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new speeding laws


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Does anyone else notice that this is also a way for the government to cash in on speeding tickets? people can essentially get caught for speeding more times and thus have to pay more. Eg, if someone gets caught speeding 10ks over the limit 3 times thats equal to $252 as opposed to previously where you would loose 3 points for $81 being caught once. So old scheme can get caught 4 times. New scheme can get caught 12 times. Get the picture? lol (For full license holder that is)

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Does anyone else notice that this is also a way for the government to cash in on speeding tickets? people can essentially get caught for speeding more times and thus have to pay more. Eg, if someone gets caught speeding 10ks over the limit 3 times thats equal to $252 as opposed to previously where you would loose 3 points for $81 being caught once. So old scheme can get caught 4 times. New scheme can get caught 12 times. Get the picture? lol (For full license holder that is)

Sure it means more revenue for them, but if I was given the choice to either pay a fine or lose points, I would most definitely choose the fine.

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exactly! its just a revenue raising thing!

in WA, the cops had the strike about 2 weeks ago. they went easy on the roads. and they put their marked cars plus they turn on their lights behind the multinovas, so people actually slows down for it.

meaning less people getting caught for speeding.

by doing this, the government acted real fast. coz they know, if they dont, they gonna loose lots of money from speeding tickets!

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Fark...it's getting a bit tuff,seems to me the money has jumped up heaps and they have thrown some extra demerit points in here a there to divert our attention away from the fact this just a scam for more moola. :(

in one word TYPICAL...

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Go the red P's!

Get a d**khead cop who clocks you doing 1 KM over = loss of license

I glad im not in NSW now.. a nasty cop who had a bad day could pull you over for doing 101 on a 100 zone and like you said.. thr goes ur licence... i dont think this is fair for the new young drivers (thou they should not speed but 1kph over the limit is abit far fetch)

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Red P-platers have been on "one-strike and you're out" for a while anyway, all this is adding is that Green P-platers are now "two strikes and you're out". And you're not going to get booked at 1km/h over the limit, they are never that anal (not even in Victoria), and the equipment isn't that accurate either. Chances are it'll be similar to the previous 10% or so, and a bit to do with the officer's discretion, so no change there.

And if you're a P-plater and you're speeding, you're an idiot anyway. And the changes are good for us open-license people too, as it reduces the 0-10km demerit points which have been too harsh for ages.

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the speeding limit for the new p`s r abit extreme IMO..

the "NEW" drivers will be worried that they`re ONE k over the speed limit..and they`ll keep checkin the speedo and it might result in a crash or something...i think about 5km over the speed limit is more reasonable.. 1km is just .. i mean come on seriously.. whats the BIG diff if ure driving 100km and 101km?

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the speeding limit for the new p`s r abit extreme IMO..

the "NEW" drivers will be worried that they`re ONE k over the speed limit..and they`ll keep checkin the speedo and it might result in a crash or something...i think about 5km over the speed limit is more reasonable.. 1km is just .. i mean come on seriously.. whats the BIG diff if ure driving 100km and 101km?

Where is everyone getting this "1km/h" thing from? The 1-10km/h? The old rules said 0-15, so by those rules they could get you for 0km/h over the limit....OMFG they could ping you for doing the speed limit WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?

You won't see a rash of people getting done for doing 101km/h in a 100km/h zone, I guarantee it. It is just a wording change to better clarify the fact that going _OVER_ the speed limit is the illegal thing, as the old wording was technically flawed (but no-one picked up on it)

Edited by Hiro Protagonist
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the speeding limit for the new p`s r abit extreme IMO..

the "NEW" drivers will be worried that they`re ONE k over the speed limit..and they`ll keep checkin the speedo and it might result in a crash or something...i think about 5km over the speed limit is more reasonable.. 1km is just .. i mean come on seriously.. whats the BIG diff if ure driving 100km and 101km?

Where is everyone getting this "1km/h" thing from? The 1-10km/h? The old rules said 0-15, so by those rules they could get you for 0km/h over the limit....OMFG they could ping you for doing the speed limit WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?

You won't see a rash of people getting done for doing 101km/h in a 100km/h zone, I guarantee it. It is just a wording change to better clarify the fact that going _OVER_ the speed limit is the illegal thing, as the old wording was technically flawed (but no-one picked up on it)

i c i c :P so the 10% allowance applies to them as well? ghee i was wonderin how the heck r u goin to drive in conditions like that xD

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i c i c :P so the 10% allowance applies to them as well? ghee i was wonderin how the heck r u goin to drive in conditions like that xD

The actual leeway in NSW is a bit iffy, some people say 10%, some people say the same 3km/h as in Victoria, some people say other things - it's not exactly a hard and fast number, but the cops _do_ give leeway.

