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Everything posted by CAP

  1. They're possibly there to deflect airflow from travelling up into the front wheel arches, in doing so reducing drag and front end lift at high speed.
  2. How does that compare to Mac The Ripper?
  3. I've seen it in 5 stud on a Mazda 3.
  4. These did well in the Wheels Tyre Test just published. Interestingly they came to the conclusion that although some tyres are better than others in certain areas (eg one may be better in wet braking another may be better in dry cornering) generally the "better" or premium tyres will outperform cheaper alternatives and it's simply giving yourself a better margin of safety no matter what you drive to invest in good rubber.
  5. Some CAI's do have a particular characteristic of giving you less low down torque as you describe at 1000-2000 rpm, which is where alot of daily driving is in traffic. But check for any leaks and also check the MAF is correctly placed. Perhaps your cai needs to Airflow straightners welded into the pipe before the MAF to ensure its getting correct readings throughout the rev range.
  6. It's ok to make backups of DVD's you own. for example if you travel, you may not want to take an original of your fave dvd with you, so you make a copy so it doesn't matter if it gets damaged. I use Mac the ripper.
  7. I've spotted him a few times on Maningham Rd.
  8. What sort of signage is it? What kind of glue?
  9. CAP


    An original Shelby Cobra 427 (Not the replicas) On the day of the F1 an old guy with an original one he imported himself from New York pulled into the carwash. I just drooled.
  10. Any word on engine output? I've read quotes of 230kw? Is that right?
  11. CAP

    Road laws

    Just pay for it. If I did 40km over here in VIC I would instantly lose my licence and wouldn't get a warning for driving a non-registered vehicle too. Just be happy you still have your licence, and cop it on the chin. Sometimes if you're followed you can be fined for more than one offence, eg speeding, not indicating etc etc.
  12. Two members Northy and Xoom have a PFC on their 2zz's. Mintos also had one on his 1zz.
  13. Look closely at the top stud in the pic and you'll see it's been drilled out.
  14. Problem is, there's only a small handful of such workshops, most others (even if they do charge top dollar) are just downright dodgy and dishonest. It's far from a regulated industry.
  15. http://www.blackdiamondperformance.com/
  16. True, a bit complex but it doesn't seem too high in some of the pics and I don't see why it couldn't be positioned a little differently for a better fit around the 2zz intake runners.
  17. Yes that's pretty much what I had in mind.
  18. Ahh really? so if there's a similar kit out there already, someone should be able to mod it to fit a 2zz/1zz and there wouldn't be any issues of the ABS unit being in the way or need to remove the Air Con.
  19. Sometimes it's possible to run a long shaft connecting to the S/C unit itself - remote mounting the s/c unit so to speak. So for example. Place the belt driven end of the shaft near the alternator, then the shaft runs across the front of the intake runners behind the radiator connecting with the s/c unit which would be sitting near the throttle body side of the engine. The only problem with this is the shaft needs to be braced in the middle with a bearing of course to keep it supported and balanced. Even then, the shaft balance would be an issue due to its length. But I think this is a possibility if it's thought through.
  20. It would presume it would work on the same principle at the steering wheel boss and dash panel. The stitching on the side would be made weak by design, so that it's easily pierced by the airbag as it deploys. Or perhaps it has velcro sides?
  21. Would be nice to know what snowball could have done in it's final spec. Pitty we didn't organise Melbourne Dyno day in time. Last time it did 111 didn't it?
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