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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Hmmm. % wise how sure are you it's the one you have :P. I'll make a bet
  2. When I take the car in tommorow I'll see what it is.
  3. I use this on my leather seats: http://www.meguiarsdirect.com/product_detail.asp?T1=MEG+G7214
  4. I know that mate, lol... I'm saying that the strainer I was shown and the strainer you have shown me in the picture are completely different. Completely!! The strainer was flat and the mesh was like this: http://teasource.com/merchant2/graphics/00000001/Mesh%20Strainer_lg.jpg What I was shown is completely different from what you are showing me. I called up the dealer to confirm and they said the strainer is like a mesh type.
  5. I paid a visit to my mechanic today to get them to order in the strainer, but he still insisted not to waste my money, I asked but isn't the strainer a material type? And he said no its a mesh type. I was like oh? Luckily he had one he just took off a different car and showed me and it was like only 15cms wide and it was a mesh. It is NOTHING like the picture you took? I'm confused? the strainer looks like the one on the diagram..
  6. Seriously, screw the dealers. They are all **** scammers. They don't do jobs they are meant to do. No wonder why they never let you see them do the work. They take your car to the back to never be seen again. This is not how a mechanic should be. I never mentioned this, but when my T-bar light was not working and I took it to them to get it fixed. They put in a new light bulb. But then the light the lights up the gear shifter part was not working. So I opened the centre console to find there is no light there. WTF? I was ****** off. I was going to call them and complain but it was too late and closed. So I decided to vacuum the car and while vacuuming the floor mat I found the very small light bulb on floor mat. Put that in and it worked. wtf was the light doing there and why did the remove the old one from there? I will never eve take my car to a dealer any more. If I'm not paying because its warranty I don't really give a crap because its not my money and if they don't fix it I can keep going back :P
  7. Cool! I love Tesla and good on Toyota! Let the EV future begin
  8. Production efficiencies. It is cheaper to do things like they are now instead of that foam/vinyl wrapped plastic stuff you are referring to. Companies like to save money where they can. Such a stupid thing to do. I been in brand new Audi's and everything you touch feels so soft and smooth. None of this hard plastic crap. The Audi's have that nice smooth plastic grippy feel to everything. So good :P But those are $130,000 cars
  9. Talk about a thread revival Yeah, my Sportivo had a gap that was about 2/3 of the OP's. Wasn't fussed either. I wasn't paying for a car that had to be absolutely perfect in it's interior panel clearances. Yeah come to think of it, it is a a bit random, but I was searching through the Aurion section and came across this thread :) I just hope in the future, Toyota never ever never ever never EVER use hard plastic in their cars ever again. What ever happened to the soft foamy plastics? <_< I remember my 1997 camry was quiet as anything. No creaks or squeaks at all.
  10. Mine has this gap too but it's not as bad as the OP's. Not fussed.
  11. Exactly, the Aurion doesn't like to be driven around like a granny. I've noticed the more I baby it the more it likes to drink its milk.
  12. Hmm, that is interesting. I thought that it would be reducing fuel consumption because when I do a kick down you are expelling the gasses in the engine and replenishing with new and when you expel that old gas the car decides to run better? Or something like that... lol.
  13. Due to the design of the transmission, if you wanted to flush it out properly, you would have to consider using up a complete fill just for that purpose (2.8 litres). So this means you remove the oil pan drain plug and let it all drain out, then refill the pan with 2.8 litres of new fluid. Run this though the car for a little bit, then you can proceed to complete the rest of it (ie. draining the oil, dropping the pan, changing strainer, etc). Then you refill it again with some new fluid and you're set. This comes to about 5.6 litres, but having extra is always a good idea. So 6 litres sounds like a good number. I'm not providing any recommendations that steer away from what it the most idea. I've suggested to change the strainer completely and that's the only advise I will recommend. If you really care about your car, you should always do the best for her. You need to become a mechanic engineer or something. You have good knowledge of cars man :). I think that is what my mechanic meant by flush where he needs to let the car run for 10 minutes and that it might need 6 litres for a full flush. My mechanic has like 10 litres in stock but I'm going to buy my own 5 litres from the dealer and I think the dealer has a open canister of fluid and he can use that for the flush and use unopened canisters for the re fill. @Strainer. The only reason I'm trying to find a way around buying a new one is because my dad gets all hulk on my a$$ because he doesn't like me spending money on my car and wants me to save. AHHHH. I might as well live like a hermit and never spend money and just save. But still, usually parents are always right in the end
  14. I love this Aurion. So much power! Going to the airport today and for the first time ever having a full car. I was driving and the car drove like I was the only person in the car! Anyway, coming back I wanted to over take a car doing 80KM/h on the freeway and I found this as an opportunity to give the car a decent kick down since I haven't done it in a while and I hear doing this every now and then can be good for the engine to get the crap out! Anyway, I kicked down the car till it revved its tits off :P and slowed back down. And this made the consumption go down by a .1. And this isn't the first time. I've noticed that every time I do a hard to medium kick down the consumption will drop by a .1. Whats going on here?
