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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. So I got this for the cars aircon tonight from Woolworths: http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/5704/photock.jpg Whats the best way to go about using it?
  2. Well, I've never heard of someone getting cancer from there car. Your probably exposed to more cancer causing chemicals stuck in traffic then the life time you spend in your car.
  3. I sometimes get comments from friends and family about why at my age I got a car like an Aurion at age of 21 instead when I could have opted for a more sportier car that would suit my age, which then gets me thinking about why I did and it sometimes makes me regret it if people think about it like that. But I clearly remember why I got this car: 1; I seen one on the streets and fell in love with it. 2; My first car was a Camry. I had NO trouble with this car. She was a 1997 and almost hitting 300,000k and I bet you I could have made that an easy half a million K's before I scrapped it. 3; Everyone says you cannot go passed the quality and technology put in Toyota engines. But besides the things that I got this car for, what other reasons could I tell someone as to why I bought this car? Also, I was wondering heaps lately after seeing Holden and Ford ad's. What has the Aurion got thats better then these cars? Especially cars that are in the same league as the Aurion?
  4. Reputation mate.... reputation. Aww come on. Credit should be earned when its earned, and I deserved that credit. So did you, but I got nothing! <_< If only I had the knowledge you had, but unfortunately I'm not that technically minded. But then again, you have owned an Aurion way longer then me. Edit: I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, just having laugh when I said that, just in case you thought different.
  5. Here it is guys, I took ten minutes to find it in the book, then scan it then upload on here: ;) DJKOR: you are a legend. DJKOR? WHAT THE #$#??! I'm the one that did the scanning of the document and thought of it being the ABS check first and DJK gets the credit? You a-HOLE! :P ahahahah Well it turns out my first post was correct after all!! Haha, you are correct!
  6. Nah I thought it was funny! I needed a good laugh. But seriously, the guy makes a good point. These run away cars are bull**** and they all want to get their face on TV.
  7. Don't worry. Sometimes I can't even hear mine even if I intentionally try to hear it. I guess it only happens sometimes or when it feels like it. We will never really know unless we speak with the people who made the Aurion, haha. If something is wrong your ABS light wouldn't turn off.
  8. Here it is guys, I took ten minutes to find it in the book, then scan it then upload on here: ;) DJKOR: you are a legend. DJKOR? WHAT THE #$#??! I'm the one that did the scanning of the document and thought of it being the ABS check first and DJK gets the credit? You a-HOLE! :P
  9. Remember, if it DOESN'T make the noise there is something to worry about :P
  10. Very lucky! I would love the TRD but I don't have the money, plus it consumes more fuel so it would really hit hurt me in the hip pocket :( edit: I would LOVE Toyota to bring out a new TRD though, this time in RWD
  11. What's the other parts that are missing? Just curious because I can't think off the top off my head what else could be missing?
  12. Here it is guys, I took ten minutes to find it in the book, then scan it then upload on here: ;)
  13. That is a weird issue. I still don't quite understand. But from what I understand so far: 1. You throw her into reverse 2. After you finished reversing, you throw her into D 3. In the first gear change (once you start driving) you hear a weird noise from the front? EDIT: He says its a clunk noise, it can't be the ABS check, can it?
  14. Then you haven't been driving your Aurion hard enough :P :P :P She is still my baby! At the moment I've progressed to hard acceleration. Not good for fuel consumption but bloody fun.
  15. Yeah man. R.I.P. Personally I would love to have seen you beat your 1/4 run time.
  16. Anyone know how to remove the number plate light covers on 02 sportivo???? There isn't any screws or anything to remove them.
  17. ^^ That is some serious stuff! Today I cleaned her inside and out. But no full detail. Just a bucket full of water and amoral wash and wax then dry, and wipe down inside and vacuum. Had to give it a clean up after is ****** down hail and rain in Melbourne few days ago. While I was at it, I took apart my centre console and gave the gear changer plastics a clean, what sucks is the corners have all been scratched off. No clue how. But when everything is in its place you can't see that black part that has been scratched: http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/5340/dscn2722f.jpg And another thing, every time I would change gears it would squeak like plastic rubbing against plastic. So I took DJK's advice from a bit ago when he said to use silicon spray, so I sprayed inside where the gear changer is and no more squeaking when swapping between gears :) Oh yeah I also fixed how the gear lights would not turn on. Again, advice from DJk :) http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/6109/dscn2723.jpg
  18. No way. I love Melbourne. :P Today I cleaned my front window about 5 times to get every smudge, dust, hair line smudges etc off the front window. Now need to get it foggy again and see what happens.
  19. Shaking ey? Thank god something my Aurion does not have in similar, was on the freeway few days ago and did not realise the traffic in front, from 100 I had to slow down fast to at least 30KM/h, it was flawless. I just get the odd high pitched squeak when braking lightly.
  20. or possibly a good thing... finally, a reason for having to clean your car! :P Haha. Yeah that is true.
  21. Just came back from a short drive to woolies, and I had the heater on at 26. Its really cold in Melbourne tonight. The windows fogged up very little, but that was with it set to 26 and my window open just a very little bit. I'm going to try and clean my from window with amonia and water mixed in a spray bottle. I heard this is good. By the way, when turning on the heater I accidentally turned on the A/C and did not realise. I only realised after I had that musty smell come again and I turned it off.
  22. Get silver :D. But seriously, silver always looks clean even after being pounded by rain. I was driving through the Melbourne storm few days ago and I still have not had time to clean the car but it still looks very clean to the point where I feel as though it does not need a clean. Black, clean it. Go for a drive and then the dust settled around the car sticks out like dogs balls. A clean car freaks worst nightmare.
  23. I heard spraying Glen20 might work? I think I'm getting a musty smell because the owner prior was definitely a smoker. It won't kill to try. But I have no clue where to spray it? In the airvents on the dash? Or into the fan after removing the filter where the glovebox is or into the vents under the hood near the front windshield? And do I the aircon set to fresh or recirc?
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