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Everything posted by xoom

  1. only a few more days left people ...... ah should be an awesome weekend ..... hopefully see some amazing cars ...... and yes the blue bombshell will be making an appearance ..... or i can come in the avalon if ppl would prefer that :P :P :P :P
  2. 235 wide tyres will not work on a 6.5inch wide rim ..... period ..... do the math ...... 6.5inches = 165mm ..... now does it work to logic that the rim can cater for an extra 70mm in tyre width ???? i think not ..... also you have your understanding of profile completely wrong based on the statement that sticking with a 50 series profile is best for you ..... the profile is a % of the width of the tyre so in ur scenario if u went to 235's the profile is 50% of that i.e. 117.5mm vs if u stuck with 205's = 102.5mm ..... so not the same ...... i think u need to re-read all the links people have posted up because based on what you have written it doesnt appear that you have understood wat was written .... also re-read the below http://www.etyres.co.uk/glossary-tyre-terms?term=aspect-ratio http://www.carbibles.com/tyre_bible.html#aspectratio based on the 2 options u presented 215/50 or 225/45 i would stick with the 215/50's 1) i dont think the 225's would work out on a 6.5in rim ..... i know for my drag wheels the 7in rims i used were only just wide enough for 225's 2) 225/45 will put ur speedo out by 3.6km/h so speedo showing 100 ur actually doing 96.4 where as the 215/50 will only put it out by 1.7km/h so speedo of 100 = 98.3 actual speed. 3) based on the speedo maths and nothing else a better match up would be 225/50's as then ur speedo would only be 0.1 km/h off so its almost accurate .... however as stated above i dont think u would get 225's onto the rim safely and i think u might encounter scrubbing issues in the process ..... now i dont have any experience with the wheel well of the zre so i couldnt even confirm if the 215's are going to cause u any issues from a scrubbing perspective .... also if u lowered ur car that could play a part into scrubbing issues also. hopefully thats some food for thought and yes it is my opinion so u have every right to disagree with it if u choose to cheers bill
  3. give the guys at castle hill toyota a call ...... they have sold a few to forum members in the past. so if they still make them they can def source one for you ..... u never knw u might also be lucky and they have 1 in stock ..... give them a call ..... or if u can wait ask the question this weekend at the annual meet.
  4. as stated given time and money anything is possible ..... however what u will find is toyota will price the oem parts for the charger at a premium and it will work out a better deal to simply buy the TRD charged in the first place. i highly doubt that a twin charged aurion will ever be attempted ...... far too much fiddling involved ..... but once again given time and money anything is possible
  5. looks like a nice fit their SD ....... should give you that extra grip for the corners on the track ;)
  6. xoom