  15. How many litres does it take after a flush? The mechanic said it MIGHT need 6 litres but he was not 100% and will see after the flush to see what it requires exactly. Anyone here know? Oh yeah, I was reading on the internet about the filter and few people said after cleaning it out with petrol it came out like brand new?
  16. As for what it is, according to Toyota: Yes they said it should last the life of the vehicle, but depending on how the car is used and each individual's opinion, this is not necessarily true. No way would I use it for the life time of the vehicle. I remember my old 97 camry. I doubt that car ever had its transmission changed. I remember when I got it serviced (not even flushed) there is a huge change in gear changes. It went from jerky to slow to buttery smooth changes, I guess heaps less strain on the engine. Wow, my bill went up heaps. $110 strainer. $45 for oil $15 gasket $3 for o-ring. $173 + labour for mechanic. Oh my god. :o :o :o :o :o :o *faints*
  17. Oh I get it but correct me if I'm wrong. That strainer is a whole assembly which sit INSIDE? Then the metal pan gets bolted on top. Because I thought the strainer looked something like a normal air filter not a whole housing like that. I diagram also says that O ring is not a re-usable part. Does that o ring come with the strainer or sold separately? I think I might as well fork out the hundred bux for it and get it done properly while I'm at it. Thanks man :) edit: what does WS stand for?
  18. Hmmmm. That is interesting. Is that the WHOLE strainer? That looks like a new oil pan to me? Which part is that? Is the strainer built in to the pan?
  19. I sent you a PM. Unfurtunitally(kind of) I have warranty so I still need log book servicing for another three years. These guys will do everything else for me like brakes etc and I'll take it to the dealer just for oil and filter to keep the Toyota boys happy. <_<
  20. Yes. The ATF strainer is what you would call a filter. That's not including the strainer right? Cause even at cost price, I don't think you can get that part alone for much cheaper than that. Yeah, my bad. I was reading your posts through my iPhone while at the mechanic and I asked him about the strainer. He said there is no need to change it but I insisted he change it. So he gave a few calls to dealers to get prices for me and it was from $110 to $115. Way too expensive. The mechanic said seriously don't bother with a new one, we will clean it for you anyway. So I won't be getting the strainer as they will clean current one. Even on the phone (dealer was on loud speaker) asked why you need a strainer at 60K! It will be a full flush and about 6~ litres of toyota ATF and the gasket etc. Today watching them do dads car, they done a decent flush. They cleaned everything to even degreasing and high pressuring the oil pan. The mechanic also insisted to come back 10-20K later as he says its too early but my personal preference I'll get it done. Got my car booked in for Tuesday. They said to do a full flush they need to run the car hot for like 10 minutes and do something and something else. Didn't quite follow but they sound like they know what they are doing. He said that he used to drive a ZR6 when working at the dealer . Now he has a merc. So far everything with them have been up front and honest without any up selling what so ever. Don't want to be pushing my luck though :)
  21. Cheers mate. I'm actually at the mechanic now. He is too busy to do my car today but Ill book it for another day. I want to do this as a preventitive measure also so gunk never gets a chance to build up and I have no fear of the tranny dieing *shudder*. By strainer do you mean filter because I'll be getting all that replaced too. The mechanic showed me his stock of Toyota authentic oils and filters so he already has the right parts and oils handy. I think he said all up $75.
  22. You know what, its a weird sound and feeling as it did it again today. I guess this will from now on be a very very annoying occurrence when the engine is cold. Since it's happening now more often, I've been able to concentrate on the sound when I start the car because I know it will do it always first thing in the morning. And it kind of sounds like the ABS check clunk. I don't really get the clunk any more when driving off, I THINK. I'm not sure but this is bugging me :(
  23. Love the second last picture. Looks mean as!
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