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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. I'm pretty sure it's a Sportivo (the one in his sig)
  2. Hi Xploshun. I just transferred the money to your HSBC account this morning.
  3. sorry for the delay mate. I just transferred the money this morning :)
  4. this is all nonesense. I don't care if my wheels have beer bottle caps as part of the metal compound - They shouldn't break! Isn't it obvious that the car has been crashed. H3ll! if I crashed my car into the gutter, i'd expect my wheels to break too. Unless you expect your wheels to disintegrate while your driving, then cheap or expensive, it's all about taste and budget. BTW, the car pictured is a Holden "yobo'dore, not a skyline as some have said.
  5. It's mentioned in the earlier post. the kit comes with a TRD pod filter aswell as all brackets and bolts needed for the installation.
  6. I always get a chuckle out of the almost standard response to car comparison threads on this forum. these include, but are not limited to: "It all comes down to the driver", "It's stupid to compare cars"....etc first off, the whole point of owning different cars is to compare them. bring up all their good aspects and all their downfalls. that is the whole point - otherwise we'll all be driving standardised Holden "yobo"dores. also, the whole "the driver makes the car" excuse is like a stupid school kid trying to come up with an excuse why he didn't do his homework. There is absolutely a way to measure which is the faster car. If you have to rely on the other driver to mis-shift for you to win a race, then there's seriously something wrong. IMO if indeed the Sportivo is slower than a comparable car, the humble thing to do would be to just admit it. This forum is open to the public and we all just look like complete tools when a few of us make ego-driven farsical claims. I know the Sportivo is not the fastest car on the street - I've had egg on my face many times to prove it. but i don't drive fast enough on the street (anymore) to notice the difference so i don't care. The performance it does have makes me happy, so again, i don't care. anyway, that's my 2cents.
  7. 600 to 700 is normal for me, i only use shell or caltex fuel. u must be driving hard all the time, but u have an auto so theres your problem they always go through alot more fuel. wow. you must do alot of highway driving. I usually only get around 450Km out of a tank. If i drive hard i usually only get 300-350km out of the tank.
  8. this may sound a little selfserving, but - COME ON GUYS! this is a really really really cheap price for the CAI. I've been a member of this forum nearly since it started and I can honestly tell you that it makes a difference. I've gone on cruises with members that have them installed and the sound is awesome. I've been told you can feel the difference in top-end (go lift). I never got one in the past because they were overpriced. There was no way i was going to pay 500 bucks for a piece of piping and a pod filter - 300 i can live with. so come on guys. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for you sportivo
  9. I got custom springs by K-mac. overall, was a 2.5Inch drop all-round. they sagged a lil since them (a little more on the driver's side) I don't have any issues with scrubbing nor do speed humps bother. Only the really short abrupt ones ( think shopping centre) really bother me. I mostly clear everything i drive over. It's quite bumpy and I bottom out on big pot holes though.
  10. as it stands now, it looks like a big echo. I can definitely see potential in the looks department. Common guys, how many ppl first saw the Sportivo and thought, "Hmmm. needs lowering, headlights look goofy, grill looks cheap"...etc? the fact the car looks like "a physically challenged hampster" ust means that there will be more options to customise the looks. Now if only TRD Australia would get on the ball and make parts more readily available.
  11. Hi, does that price include freight? - where will the items be delivered? btw, Magic and I will pair up
  12. oh yeah, forgot my location. - Fairfield, NSW. :D
  13. I would also be interested.
  14. ok. in that case it probably is our bushes. Have you enquired about getting polyurethane bushes as they are stiffer and give the control are more precise movement. The only draw back is that they tend to squeek as they get older (nothing some greese can't fix) I used to own a celica and noticed a considerable different to steering response after i put them in.
  15. the initial impact looked nasty. It's a miracle he only got a sprained ankle.
  16. Hi dude A busted control arm bushing can cause a light clunking sound. other things to look out for are broken sway bar links. what lead you to believe it's the control arm bushing? btw, What car do you drive?
  17. I actually came accross in Hoxton park. the driver was a real d1ck! was tail-gating me all the way down cow pasture road approaching a speed camera. He tried to egg me on to race him all the way up the road. They're quick little things, I was in the wrong gear sitting at sitting at 4Krpm and still stayed with him all the way. When i hit lift, he hit the brakes so I'm not sure which is quicker. anyway, they look cute with the racing stripe and all. the second time he tried to run me he drop it down a gear and the car shot forward like a rocket. also, the 0-100 time don't mean squat! as most s'tivo drivers know, the "brochure posted times" are usually theoretical or dyno estimates. All-in-all, i wouldn't buy one but i'd definitely recommend it to my little sister =)
  18. Howdie all! I had great fun meeting up with everyone. I was good to put some faces to the names. I Hope the drive home for all the out'o'towners was smooth. anyway....more pics!
  19. The best way to test is the way that Rosegum mentioned. The life of the clutch depends on how much abuse you give it. You'll find that hard launches will put alot of strain on parts that can lead to failure but the number one cause of premature clutch wear is down-shifting without rev matching. You end up letting the clutch do the task of "revving" the engine up the the appropriate RPM and that puts alot of wear on it.
  20. Hey, Just. is it just me or do you have different rear calipers to me? They seem to be bigger.
  21. Well, either way, the rim shouldn't of broken up like that regardless of how much you paid. that's just waked! luckily the driver wasn't hurt and it was only a como ute :D
  22. But changing the age at which people can drive cars will only serve to raise the age at which 7 or 8 clowns kill themselves each year. btw, i'm on my golds now but I feel it's unfair how all P plate drivers are being treated because a select few decide that they will remove themselve from the gene pool. P.S. to all clowns and potential clowns...STOP KILLING YOURSELVES! you're ruining it for the rest of us!
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