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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. CES sell headers and CAI's as well. AFAIK they are the only catback system you can get off the shelf. Other shops will custom make something for you if you wish.
  2. Well for starters Kings don't do a 20mm drop only 35 and 50mm. If you have lows in the front(35mm) then put super lows(50mm) in the rear and it should almost be perfectyl level. Don't get springs reset. Once spring steel is heated it is never quite the same.
  3. Don't get too many idiots hassle me in the Hilux!!! One nice big fat bullbar and some very nice big bright Lightforce spot lights to watch their pupils melt down there cheeks does it for me. I win.... As for driving in the Civic I get every moron under the sun just pull over on me or think that they don't have to indicate to change lanes. It's pretty dam near impossible to get in front of them again with 1.3L of carbie mayhem and 17" rims i tell you..... But then again driving a nice big bus everyday I tend to sort out idiots rather quickly and the arguments always end in my favour
  4. CES do a catback system specific for 1ZZ as well. Contact them for more info. 07 3200 2333.
  5. is it me or is the only time u feel the need to post is when its time to lecture or pass judgement on me? do u contribute any thing else to this site? correct me if im wrong Actually Jase does contribute and has done so for quite a while. Longer than you have been on here Spillage with your outspoken and sometimes unwanted opinions. It's ok to express your opinion but you always seem to belittle people and your way according to you is the only way. So if you have nothing to contribute positively or worthy of posting put it up or shut up. I'm tired of getting whinges about you......
  6. I was slimmer when I had hair. Like 20kg lighter lol Guni to answer your question....... both
  7. Back in the day when hair was fashionable Playing tour guide at Fraser Island Showing some nice brazilian ladies the sights of Fraser Sunset safari's Australia Day long weekend tour (Simo you can now get High Vis chesty bonds.) I'm wearing the terry toweling hat. KFC buckethead at the Twenty20 cricket (thanks to Northy for winning tickets!!)
  8. Spammer SD spamming 6 threads on his first day of posting..... So I gave him a long holiday LOL
  9. "Lily" just took a long posting holiday.......
  10. Oh to have a house with 4 garages again... "Sportivo central" as the Brissy boys affectionally named it had 4 car accomodation. The house I bought only has a shed with room enough to put the Kombi in and that's it. Everything else parks in the driveway exposed to the elements... Must save for big carport....... I am also paying off waaaay more than what the bank wants on my house. Like about 1K a month which is good cause if you ever have a real tight month and need a bit extra I have the ability to draw back on the extra i am paying. Only had to do it twice in 2 years and only for a few hundred each time. Happy Days!!
  11. As much as i like the Hilux TD the Mazda BT50 TD is a damm good performer and goes really well. Plus i think it is cheaper than hilux as well. BT50 won an award not long ago for best ute/4WD or something along those lines. Best bet is to take both for a drive and see which one you like for comfort/performance and practicality forgetting the bias towards one brand or the other.
  12. Seen quite a few race engines go bang from using Nulon and any other additive that has suspended solids in it.
  13. Now Kombi on the track yet. need my big brakes first!! Will be there crewing for North and happy to lend a hand to others if need be. I don't like removing gravel oout of the front of corolla's either SD. not in my job description.....
  14. That's great mate!! If you want to become a trader on the site and advertise speak to admin and they'll fill you in on cost etc etc.
  15. Do you guys have toys shops over there that sell remote control cars?? If they sell ones that have petrol engines some of them run on Nitro methane. A small does of this with your fuel might get the RON up LOL Tolulene will work but you need to find the right ratio to make it successful. Shell V power here in Aus is 100 octane but it is starting to be phased out so i am told.
  16. Lifting the reat of the bonnett up is prolly upsetting the airflow through the engine bay. notice how the top edge of the fire wall has a rubber seal on it that the bonnett sits on?? My guess is the airflow is designed to flow through the radiator/front of the car then pressurise the engine bay to a degree and push the hot air out underneath the car. ever wondered why the plastic undertray doesn't go all the way to the firewall?? that's where the air escapes the engine bay. Plus the undertray extends about a foot or so past the back edge of the radiator which would create a low pressure area but with the fans on the backside of the radiator pulling air through it then pushes the air straight towards the engine block and subsequently down under the car. With a low pressure area behind the cooling fans, when they switch on they wil pull a heap more air through because of the pressure difference. hope this kinda makes sense as it is hard to explain without actually showing it on a car. Things you learn working on open wheel race cars!!
  17. Most that i know of have used the original gasket. If you are carefull and don't chunk it up it'll be all good.
  18. sick as a dog so definately wasn't going to be out....... good to see you aurion boys pulling your own weight
  19. we did find a carpet that was a pretty good match to the factory boot trim.
  20. lol ..... yes i am ..... several clicks of the boost controller to the left nets the same results .... i.e. an increase in 30HP .... lol but hey ..... i guess it all helps right only 30hp....such a tiny amount, not sure I would even notice :P well i could push the happy button for a net of 80HP if that makes it any better for u north :P :P :P :P yeah but even with that extra 80hp you are still behind North by nearly 200hp LOL......
  21. I've heard of them and fitted a 2nd hand set from Japan to a members car up here in brisbane a while ago. cheap and nasty coilovers IMO. He sold the car not long after he fitted them(like 3 months) and the new owner fitted them into his car(well i did) and they lasted about another 2 odd months and started leaking big time. they were only supposed to be about a month old out of a car from Japan but who really knows. Steer clear of cheap coilovers and especially 2nd hand ones LOL.
  22. The sub box my mate did was similiar in design to J J's except he used MDF for the base as J J suggested. Plus the whole box was glass with no bog so it wasn't heavy at all. It fitted into place and was fastened with 2 big strips of 2" velcro. simple and light weight and sounded good too. All up the box weighed something like 4 KG's and most of that weight was the MDF base.
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