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Everything posted by xoom

  1. spotted a white stivo that i think was dropped getting onto the M7 from bellavista last night
  2. as i explained to lylee last night dont read too much into the power figure other than the fact that he has managed to get some really awesome gains against his stock figures ..... u cant compare car A vs car B even though they are supposed to be similar setups ...... anyway power figures should be treated with a grain of salt .... the proof is in the pudding once this beast hits WSID and pulls some 1/4 times where we will see the true nature of the results of this project and some ET speeds to see how much additional power it now has ..... well done on finally getting something sorted lylee and look forward to hearing it whine in the flesh ;) ;)
  3. chances are u will be pulled over and given a nice notice from the boys in blue for having these on the car. even though they are exactly like whats on the audi's it wont matter they arent on other cars stock so u wont have a leg to stand on in defence
  4. hey guys ..... just a thought based one what was posted above ..... when i had my turbo conversion done the stock 2zz maf could not cope with the air flows which resulted in weird idling and a whole bunch of other issues ..... anyway it wasnt until the tuner hooked up his equipment to read what the MAF thought was going on that we found out it was the MAF .... effectively the maf i believe is a 0-5v read out .... it might be worth getting the car up on the dyno and seeing whats going on with the voltages ...... my solution was to wire in a 300zx twin turbo maf and it now deals with the air flow side of things and the stock 2zz maf does everything else ..... just a thought if u r at wits end
  5. My filming of the Star Tours ride at Euro Disney aka Disneyland Paris in Discoveryland part of the park.
  6. This is the Eiffel Tower Night Light Show which i filmed and it also happened to be the World Cup Final match between Spain & Netherlands which is why there are so many people. The light show occurs every night as soon as it is dark on the hour until midnight.
  7. i can see what they are trying to do and its not toooooo bad but yeah its not my thing ..... i find this type of look is an aquired taste so to speak ........
  8. mate that is absolutely shocking ...... it doesnt surprise me though ..... mate in all honest name and shame this dealership so others dont make the same mistake ..... much like i would suggest that no one deals with lander toyota ..... those guys are shockers to the extreme ..... as stated i would go in and cause a massive issue for them and then get onto toyota ..... the big thing here is if something actually went wrong with ur car u'd have to deal with the headache of it all and all because some apprentice got a little lazy..... just shocking ..... tell us the dealership for all to know.
  9. drove the car :D since i have been away for a few weeks
  10. thing is this is such an open ended question that the options are endless .... per the video above u can get some really crazy stuff out there all on just 4 cylinders ..... what exactly are u looking for ? road car ? daily drivers ?
  11. also be mindful as to what this is going to do to ur driveability of the car .... i mean its not like the car has a lot of torque / power to begin with and going mega wide rims and tyres u might find that it will become a little sluggish .....
  12. could be a faulty sensor or a fuse is out.... without heading to toyota or an auto electrician that knows what he's doing u arent going to know ..... if its simply the sensor or fuse then it should not cost too much but if its more sinister then the $'s could start adding up depending on what the issue is .... u just never know with electrical issues
  13. highly unlikely that u will see anyone put the investment in to do anything of this manner. that being said a v6 out of a camry / aurion would be nice ;)
  14. xoom


    to be brutally honest mate you will struggle to find one for free ..... thats any good that is ...... reason being is this sort of software is extremely specialised and u know developers have to get paid ..... the best of the sorts that are out there that are in what i would say the affordable price range as there are a few that are totally priced up there as its to support clubs etc but yeah ur choices could be Dance v7 (formally known as dance ejay) or Sony Acid pro ..... both of these have shareware/demo version so download one and then see which you prefer ..... i used the first one for a while i had an older version i bought and found the loops and samples were perfect to gettting started and hey they are royalty free as well ...... u know its not a crime to actually have to pay for software .... lol ..... the internet has bread this "everything" must be free culture but u know im of the school of if it does the job then its worth the money.
  15. xoom


    thread is now closed at request of kewl10_mac
  16. Well again no real help with the car in getting it opened or the bonnet popped however the security guy was a champ and let me inside the security barrier to get a close-up shot of the interior.
  17. Hey Guys, I know I should find the other FT-86 thread but its a little hard to search lots of threads on the mobile. Anyway to the point. ..... well earlier today I got to see at the local dealership the FT-86 in the flesh so to speak and OMG I'm sold. I want one now. As proof here are the pics I took. The staff were very unhelpful as they didn't even have a brochure on it. I'm gonna go back n see if I can get them to pop the bonnet. P.s. I should mention at this point that I'm in France so the local dealership for me now is in Paris lol ;) ;) enjoy the pics. Cheers Bill
  18. Ah love it....... such controversy lol...... well ive been using royal purple since my engine rebuild and that's all ive used for the 80k km's since the rebuild. To date I haven't had any issue with it. Can I 100% say its better than all others on the market? Well no but its done the job for me. I should give one of those analysis kits a try. Next oil change for sure. It is a pain that I put 6-7L every oil change always having to buy two 5L bottles lol damn moroso oil pan lol
  19. yes getting any work done on the sportivo can get a bit expensive given not a lot of people have a lot of experience with them aswell as the lack of availability of parts. what else have u got left to do ? and when will u have it back on the road ?
  20. i think thats exactly my problem coz say after a minute it will come back up and ittl behave like it didnt happen until i abuse it again =[ could be .... as i said the OEM clutch is pretty much rubbish when it comes to actually dealing with the performance of a stock sportivo ..... i highly recommend getting rid of it for something more purpose built.
  21. http://www.dontgetcaught.com.au/ Now I dont endorse speeding nor do i think this should be used as a means to drive around speeding and not get caught .... however i have previously been fined for not paying attention to the speed limit of the road i was on so this is a means of alerting you to take caution and take notice of ur speed ..... might be worth in investing in these if ur license is that valuable. the legalities of some of these products on the other hand is another question ..... lol
  22. Well, there's only 1 way to find out lol ...... ill tell u wat ..... ill donate the car if u donate the cash ..... that is a pretty reasonable agreement ;) lol
  23. lift still sends a shiver down my spin ..... oh wait that might be as a result of the turbo ripping it up till 8500 rpms lol ;) but back on topic .... by depressed i assume u mean its as if the clutch is still pressed in i.e. like its stuck to the floor or very low ..... do u get a clutch burning smell at all ? one of the issues i had very early on with the oem clutch was that it couldnt handle much abuse and would be prone to over heating ..... if it all gets too hot for the clutch it usually results in the clutch pedal not coming back up.
  24. they "look" like they could fit however its a bit hard to tell ..... being that they are from the US i wouldnt risk it because their headlights also look like they could fit on our car but they dont ..... per the link above i'd suggest you grab something from a more local supplier be it ebay aust, autobarn etc as atleast that way you know its built for an aussie spec car.
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