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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. hey. I'm keen. I'll be going overseas to Thailand next month :D . when's the next long weekend anyway?
  2. Biassing resistor. never knew such a thing existed. thanks for the tip. :) Hmm. never thought of that ;) but still, i don't think a blue-glowing honda badge will confuse traffic enough for them to giveway a screaming sprotivo is a different story
  3. Yeah. :P sorry i wasn't very clear. I had the blue LED lights that glowed blue. looked pretty cool. but then one blew after only a week. they were only $10 a pair but it kinda turned me off them so I decided to get a set of Philips blue vission. they come with blue park lights that glow white! looks pretty cool. funny enough, the "blue" vission bulbs don't have even the slightest tinge of blue at all. but it's nice and white which is what i wanted anyway. although, i just saw a set of H7 Xenon at supercheap for $39...hmmm...I'm tempted. I had a set on my old celica and they were nice and blue.
  4. hahaha. You make the cops sound like nazis! :D i just can't see the problem within having blue lights outside your car. i had the blue led park lights but 1 of them blew after only 1 week. I've got the philips blue vission. they come with white parking lights. :) Ooh, nice HID's btw, KT. :P
  5. I've used BP ultimate for a year now and have no troubles relating to gearbox. i've used optimax and didn't notice any difference. Hmmm.
  6. Holly smokes, batman! I didn't know it was physically possible to do that to a clutch! and 12,000km already?! you've only had the car for a short time.
  7. I think somwhere along the lines the point has been missed by toyota. We are no longer dealing with a performance issue, nor are we arguing about design. The fact of the matter is: 1. gear boxes should not crunch within a car's permitted rev range. 2. gears should not stick within a car's permitted rev range. The story about the clutch being a compromise stinks! Most of us do not take our cars to the track. The issue here is not that we want this fixed so we can take it to the track. We want the problem fixed because it IS a problem that relates to day-to-day drivability. It also effects resale value and new cars shouldn't be like this. If toyota compromised on the clutch because they wanted to hit a Price-Point with the car, then that is hardly the consumer's problem. I think we have to make it very clear that this problem does not just relate to lift but low revs aswell. the problem is just more aparent in life because of the extra power output. The circumstances of this argument are in our favor so why should we be out of pocket of a problem that stems back to toyota engineering? its just ridiculous. So again, i would like to stress that 1. gear boxes should not crunch within a car's permitted rev range. 2. gears should not stick within a car's permitted rev range. that is the issue here and more focus should be put on that.
  8. hehehe. the s'tivo is going to feel so much faster and firmer once you've returned the lance and hop back in your s'tivo.
  9. hahaha. I love these forum dramas.they make my work day go so much quicker. Hey SILVABULLIT, i think we should keep the silver sportivo secret hush hush Seriously though, I've had the sticky gear problem come up twice in the whole year i've had the car and i use life a fair amount too. I must say, if it happened to me everytime, i'd be p1ssed too! I think the guys who don't get the problem should leave this thread alone cause we're just clogging up the thread.
  10. Sydney based TRD parts reseller. Ignition-X website: www.ignition-x.com.au Contact: Benson Phone: 02 9212 3618 I originally contacted Ignition-X about other parts when they told me they also sell TRD parts. I have already told them about our club and if we can get bulk buys, they are more than willing to offer group discounts. Their website only lists their cosmetic parts but they have a full range or performance parts available also.
  11. ouch. sorry to hear that dude. look on the bright side. they'll buff the front end up for you once they replace the bumper.
  12. *edited* I'll get mine off Bill. Thanks :)
  13. coolest car i've ever been in is the Mitsu 3000GTO twin turbo. nice and quick. i've also been in a RX8. very cool car also.
  14. cool stuff! autosalon final battle hey? us sydney boys should show up and show our support. isn't the show on the 4th of dec though?
  15. Gran Turismorator You scored -23%
  16. didn't know there were so many s'tivo around the fairfield, cabra and livo area. cool :)
  17. this is only my personaly opininon of course, but anyone who turbos a 2ZZ-GE just misses the point. it's suppose to be a highpowered, small displacement NA engine. :)
  18. I was reading an article in a motor magazine about the Lotus that uses the 2ZZ-GE and 6speed. The lotus uses all things except they redesigned the shift mechanism. they didn't say why it's obvious to us guys.
  19. but if you create a restriction, aren't you increasing the pressure within the hose? I agree with everything you are saying up until that part. I agree that the velocity will increase when there is a constriction. e.g spiting water out of a small straw as apposed to a larger straw. I'm thinking and now i'm confused. Hmm...actually, i think you may be right. Airfoils such as wings have the effect you describe where the extra curved upper surface causes the are flowing over the wing to flow faster than the air flowing under. this causes lift because of a decreased air pressure above the wing where the air is flowing faster. Hmm The prolem is in the example above, the air is not constricted. hmm ;) I'll think about it and get back to you...hehehe expect a PM shortly. we'll continue this debate off forum. :P
  20. Hahaha. As i was reading it I started to really empathise and feel really bad for you...then i got to the last line and i thought....bloody idiot! you crack me up.
  21. Hey dude. I think it's the other way around. (sorry. physics geek taking over) when you increase the pressure, you also increase the velocity of gas. That's because the same volume of gas has to flow through the pipe. So if there was more pressure due to smaller diameter pipe then the gas would have to move faster for the same amount of gas to be expelled. Don't forget the time frame in which the gas can be expelled is limited to the duration of the exhaust stroke. The only way you will get a slower moving exhaust stream from increased backpressure is if the backpressure is great enough to slow the piston down during it's exhaust stroke. and we all know that will never happen unless you stuff a potato up the exhaust pipe You only need to think about when you blow through straws to realise this is true.
  22. I mentioned this way earlier in one of the other threads but when i had my stivo in for it's 10k service i saw a black stivo get towed into the service area. When i asked the owner what happened, he told me the gearbox just jammed in 3rd. Weird. I'm thinking this is probably an extreme case of the "sticky gear" problem. I've had a look at the way the selector cables are routed to the gearbox. I just can't see anyway there would be a problem. The cables run through a nice, smooth and relatively straight path all the way to the linkages. Although i don't have the problem all the time, I have experienced it a couple of times and can definitely imagine how frustrating it is to not be able to pull out of a gear to shift. It's almost like trying to pull the stick out of gear while the clutch is still engaged even though you've got your foot on the clutch. The only thing I can think of is maybe the way the selector forks are designed. It just doesn't make any sense that changing clutch or flywheel like some other members have fixes the problem. I'm trying to think it through logically and it doesn't make any sense.
  23. That is Total Bull-Winkle!!!! If i was there i would have given him a piece of my mind. he is basically calling you an idiot by offering that excuse! The car makes its peak power and torque in that region of the rev range. so to say that the car will not allow you to shift that high is total porcupines! You should have gotten his name and report him to Toyota HQ. I'm sure it breaches some code of conduct about misleading customers. anyway, My car doesn't have that problem. I've had my car for almost a year now and its done it a total of two times. I think it might have been due to mis-timed shifting (clutch + and shifter not moved in the right timing) besides that i don't have that problem at all. If you want I will be more than willing to come out to the dealership with you on a weekend with my car to show the moron there the difference between the two cars. I hate it when dealer bull****. It's not that hard for them to just say they "don't know" and give you a number to someone else who can help. BTW, mine's silver so that could be the reason mine is ok Silver is built better. The South Africans at the factory prefered silver too.
  24. Such Irresponsible driving! I'm appalled! he went past 100km/h in 2nd gear. ;) cool!
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