeper better gloss. Any thoughts on that? Losing light but you get the idea:
  13. Washed with Meguires NXT wash, waxed with NXT tech wax 2.0, cleaned the windows and gave the interior a wipe down. Pretty happy with the results. Might try Meguires Deep Crystal polish before the NXT 2.0 next time.. supposed to provide deeper better gloss. Any thoughts on that? Losing light but you get the idea:
  14. just completed his NXT wash, NXT 2.0 tech wax and is lovin it, oh, and this time i did gel the tires! highway here i come..

    1. 69.NIX


      that is why you didn't answer your phone :)

    2. dutchie101


      Ha Haaa! yes, whilst cooking curry, packaging for work and wash n wax. Pete is a tried man right about now..

  15. Thanks people, but none of those aussie suppliers have stock. I checked, im not that lazy! <_< B) I guess ill email Megs rep...
  16. Heya detail buffs Where is the best place to get a G220? Looking at getting one but no one seems to have stock? any recommendations on good stores for pads etc? HeeeeellllPP!
  17. Heya, Good to see another South OZ Toyota lover here on the forum. I like what you have done so far! Whats next on the drawing board?
  18. Thanks Daryl. I like to keep all my bits n pieces in the one spot, and im tube and FB phobic! Pm sent to Steve.
  19. Most stationary multi-lane cameras have individual lane zones and can differentiate. Mobile ones i wouldnt think so unless the operator sets these every move, which, i dont think they would. You can always contest the fine if worst comes to worst.
  20. Attack of the Betty01 spambot!!

  21. Nice! whens the 50mm drop happening? B)
  22. Congrats MacDavo, I dont think the manual is up anywhere for download, nor is the service manual which i thought may be by now. When i priced the service manual, it was AU400 from Japan thru toyota. Hope you find some helpful hints and mod tip here, we are always working on it!
  23. I thinks its written in the ECU code, so we cant do much about it until someone learns how to remap or re-flash the ECU if it is possible. Apparently WRX owners have found a fix for it. It has to do with the ECU telling the Fly-By-Wire throttle to hold open for that little extra bit. Installation of a Cold Air Intake seems to reduce the effect a little, and Im not sure why. Others have also said after CAI install the effect is lessened a little. Also, how you let your foot off and how you operate the throttle can overcome it too, you just have to play around till you get it. How i have found to do it is almost give it an extra quick stab before lifting your foot off. Hard to explain...
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