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Everything posted by CAP

  1. CAP

    Xristos seca

    Welcome - Enjoy your stay :)
  2. If it's a new clutch, it possibly hasn't been adjusted properly. Take it back and have it adjusted.
  3. I think you'll find them pop up on ebay with inflated prices soon.
  4. I just found out... Limited time/run in VIC 2 Letter plates!!! Very Expensive and many are already gone!
  5. What was the problem last time? Was it actually a fooked CV or just the boot was split?
  6. Ok we've all had a laugh at each other now lets keeps on topic thanks.
  7. Nice Yaris! Welcome - Enjoy your stay.
  8. Spotted a stock looking Silver one in the same area about that time too.
  9. Always wanted to see someone pimp out a Tarago like that. Nice one.
  10. CAP

    Brad's Levin

    Nice one :D Is the blue tooth a part of the head unit only? Could it be a swap over job? More importantly - What sort of boat is parked next to it :)
  11. Hwy driving is mechanically easy on the car (If you're travelling at legal speeds) So other than checking all fluids, tyres (Check pressure in your spare too!) I can't see you having any problems. ;)
  12. CAP

    Number Plates....

    WRX - REXSEX - Drives like a tool every morning but this morning I noticed some nice blue smoke coming from the canon - can't wait for this one to cr@p itself lol. Another on an older (The last of the compact ones) 3 series coupe. MYWIFE :D
  13. I have to agree, when I purchase my wheels/tyres. The break down was... Wheels - $750. Tyres - $1,000. Your tyre choice will strongly affect how the car corners, stops. Don't be tempted by cheap tyres. It's the only thing sticking you to the road. Cheaper wheels - unless you're driving a 300kw atw monster, you can get away with.
  14. Just moving this to the general section. Cheers.
  15. That in the pic looks like a Mosler. But I can't remember what it looks like from behind. Saleen s7 has a similar profile, but it's quad exhausts are placed in a conventional way not in the centre like you describe.
  16. Liberty GT E-gene! Congrats on becoming a dad
  17. Nothing pretentuous at all, it's just another personal touch that's all. Personally i would like to have a set, but I cant justify the cost for a piece of tin with my initials. :D
  18. Here's an idea for you guys next year. If you enter your car in the f1 Autosalon for $100, you get two 4 day passes to the f1... Nice deal! http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...223199&st=0
  19. Looks like a Japanese version of the generic Toyota unit. The language is most likely firmware in the unit itself, the only way I think around it is to replace it with the equivalent Aust spec unit, and if you try get this from Toyota they will charge you a pretty penny. But being Japanese spec, does it have any Australian Maps? Or does in run from a cd?
  20. There is a problem with the SP23's but I thought it would be different with the 3MPS. The problem is to do with the gearbox casing being too weak. So when there's alot of strain put on the mounts such as when taking off hard on the drag strip, the mount pulls out from the gearbox casing itself, leaving a hole in the gearbox case. This looks like the mount itself has snapped off though rather than pulling out of the gearbox case
  21. It's a little similar with the 1zz's I've found. My limiter kicks in bang on 6200 without fail - right on the redline. But I've seen some others go out to 6400rpm - Just over redline.
  22. 1 No you're not invited now f@#k off 2 Yes we do you f@##$n d@#k a@#$##e 3 Refer to point 1. :D :P Only joking mate. I agree smart, respectful drivers and relatively small friendly forum makes ours so much better. :D
  23. Skyline is a sport car, Corolla is Nanna's shopping trolly :P
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