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I did a defensive driving course a few months back and the instructor was like "If the government can charge us all 10% GST why not apply that to speeding rules as well"

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i c i c :P so the 10% allowance applies to them as well? ghee i was wonderin how the heck r u goin to drive in conditions like that xD

The actual leeway in NSW is a bit iffy, some people say 10%, some people say the same 3km/h as in Victoria, some people say other things - it's not exactly a hard and fast number, but the cops _do_ give leeway.

In any case the speedo of your car isn't completely accurate, it usually shows 5-10% faster than you're actually driving, so even if the needle is around the 100 mark, chances are you're doing a bit less. The cops will also give a bit of leeway because when they were using the WRX police cars, they found that the speedos on that were showing 5-10% LESS than the actual speed they were traveling.

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Everyone, a round of applause for the NSW government and their industrial mega-pack of band-aids to fix problems with. Too many kids having speed-related accidents? Let's send the highway patrol out in force to swiftly confiscate the license of anyone who looks even remotely capable of spelling the word "speeding". Too many kids having accidents where investigators couldn't bring themselves to tick the big box clearly marked "speed" (because let's face it, if you want a decent story to spin to the media, there's only two boxes - "speed" and "other")? Let's reject many decades of lobbying for better driver education from groups such as the NRMA and just hike the L-plater hours up to 120. That way, they'll have no more money to spend on weekends because the driving schools are taking it all and we'll just force them into writing tales of fiction and adventure into their log books anyway! I'm pretty sure I drove to Auckland and back when I was getting my license!

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Please everyone stop whining about revenue and how evil the government are, and read Hiro's first post:

Red P-platers have been on "one-strike and you're out" for a while anyway, all this is adding is that Green P-platers are now "two strikes and you're out". And you're not going to get booked at 1km/h over the limit, they are never that anal (not even in Victoria), and the equipment isn't that accurate either. Chances are it'll be similar to the previous 10% or so, and a bit to do with the officer's discretion, so no change there.

And if you're a P-plater and you're speeding, you're an idiot anyway. And the changes are good for us open-license people too, as it reduces the 0-10km demerit points which have been too harsh for ages.

I bolded that last bit, because there seems to be a certain "unfair" mentality that comes out in times like this. As Hiro pointed out in the first line of the above post, P1 drivers still suffer the same consequences they have for the last however many years. So if you are one of them, and you are whinging about how unfair the new laws are, what does that tell us?

It tells us that you probably haven't been the best driver, and have been getting away with it. If that is the case, then you are only complaining because you have realised you can't have your fun on public roads anymore...

... and don't give me some bollocks defence about "I only get done accidentally for being a few kms over" - because, as Hiro already pointed out, best part of noone gets REGULARLY done for genuine accidental infringements.

Bottom line: If you are really that concerned about copping a fine or losing points, then drive everywhere UNDER THE LIMIT.

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Excellent idea Leroy. Let's teach them to drive in a substandard fashion (according to world's best practice) then tell them as long as they don't break 90kmh, everything will be A-OK :)

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I'm a P plater... on my Greens... new laws don't particularly phase me all that much, been driving for two years now and have no speeding fines. As an older P plater (I'm 27) it's more affordable for me to go out and vent some of my desires on a track day than it is for me to lose my license.

Mind you, I've been fairly lucky when it comes to police encounters... about a year back I got pulled over at an RBT while not displaying P plates (some $*%(@# kids stole them from my car) about 50 meters from home... what made things even worse was I have two identical pairs on pants and picked up the wrong pair (my wallet was in the other) so I wasn't carrying my license either. Politeness paid off and the officer let me off with a stern warning (I never did that again, went out and bought some of those P plate frames)

Besides my babbling, I have to admit... I am a little disappointed that the government seems to be going the wrong way about driver education and rather than some targetted education campaigns they are simply trying to fear young drivers into not getting themselves killed. This approach is dead wrong and only encourages the (Atleast from some of the younger P platers I know) mentality that "Oh well, if I speed I'm only going to lose my license anyway, I may as well do it properly"

And if you're a P-plater and you're speeding, you're an idiot anyway.

Sorry, if you're speeding, you're an idiot anyway, being a P plater doesn't make speeding any better/worse.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

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I'm a P plater... on my Greens... new laws don't particularly phase me all that much, been driving for two years now and have no speeding fines. As an older P plater (I'm 27) it's more affordable for me to go out and vent some of my desires on a track day than it is for me to lose my license.

