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Everything posted by RedSportivo

  1. that was me.. what car were you in? Friends ute, car's was at home or i wulda gave u a honk
  2. black sportivo number plate lif 777 at orange grove. yesterday nite.
  3. Try terry shields toyota there not to bad :) got my moms and dads car from there.
  4. Need to put my sticker on tooooooooooooo
  5. is it a bird is it a plane no its .....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RedSportivo


      next yearr??? so long 15k u can get an awesome one

    3. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i got mine for 15 and half so its possible to get a good one with 15k!

    4. Branno


      alright, cheers.Im still in highschool. But next year, defence force = money :)

  6. +1 to what you said you can play with the non-facelift and make it look good the facelift is just one peice.
  7. The look on the Xr8 owners face when my sportivo smashed him last night Priceless My look Shocked thinking how the f**k did this xr8 lose to a sportivo twice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RedSportivo


      nah man not getting steamed up, just trying to prove my point and sorry to hear about your freind.

    3. Adamsy


      lol its really interesting that how little advantage V8 commodores and turbo falcons have in the real world without being completely stupid. i once followed a BA Xr6t on windy stretch of road and smashed him he was a dead average driver and was just chucking it about like a noob so fair to say the ZR6 ate it easily so if had to prove his worth on the highway when i went to overtake him (as he was deliberately doing 70 in a 110 zone) and of course he dropped it as i pulled out and much to my s...



      you gotta tell my your mods man LOL

  8. Well if your a younger person, Im guesing 90% would chose the sportivo i personally would never buy a normal corolla, i just prefer the sportivo, Luxury interior with a bit of balls.Once the lift kicks in that will make you want to sell your levin also,. And its not to ugly :P And manual, auto is good :P but gets boring. But maybe you should test drive one before you sell your levin, consider the diffrence and maybe if you like the one you test you can sell your levin and buy that one :)
  9. Clutch finally Fryed, wont grip on at all just ride its way thru gears got new clutch waiting on mechanic...broke his arm -.- 2m ore days

  10. Lucky i seen this planning on changing my speakers soon :P
  11. Meh, One of the HiD ballast are already blown -_- China Made ***** Sux!

    1. master.Cuong


      dont settle for cheap one ! And by all means everything now days are made in china. I'll looking into getting kaixen HID, they;re heaps expensive but worth every penny.

    2. RedSportivo
  12. lol @ Sammy296 pm me F**K you and blocks me lol fool

  13. Go through insurance, hes going to be paying a bill alot more then that.
  14. But if the person was a good person, and had a option to pay 300 dollars instead of the insurance sending a quote for $1500. I rather help them out because we could be in a similar situation one day and karma's a B*tch That's only if they don't have insurance though - although I do get your point, it could be a 21 y.o with an excess of $900 or so dollars but still, that's what an excess is for. I just think its better to let the insurance handle it all on your behalf, that way you're not getting involved in making promises to someone and you've actually got proper record of it happening, otherwise it can all just break down into an I said/They said scenario, not much good to try and threaten them with insurance later on. That's just my thoughts anyway, because yes I agree karma is a b!tch but after all, you've got to protect yourself in these situations because no one else well. Best of luck with it all Synthetic05, just stay positive and do what you can do :) And then just think, when its back you're going to have a gorgeous shiny new rear end :D In all honesty, if i was in synthetic05 position i'd tell the guy look mate, a respray for the bar is 300$ can you cough it up now or not, If he says no or disagrees from the price and i have his details,I would say thank you very much jump in my car n drive off and contact my insurance as soon as possible. But yeah tash you have a point :P But for me insurance is disguisting my car is in my mums name, with me as a driver of 50% of the time, and excess is 2grand, if i was to put it under my name excess would be 3grand the insurance claims its because i lost my license twice,I go but i didnt lose my license for dangerous driving or Car crash's , i lost them for not wearing p-plates and 10ks and over, insurance is ridiculous these days
  15. That is a excellent deal, i reacon not only looks and mileage the power and you will come to see that aurions are one of the most comfortable and roomy cars you can be in. Btw Welcome to the Club
  16. Thats what i mean i was going to put an example but thought u'd catch on :P come on duy haha
  17. just realised there 5 STUD!!!! :( i hate sportivos being 4 stud
  18. But if the person was a good person, and had a option to pay 300 dollars instead of the insurance sending a quote for $1500. I rather help them out because we could be in a similar situation one day and karma's a B*tch
  19. But if the person was a good person, and had a option to pay 300 dollars instead of the insurance sending a quote for $1500. I rather help them out because we could be in a similar situation one day and karma's a B*tch
  20. My one fixed by changing the gearbox oil To Castrol Syntrans Full synthic with Nulon G70, If that doesnt fix it replace the clutch car will go alot better, and also Changing gears wont be a problem
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