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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. U dont need to flat shift to keep it in lift, never tried and never needed to. Like Danz say's, i reckon its dangerous 2. However if it works for u then thats fine, dont think it'd hurt ur stivo but im sure it'd hurt ur clutch. Also from my own experience u dont need to "bounce" or "hit" the limiter to be able to land lift in 2nd, just makes it easier the higher rpm u go but i "heard" (just heard & i dont have proof) that hitting the limiter all the time is bad? Can anyone justify that coz im not 100% sure. steve_g At the end of the day i think its all about ur timing (i usually change @ 8000), and how u release ur clutch. Dont worry u'll eventually get used to it and find ur own technique, im sure everyone has their own i was just reading other pplz responses thinking.. "i dont do it that way?" so i though i'd just share.. just my 2 cents worth Hi Guys I haven't posted here for a while. I'm glad to see new "faces" on this forum. alot of things have changed just by looking at who owns what....etc anyways. to answer ur q's about hitting the limiter. yes...in a way it is bad. to limit the revs in the s'tivo, the ECU retards timing and leans out the mixture. I've never heard of a car dying because it sat on the limiter too long but leaning out the mixture at high revs isn't good for any engine
  2. Hi Guys. I haven't posted on here in a while. been busy at my new job. anyways. The handbrake uses a different mechanism to your foot brakes (which uses the discs). the hand brakes uses a small drum brake type assembly inside the rear wheel hub. in all cars, there will be a shift of weight from either the front to the back or back to the front depending on which way the car is facing down the hill. in most cars with double wishbone or strut type suspension, you will not see much movement. But because our cars have the torsion beam the pivot point for the trailing arms is further away from the hubs than most cars and with only small angular movements in the trailing arms, we will see significant up or down movements in the rear suspension. Another reason is because of the way the drum brakes are designed, they do not fully engage until the drum rotates a little against the brake shoes and causes them to "wedge" themselves tighter against the drum. anyway. sorry for the lenghty post. I just thought i'd clarify a few things.
  3. most automatic transmissionn these days are pretty intuitive. they usually select the correct gear for the correct situation. although there is a slight delay between every gear change, it's usually pretty good. The main reason you would need to manually select a gear is for compression braking downhill so you don't overheat your brakes. or when you suddenly slow down while hill climbing and the engine is no longer in the correct gear.
  4. rod *back on track now =) hehehe*
  5. http://www.pistonheads.com/doc.asp?c=102&i=8026 i know it's old news but this article seems to cover a few details i never knew.
  6. Hey Dylan. Sounds like you know a thing or two about engine dynamics. The progressive timing and lift adjustment you're talking about is present on modern Ferrari engines. it's the most elegent design in this whole variable valve timing business. it uses a simple 3D cut cam lobe. to adjust valve timing at various speeds in the rev range, it has a mechanism that simply slides the entire cam shaft from side to side.
  7. hehehe. I wish i could get the message accross that figures on paper mean squat. all these peak HP and Peak torque figures are just indicative of a cars performance. the car is not always pumping out peak HP and Peak torque the whole time you are driving it. if you want an idea of the acceleration, look at the torque curve In track racing or any form of motor sport for that matter, gear ratios play a bigger part than specific Power and torque figures. You may have bigger peak torque but if you exit a corner at a specific speed, in a specific gear at a specific torque and HP output, it only matters how the car behaves from that point. I still think on the straight, the stivo will blow the sp23 away, but on the twisties, the sp23 may beat the stivo. there's plenty of variables such as suspension performance, car weight distribution and many other things, but assuming all are similar, if the sp23 hits the turn-in point at the same or higher speed, i think the sp23 will come out victorious. at the end of the day, these are all daily-driver cars so i don't see what the big deal is about. adding to what stuart said, it's not size that counts, it's how you use it...with that said...I'm still bigger!
  8. My dad owns a V6 Camry Touring. really nice firm ride. good suspension and really easy to drive. loads of torque and when you punch it (after a slight delay due to the auto trans) it kicks you in the back. However, with that said the sportivo will kill it and have it for brunch. it's not really a fair comparison since i'm comparing auto and manual. the stivo pulls for way longer than the touring. I drive both and I drive them hard so take it from me. No contest
  9. wow. should be a cool day. I would love to come along but it will be week 1into my new job so time off is a definitely no,no.
  10. Hmm. If you read up until the end he mentions a problem about not being able to get lift. I'm intrigued. Might have something to do with the coolant temp sensor maybe? that's the only thing i can think of. anybody? I wonder how she runs down the 1/4mile? :D
  11. qkslvr


    Sweet A*s ride! 3S-GTE Powa! :P any up-and-coming mods for the o'l girl?
  12. I second that. clear background please...besides that i think it's real clever. put me down for one. :D
  13. latest creation from Fotoshop performance. :P (I have too much time on my hands )
  14. just get these...big fat 20" chromies. you won't do very impressive lap times but atleast you'll lose in style Pimp-daddy style.
  15. I'm glad there were no cops following us the way I was taking photos... ;) ← hahaha You're lucky you didn't hit any bumps or it would have been a very expensive day.
  16. I was just speaking to WaiWong who said the redline cruise went well too. Although he did say the cops pulled over a guy for sticking his arm out the window. Besides that the day was a great success.
  17. :D :D :D Absolute gold man! It's so true it almost hurts! hahaha
  18. A big thanks to Dylan for organizing! I had a great time. I just took a a picture of all the bug splats on the front side of my mirrors. poor bugs. i've left my camera at home so I'll post my pics when i get the chance. Nice to meet you all again. Thanks Dave for leading me home, i was so nackered by the end of it i would have driven in the wrong direction. :D nice roads and great weather, couldn't ask for much more. (except for less Honda CRVs) what about the green kawasaki that came flying past us all just before that?
  19. Nice ride man. I really like the wheels.
  20. Hey dude. Sweet ride. I'm in Fairfield. I've seen you around. I saw you on Woodville rd a few weeks ago park on the side of the road. I'm a fairfield boy myself. there are a few of us in the Fairfield, liverpool and hoxton park area. We've got a meet on the 13th March. you should come along.
  21. Hey Briony, so you ended up getting the GT4 afterall. schweet! :D How does she drive?
  22. Oh Cool! I've been waiting for another meet for ages. count me in.
  23. Ouch! sorry to hear that dude. I did that in my old celica. I never took it to the panel beaters though. The damage wasn't too bad, mainly scratched paint so i ended repairing it myself. I'm not sure how much it will cost but i hope it works out for ya.
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