    Rays Wheels

    i'd say u will struggle to find someone that stocks the stuff off the shelf ...... most import whats needed as customer purchases come through ..... they arent exactly a cheap item to have sitting on the shelf ..... nengun can usually get stuff for you or you could try importmonster and see what u can get off yahoo japan auctions
  7. i know a few people have opted to go lows on the front and super lows on the rear ...... i havent driven a setup that has had this done so cant comment on the effect it has on the handling front ....... personally i prefer that looking down / nose dive look but u knw each to their own
  8. as was previously stated ..... SB contacted his entire front end on the trip to sydney last time ..... although we all made fun of him it was a pretty successful idea.
  9. can also vouch for the ae102 ..... bought one not long ago as a daily for the olds and my younger sister to get her L's on ...... it was relatively clean only had minor issues which you would expect from a car that is over 10 yrs old
  10. hmmmmm ..... im undecided but leaning towards a big N O for me ..... i mean each to their own and everyone is entitled to their own opinion but the car simply looks too boxy .... too "hey get some massive chrome spinners" on me for my liking ...... kinda reminds me of a smaller range rover ..... and yeah i aint a fan of them either .... as i said some will like some will hate ..... only thing that annoys me most is toyota has a whole arsnel of cars in japan to bring here and they pick this ..... yeah def not doing it for me ...... not to say that it wont perform but yeah the look is just not growing on me
  11. they are actually TRD T3 sports ..... shame they are now discontinued whats happening with your beast ?
  12. that is f@#$%en insane ..... now to work out how to get the corolla to come off the line like that ...... lol
  13. took a few pics after washing the car ...... yes it got a wash ..... can u believe it ....... lol ;) ;) ;) ;)
  14. washed my car today in a trial run for the meet next week ...... for those that know me and the state of my car the fact that it got a wash is a worthy thing to make note of ..... should be listed as one of my mods ...... lol ..... and for those that dont believe me i took a few pics as proof :P :P :P :P :P :P
  15. sounds like it could be something inside the pump playing up ..... if the car is covered under warranty go straight back to your dealership and get them to sort it out ..... if its not covered under warranty then try a wreckers ..... i found a bunch of yaris' being wrecked on the trading post in nsw but couldnt find any in qld ..... not to say that there arent any but u might need to do a bit more of a search ..... the nsw wreckers might ship ..... http://www.tradingpost.com.au/Automotive/Wheels-Tyres-Parts-Accessories/Search/Advanced-Result?Keywords=yaris&AdvancedSearchLocation=NEW%20SOUTH%20WALES&intref=marcon183&OmnSearchType=DepartmentFinder
  16. to be brutally honest that price is only the start of it ....... if u are going to bother with getting this then u might as well add in all the additional extras like rods, bearings etc etc since ur gonna have the engine apart. regarding compression this all depends on what ur next step is gonna be ..... if ur gonna stick with n/a then either hook it up with the wiseco 11.5 or 12.3 made by either brand ..... only thing is i think if u go the wiseco's u might need to get the block sleeved or if u go the mahles then u need to check the clearances as some have been known not to fit properly. obviously then u will need an ECU and again to take advantage of the fact that u have upgraded stuff ur gonna have to look @ sorting out the head side of things as well ...... no point only doing half a job by just fiddling with the bottom end ...... One thing to note .... if u thought f/i modifications were $$$$$'s wait till u c wats involved n/a ..... even more $$$$'s. Probably the only other piece of advice might also be that if ur really keen on doing this that u just buy a built engine from MWR and get that shipped over ...... its far less headache to do an engine swap than going through the pain of finding someone willing to work on the internals of a 2zz.
  17. I dont think its quiet got to BC's level to be honest ...... there is always going to be a lot of repeat information requests as new people come along etc etc thats just the way it is ....... and hey im still around :P :P :P
  18. ok ill respond now with a proper response ..... lol i dont really look @ my revs because i have gotten used to driving it by feel / noise ...... but today i made a conscious effort to take notice and what i found was on flattish roads i found myself changing gears around the 3.5k rpms ...... when ever i was accelerating up a hill i found myself shifting on the higher end of 4.5+ K rpms ....... this is what feels smooth in my car ......
  19. u might want to read through this before you do anything http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27268
  20. yeah i like the stivo cluster hmmmm popping this bad boy into a 1zz ..... hmmmmmm ..... i guess it should b possible .... really gonna depend on getting all the right signals and praying that all the sensors send information to the cluster in the same manner ... im sure it will make a good bit of research for u using the 2zz manual and 1zz manual.
  21. winding the 2zz out to 8700 rpms ensures i can see 100 clicks in 2nd gear so pretty much drive around everywhere in first and second ..... no need to use any other gears ;) ;) ;) ;)
  22. apexi pen turbo timer ..... i just have it set to show battery voltage as i needed to keep an eye on the tiny deka previously ..... and it shows a count down to zero when i turn the car off for how long the car is gonna stay on ...... it has an o2 display but its only narrow band ..... there is a way to use it to display wideband by getting an input from an external device but it was going to be a bit fiddly so i just went for a proper wideband setup.
  23. could be the gromit that is allowing ur o2 sensor to run into the car is not sitting right or has been dislodged ? hey would you be able to elaborate and give me instructions on how to check that? ( not really familiar with the O2 sensor and all that) ta under your car attached to ur exhaust between the cat and the engine is the stock o2 sensor (see pic below .... i have two o2 sensors because im running a wideband gauge but ull have just one) .... anyway u will see the black cable insulation coming off the sensor ..... the other end goes through a gromit in the floor under the carpet on the drivers side and runs the wires to the ecu ..... just something worth checking but yeah it would have to be missing totally i would think to allow any water through it .......
  24. So got a little busy over the weekend and finally got the wideband going and got rid of the little deka battery from under the bonnet and replaced it with a larger odyssey in the boot. Pictures with and without the carpet ...... i just need to get some covers for the terminals and work a way to protect in the event i put something in the boot so that it doesnt get knocked around. Dropped the 2nd o2 sensor in plus mounted the gauge in the dash cluster
  25. Added myself to the list mish ...... any further details on the cruise ?????? meet up spot ? route ? etc
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