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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Ok for the slow ones ... hey jase ... maybe this will give u a better idea Mate is that a hole under the intake where all the oil is coming from or just an internal inspection hole to check that your rods are ok???? Same as the inspection hole that Northy got fitted to his engine ;) ;) ;)
  2. So long as the stripper isn't Xoom. Have heard that he's got a pretty hairy back and doesn't look too good in a pink bikini. :P :P :P :P :P
  3. Mate totally unnecesary Small mindedness is something I loathe in large amounts. How is being racist asking a question of whether or not somebody speaks fluent english from a business perspective??? And as I posted on more than one occasion I'm not racist in the slightest. For those of you who think I am then I'd suggest that you take a good hard look in the mirror. For your info most of my friends and also relatives aren't of Australian desent. My 2c worth.... Now back to the game :D ugly
  4. I wahs all my cloths in the washing machine using nappy san. It gets all the grime out of the fibre nicely. But remember do not use fabric softener as micro fibre cloths don't like it at all. It makes the cloth fibres go harder for some reason and therefore would scratch your paintwork. I did this on an old cloth i had to see what happens. As for polish pads i wash them first with a caustic acid cleaner to break down the polish/wax. I do this by hand then put them in the washing machine and wash them with nappy san as well. (no fabric softener). Remember when polishing the key to a good finish is applying evenly and when buffing off turn the polish cloth regularly other wise the cloth will get dirty in one spot and you will actually be rubbing polish/wax back onto the car. Cheers SB :D
  5. That's what I'm talking about. Top marks to you bADbOYz ;)
  6. Most of the price in the CES headers is labour charges to do the modifying and HPC coating. How much do you charge for your knowledge?? CES haven't designed a set of headers with different length primaries and merged collectors etc etc because A) there are a lot of costs involved in the development and design of such an item as you of all people would know(you are the Toyota guru after all :P ) B) how many people will fork out the money for them(roughly $1500-2000 for still only a handfull of kw's compared to $500 for a handfull of kw's) C) Companies like CES as you would know will only go to the effort of creating such an item if there would be a guaranteed volume of sales to some degree so they could recoup some of the costs outlayed(smart business principle) We are not talking about a set of headers for a dime a dozen 4age.(using as an example) The 2zz is simply too new at the moment and until they start to become a little easier to find in importers/wreckers etc and at a reasonable price for people to do a cheap easy transplant like the 4age is in most applications expensive items like a full set of tuned length merged collected headers for the 2zz will prolly be some time away. Northy had to bite the bullet with the Power FC and be the guinea pig and outlay the money to make it work. Anybody else want to put their hand up and pay to get a set of tuned length merged collected headers developed in this way......
  7. Some members believed that other members on here were being paid to advertise on here for them which is total nonsense. The only members who have spoken about CES are in the same boat as you -- A happy customer who were pleased with their purchase and wanted to tell everyone about it. Some members took offence to others speaking about their CES purchase and telling others who were looking for the products that CES sell to have a look for themselves in the same way that those who have bought other brands of products refer them. CES have sold a lot of their products for Corolla's to a lot of members from this site and also from member referrals and therefore saw the benefit of becoming our first forum sponsor. In return are offering discounts on their products to any of our forum members. Let me be the first to thank CES for taking the step to forum sponsorship and hopefully this will bring in other businesses to become sponsors. In return this will only improve the quality of this site and also offer great products to our members at discounted rates to enhance the performance, handling or looks of your car. Cheers SILVABULLIT. :D
  8. Maybe he keeps getting to work late and needs a bit more power :P
  9. Take that big blue thing out and lose another 120kg easy. ;) Replace with Wei Wei (50kg) and then it's race on
  10. Some more pics from the Qld guys here... http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...25entry106640
  11. Ahh happy birthday oh wise old one!!!! Nice to have another "elder" statesman around here to keep the young whipper snappers in line :P
  12. Here's a few more pics..... Last couple of pics from me...
  13. Now remove the passenger seat and all the boot trim, spare wheel and tools and I'm guessing another 25-30kg!!
  14. Well if you lived in Brisbane I may be able to "wave" the magic wand over your car and make it look sweet. But I can't see you paying my travel costs to get to you :P :P
  15. Mate put some wheels under it!!!! Honda has the uncanny knack of making alloys look like hubcaps A big set of nice deep dish five spoke rims would be the real deal on it ;) Looks good mate. I would have bought one but Honda are tight wads on fleet discount so I looked elsewhere(obviously). 152kw atw eh?? SO what is done to it if it hasn't had exhaust,headers etc etc done??? Don't tell me it's one of those "turbonators" with a couple of "hiclones" :P :P :P
  16. Hey it's the "not so squeezy" Mitsubishi Canter ad except we could only find the Buddha mobile
  17. Next time those of you who have a mobile with vodaphone pay your bill, you'll know where your money goes..... to Xooms office productions lol
  18. Bowdens is another I use a lot of that's very good but costs a little more than Meguairs. Get it from Autobarn. Here's a few pics from our photo shoot meet we had last night; http://i5.tinypic.com/1418n76.jpg http://i6.tinypic.com/1418p5v.jpg http://i6.tinypic.com/1418pc1.jpg http://i6.tinypic.com/1418pj6.jpg


    Well I love a lot of older music as I can relate it to particular times in my life with what I was doing at that time(school etc) Prolly in the same way some of you do with the 90's to today:)
  20. Nice pics there Donna!!! A lot of my pics from the top level of the car park were a lil blurry as I was getting tired and couldn't hold the camera still for long enough plus the wind kept blowing <_< Will post up some pics soon :D
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