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Everything posted by theDefiant1

  1. Automotive ombudsman Fair trading commission Hell, maybe even ASIC Call the Aust tax office and recommend they perform an audit on their company for selling didgy cars. Go on, make life difficult for them. Get them investigated!
  2. I found this DIN. Not quite a double, but still not too bad for the price. Regen 1.5 DIN If it comes down more in price, I would consider buying it. Can't go too far wrong with that price.
  3. Another hijacking - when changing from 1st --> 2nd and hitting the divot in the selector between 1st/2nd and reverse... can that cause any/substantial damage? I hit it a few times when I first was getting used to the gears etc. Just wondering if a quick misplaced change would cause problems.
  4. oo nice, im thinking 1 polo & 2 singlets, what colours are available? hot pink!! um sizes .. small i guess? or maybe small for the singlets and extra small for the polo, depends how big they are? well discuss this at the meet And1 will wear his polo so u guys can feel wat the fabric will feel like Question is: does and1 want to be felt up?
  5. TRC is having a sale - 25% off kits. Thank *** i'm broke otherwise I would be so tempted!
  6. Well, we could still go as a group to AS - wearing our TOCAU polo shirts, with helium balloons attached to our wrists advertising the website. Can someone write a jingle?
  7. Did Nelson enjoy giving you mouth to mouth? You had better check your wallet for missing items.
  8. Yeah, um, I just don't think anyone will actually be ballsy enough to enter their Rolla into AS. Yes, we do love our cars, and some of them are quite unique, but...
  9. i stay near caro too :P as a female im obviously addicted to shopping so im pretty much guaranteed to be spotted at shops somewhere! so you coming to the cruise next sat? wikid.. another one on the list :P I'm a girl stuck in a boys body (Not Really) :) well hope to see you on the next cruise which is prob gonna b on a sunday avo That's what I've been telling everyone as well! Maybe you can wear the hotpants at autosalon to get ppl into the back seat of your car... *ahem* so not ghey.
  10. I put up a similar warning sometime, somewhere. Guys, PLEASE keep this in mind... Many car groups meet at Citywest - I used to work at Scitech - and the police are ALWAYS watching the area, particularly the carpark. Business owners constantly report gatherings. It is also a (stupid) hotspot for drug sellers and buyers, and... other things I just have a couple of suggestions: 1) Be on your best behaviour. Do NOT exceed the post speed limit signs in the carpark (10km/hr?). Seriously. No shenanigans. I wouldn't be surprised if the police send an unmarked toyota there (should they actually monitor this forum). 2) If there is another car club there, for <insert diety here> sake, GO SOMEWHERE ELSE. I remember many a problem with the Honda v Mits boys v Holden crews there. Otherwise, enjoy yourselves - I wish I could be there with you.
  11. You can play with Sarah - she's another Perth Tocauean. She permabulates in an Echo
  12. theDefiant1


    I actually keep a cheap camera in my car (hidden, or course)(no, I don't have a camera phone) just for such said problems. I would even go so far as to record any conversations onto the phones recorder if agreed upon. Also, there is no substitute for writing down the events and getting each other to sign it. I realise this info is useless to you right now, but it may be in the future. Also, just one little observation: just looking at the position of the damage, it would have been difficult for you to have purposely caused it... you MUST get an insurance firm assessor out to inspect the damage. After all, lodging a fraudulent insurance claim is illegal and an offense. If you don't, and go through insurance to fix the car, your insurer may not renew your contract resulting in insurance exclusion, and you'll find it difficult to get insurance in the future. That all said, I just read that you only had 3rd party. But that's fine - find out who her insurer is, state what happened, and invite their assessor for inspection of both vehicles. Was her car damaged?
  13. *Sigh* have fun... and by the way, yes I do have the film from the last meet, but I'm simply too busy to edit and load it. Gimme a couple of weeks then annoy the cr@p out of me and i'll get it done.
  14. Ya, that look the goods. I really *do* like the Aurions...
  15. That reminds me, Jeremy, of my latest plan. I don't drive like a fool, but it is my intention to change licence plates every 12-18 months. It's not your perceived opinion of yourself on the road, it's all the """idiots""" who take offence (for whatever reason) and their munted perceptions. I've had 6 breakins, 4 of them in a stock-as Echo Sportivo. One of them was simply to damage the car I believe. So, might as well try to 'stealth' the car by doing to James Bond and having different plates!
  16. Oooh, this could so be the new KITT! Where are you, Hoff-Meister!!!
  17. Just remember that no matter what is said, personalised plates will draw attention to you; it is a question of how much attention, and whose attention it is. Flashy in-you-face plates will draw negative attention. Trust me on that one. I would love to put my PPs up, but every car I have had "Defiant1" on has either been broken into or had hooligans trying to race me. AND people will remember you if you p1ss 'em off (even accidentally), so you will find yourself a target. All said and done, there's a special feeling walking up to your car and noticing the PPs. Very unique. One of a kind. A statement.
  18. An up-side-down mounted amp... you sure it's not going to overheat in that position? Otherwise, nice work!
  19. Hmmm... who here looks good in drag? No, not me. I'm far too hairy. I could always ask Sarah... mmmm Dutch...
  20. LOL that wasn't half stereotypical! *shakes head woefully* jobs needed
  21. Though I don't know what is happening that far ahead, I can bring any of my cars with, though the sportivo is looking the best at this point in time. The Celica has minor body damage, but that should be fixed soon enough. Mind you, once GReddy has worked his magic with a paint job, the stivo will look awesome. BUT a fairly stock toyota at auto salon? That'll bring on a few laughs.
  22. I like living in Perth. We're a nice, happy family. As long as Haiison remains with a stock car, otherwise we'll all turn on him. YOU HEARD ME, HAIISON!!! :D
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