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why my aurion have high fuel consumption?

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Model : 2009 Aurion Touring

Odo: 900

Driving condition and style: Pacicfic hwy from chatswood to Hornsby, not many traffic jam. nice and comfortable driving style, no speeding no many brakes and hard push.

Driving mode: Automatic driving, no air con on, pre warm the car in everymorning around 3 mins.

The 1st tank of my car is like 470 once the lights comes up but in the crusing range is says 35kms left but the fuel indicator the neddle was half way to the last colum. once i pump the petrol until it leaking out, 58.25liters but the full tank is 70 liters. 11.75liters can only run 35Kms? what a joke... Only pump with 98 Vortex. Any1 got the same problem or any1 know what;s wrong with my car? OR is the new aurion always will high at the begining and settledown the fuel after the first 5000kms?


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Hey buddy, this is the third thread you've made on this matter, many people have already suggested answers. Don't want to seem pushy here but i dont think anybody appreciates this.. Post in the existing thread already if you must.. Not to mention theres already a thread regarding fuel consumption

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Hey buddy, this is the third thread you've made on this matter, many people have already suggested answers. Don't want to seem pushy here but i dont think anybody appreciates this.. Post in the existing thread already if you must.. Not to mention theres already a thread regarding fuel consumption

THis is my choice! the situation is different with my case to the anyother. This is not the simple fuel consumption question,based to my situation. if u dont want to answer that;s fine but dont come to my topic to leave ur **** coz u dont have any manner. Try to learn some freaking manner with ur mum or otherwise u r hopeless. Once again, dont let me to see u in my blog otherwise dont survive in australia!

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Calm down mate, it was not a personal attack, i was just pointing out the fact that you have already opened threads regarding this issue and the feedback has been pretty much the same. I dont understand why you are leaving abusive threats on my profile and on this thread.


I was not trying to offend you in any way. Maybe you need to learn some manners. Show some maturity please.

Anyway, to answer your question, Jaskel has basically summed it up with a solution on your other thread. The car is still new, give it some time to run in. Different conditions result in different consumption, you should be happy really, my car is averaging around 11l /100 using 95ron but I do a lot of country side driving. I dont think that the computer takes into account your reserve fuel, so Im guessing that 1.75 litres should have taken you 35km. How long did your 58L last you? Use that as a better reference in calculating consumption. To sum it all up, there is nothing wrong with your car. It is quite normal to see these figures, and as your engine breaks it in should begin to lower.

Hope that helped, no hard feelings mate..

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Hey Henry, grow up champ, he is only trying to help...just like i did, i gave you the exact answer as to why ur car is high consumption...its a fact mate.

Whats all this survive in Australia bull crap..lol...ive survived 32 years weith no probs..lol People on this forum are very nice people, lets not make it the other way round..advice from a newbie

Edited by Jaskel
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You guys need to chill out. I'm posting from my phone so I don't have time to listen to respond to all the argument, so I'll just answer the question being asked. I also can't provide links because I have limited abilities on this phone.

Firstly henryaowang, the main issue you are describing has actually been discussed before, just a little bit of common sense should have been used to narrow down the issue. This is not some special case as you may think.

The fuel gauge is meant to show as empty when there is still about 10 litres left in the tank. It's like that probably due to the design of the tank. Do you really think your car would have made it the first 470km if it was consuming fuel at the rate you specified (11 litres for 35km)? If you were using fuel at that rate, the 470km that you travelled would have used something like 150 litres of fuel.

For mostly highway driving, your consumption is on par with an Aurion that does a mix of city and highway driving (10-12L/100km). As it is a new car, a slight increase in consumption is expected, and it will go down the more you drive it.

So take a chill pill everyone. There is nothing wrong with your car henryaowang. It's just new.

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Hey buddy, this is the third thread you've made on this matter, many people have already suggested answers. Don't want to seem pushy here but i dont think anybody appreciates this.. Post in the existing thread already if you must.. Not to mention theres already a thread regarding fuel consumption

THis is my choice! the situation is different with my case to the anyother. This is not the simple fuel consumption question,based to my situation. if u dont want to answer that;s fine but dont come to my topic to leave ur **** coz u dont have any manner. Try to learn some freaking manner with ur mum or otherwise u r hopeless. Once again, dont let me to see u in my blog otherwise dont survive in australia!

Henry, u need to chill mate, whats all that threatening, survive and mum stuff, the people here are all to help and they have been really helpful in providing their advise and opinion... There are already a couple of threads with some of them facing the same issues, i have been running mine at around 12-14L/100km as well, you might not notice about breaking much, traffic lights and such but it all adds up to contributing to higher fuel consumption and you have a NEW car, give it some time mate... and COOL DOWN MATE...

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djc has a point thou... I reckon U have a better chance on sending a private message to any1 random and gettin an exact answer compared to making repeated threads like this...

Anw, welcome to the forum... Chill out and enjoy ur stay..

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Driving condition and style: Pacicfic hwy from chatswood to Hornsby, not many traffic jam. nice and comfortable driving style, no speeding no many brakes and hard push.

I am in Sydney

that route has many traffic lights, blends and climbs

its not easy for fuel consumption but there isn't really an alternative...its the geography of the region

11.75liters can only run 35Kms? what a joke... Only pump with 98 Vortex. Any1 got the same problem or any1 know what;s wrong with my car?

lol, don't worry

car manufacturers prefer to be on the safe side

I think someone here have driven over 50kms after the fuel warning light has came on

OR is the new aurion always will high at the begining and settledown the fuel after the first 5000kms?

yeah like many cars this is frequently report in forums as the case

so I wouldn't worry since your ODO is 900km

Edited by tekkyy
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with slang like that I think he should be banned for 2 weeks to teach him some manners specially when threatening like the above statement "I kill U"

there is diffrence between Disagreeing on arguement point and threatening.

henryaowang I suggest that you don't make furthur threats like that or else you end up being charged for threatening.

just remember your isp logged.


Edited by AUR30N
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with slang like that I think he should be banned for 2 weeks to teach him some manners specially when threatening like the above statement "I kill U"

there is diffrence between Disagreeing on arguement point and threatening.

henryaowang I suggest that you don't make furthur threats like that or else you end up being charged for threatening.

just remember your isp logged.


Ban him for longer...maybe altogether.

Edited by boxerboy
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You should've bought a 1.3litre Hyundai instead if you're so concerned about consumption and not a 3.5l V6 in a car that weighs >1.5tonnes.

p.s. I think you're a tool too and would support a ban on you...

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with slang like that I think he should be banned for 2 weeks to teach him some manners specially when threatening like the above statement "I kill U"

there is diffrence between Disagreeing on arguement point and threatening.

henryaowang I suggest that you don't make furthur threats like that or else you end up being charged for threatening.

just remember your isp logged.


Ban him for longer...maybe altogether.

i second to that as well.. everyone was just trying to help.. if you don't like the answer you get, go to some other forum.. simple as that

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