Mind you, I've been fairly lucky when it comes to police encounters... about a year back I got pulled over at an RBT while not displaying P plates (some $*%(@# kids stole them from my car) about 50 meters from home... what made things even worse was I have two identical pairs on pants and picked up the wrong pair (my wallet was in the other) so I wasn't carrying my license either. Politeness paid off and the officer let me off with a stern warning (I never did that again, went out and bought some of those P plate frames)

Besides my babbling, I have to admit... I am a little disappointed that the government seems to be going the wrong way about driver education and rather than some targetted education campaigns they are simply trying to fear young drivers into not getting themselves killed. This approach is dead wrong and only encourages the (Atleast from some of the younger P platers I know) mentality that "Oh well, if I speed I'm only going to lose my license anyway, I may as well do it properly"

And if you're a P-plater and you're speeding, you're an idiot anyway.

Sorry, if you're speeding, you're an idiot anyway, being a P plater doesn't make speeding any better/worse.

I'll get off my soapbox now.

:clap::clap: Good to hear from a sensible P-plater,being 27 also helps.. I know this is moving away from new laws to P's but we all know the P-Plater stereotype out there and is unfair it applies to sensible drivers as well.. Every day and night i have to try and avoid hitting or being hit by one but lucky i can pick em a mile away now. Doesnt affect me much cos being in something that weighs 50tonnes you dont feel a thing but still hate when i see a fatality.. These days big brother is watching somewhere so save your money,save your points and possibly someones life.. No one likes a show off, plus the slower you go the better people can check out your ride :D The track is a great idea too if you can afford to do it..So TAKE CARE and look after your rides..As far as Government goes,well we are stuffed cos the whole world is about the mighty DOLLAR,but no one wants to admit to that now do they..

My 2.5 cents :)

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Excellent idea Leroy. Let's teach them to drive in a substandard fashion (according to world's best practice) then tell them as long as they don't break 90kmh, everything will be A-OK :)

To be brutally open with you; if everyone obeyed the limits and showed a bit of courtesy on the road (like they are supposed to), then there would be no reason to have to teach these people (read: "kids") how to handle their cars in situations that shouldn't occur at legal limits.

I just cant justify giving in to the ""everyone does it, so teach them how to do it safer" mentality. To me that's like saying "ok kids, heres some drugs... just remember not to take too many"...

A better analogy would be likening it to constant weight loss campaigns - people have been educated for years on how to eat healthy AND balance the junk foods, yet we are still a fat nation. If education really worked, we wouldn't see a new trend of weight loss products each season - why should educating them in a car be any different?

To be even more open with you.... If you are so keen on simply educating the masses, shouldn't we be teaching them that constantly flaunting the law is not to be accepted? Do we let murderers out again in 6 months? Hell no. I argue that the reckless driver is maybe the worse of the two - at least the murderer went out with a purpose. The reckless driver just goes out with no regard for anyone elses' life, and does it all again as soon as they pay fine/ get their license back.

It s**ts me to tears that people (even on this forum) constantly whinge about getting their slap on the wrist, yet have it happen to them all over again in a matter of weeks or months! By giving these people better driving skills, all you are doing is giving them an invitation to drive faster - which they will do time and time again, as already proven.

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I agree with you on some points but thinking that "everyone shouldn't do it in the first place" is unrealistic and basically naive. It would be nice if everyone did the right thing but when will that ever happen? And in the meantime, will forcing kids to spend some time in defensive driving courses and on the skidpan do more harm than good?

I understand your view on the "everyone's doing it" mentality, but if everyone is doing it, aren't you disadvantaging your kids by not preparing them for the worst?

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I agree with you on some points but thinking that "everyone shouldn't do it in the first place" is unrealistic and basically naive. It would be nice if everyone did the right thing but when will that ever happen? And in the meantime, will forcing kids to spend some time in defensive driving courses and on the skidpan do more harm than good?

I understand your view on the "everyone's doing it" mentality, but if everyone is doing it, aren't you disadvantaging your kids by not preparing them for the worst?

I agree... But the point a few of us are trying to raise is to do with the topic, rather than the moral high ground... If you don't like the consequences, don't speed.

People will always try to get away with what they can and teaching new drivers skills required to avoid other drivers who do not show the level of care required to drive a 1 1/2 to 3 ton missile on wheels is an unfortunately thing that has to be done.

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Any forum members are more than welcome to come to my place of work for a reality check...Mack Towing & Transport Victoria.

we have a police/forensic's compound in our smash yard and the compound contains stolen cars,smashed cars,fatal smashes,repos and crime & drug related cars..

the fatals are the one's that catch my eye,so many of em have P plates still attatched and then ya see the next of kin come in to work and claim whats left of their deceased son,daughter,brother,sisters belongings,it's so sad but also a huge eye opener..

also one thing i have noticed most of the P plate fatals are single car accidents....whats this telling us????

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