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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. hey silversoarer. welcome. you from Sydney? :) there seems to be a few soarers in sydney's west.
  2. my left eyelid is twitching while i'm typing this
  3. nI also have a medical condition that may explain some of my outburst. Mine is more psychological than physical. It's a form of Tourrett's syndrome but instead of sudden involuntary outburst, my disorder causes me to type seemingly well-thought out statements that sometimes offend. (as Black455 discovered earlier in this thread) It's a medical condition....I promise!! :D
  4. :D Don't worry, xTigerx. I believe you dude. :D
  5. Blackrolla. I live in Fairfield and i know what you mean. whenever i drive past the station and have to stop at a red light i always lock my doors. My dad almost got car jacked there. Lucky his doors where locked. anyway, the place seems to have improved. less junkies hanging around the station...they've all miagrated to other areas. anyway, back to the topic...I'm with GIO and my premium is $2,800 i'm paying the most here.
  6. hey guys. Nice to meet you all. the party sucked! i should have come with you guys. i nice spirited drive would have cool. oh well. next time guys. Hey Grimlock next time man. :P would be fun to go down to the gong next time. make a day of it....and what happened to the echos?
  7. Hahahaha. Congratulations man. best underbody? did you detail the underbody? :P is the car still relatively stock?
  8. Yeah. I saw the new golf commercial last night! Stole toyota's design that's it! all Golf driver need to pay this forum royalties!
  9. I fail to see the arrogance in my post. I was simply saying that inlight of what you have said i believe that the subject of speed is now taboo and all who mention it should be flogged! :P The arrogance is in talking as though you are the voice of reason and sensibility on this forum. There are moderators and posters...i didn't realise there was a opening for forum pastor If i knew i would have applied. common people. what ever happened to equal employment opportunities?!? I know i'm asain and all...but common! I'm in my of my weird moods today so if i offended you...tough Sh*t! just kidding. look i know you didn't deserve a whole essay cutting up your short post consisting of like 3words but, hey. Just too tempting to play "bash the do-gooder" Peace out man.
  10. dude! I think you are playing the angelic card way too soon. I'm also against dangerous speeding too i.e ducking and weaving through traffic. It's all about knowing your limits. for Kcoro's friend, that happened to be at 180km/h But you can't honestly think that people will ever stop speeding like it's a bad habbit like smoking. I think you posted in the wrong section...the Camry section is a few clicks away. :P what the heck do you think a bunch of guys (and girl) will talk about in a forum dedicated to cars WITH 100kw and 141kw (+ & - 7KW :P )? not baking or sewing thats for sure. and we can only talk about bodykits and interior lights so many times before it gets boring. and how do you know the guy didn't do it on a race track :P ? very little information was given...too little for you to speculate as to the location of the 180km/h "run" :P . You just saw it as an opportunity to submit your do-gooder post about "speeding is bad". preaching to people who don't want to be preeched to will get you nowhere. You need brute force and capital punishment D*mn it! . I recommend that all that submit stories of speeding and reckless endagerment to pedestrians, public property and cats and dogs should be bent over and belted for all their worth! (i'm being sacarstic btw so no need to get your panties in a twist :P ) Chill dude. we're all here to have some fun. some of us speed on occasion...big woop. If you're going to turn this forum into a giant debate into the social implications of speeding and reckless driving then it will get boring very quickly.
  11. more pics pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5 pic6 pic7
  12. Hi guys. just an interesting read about Toyota's new supercar New Toyota Supercar
  13. Hey Rollagrl, I used to own a Celica and was part of a US celica forum for ages. All i can say is, if you're going to cheat on your baby it might as well be with the 6th gen GT4. Good choice! :D All the members used to day dream of owning (even simply driving) one. I used to have an ST165 (not GT4 though)....just thinking of thrashing around in that Al-Trac makes my mouth water (was going to say something else but decided against it )
  14. location and time is good enough for me. Just found out that i have something on that night. I'm coming to the meet at homebush but can't cruise down south. :(
  15. it says that our engine has maxpower of 135Kw/7600rpm and 1zz-fe has 107kw/6400rpm. what is going on?
  16. hahaha :D Northy you looney toon! puting the CAI to good use hey?
  17. ATOC sydney Cruise: 5pm at Homebush carpark on 16th Sept? still on?
  18. Being a new graduate i didn't have much money to buy a flash sports car. I did a lot of research and weighed up the pros and cons of many cars in the same class and price range as the sportivo. I must say that is was the best bang-for-your buck car on the market at the time. I agree with alot of points in the Mckinnon review but it seems he was judging it on the totally different criteria to ours. You will see this kind of review alot from guys who are so used to driving and test driving bigger, more powerful cars with more low-end torque. I disagree with the comment about the dodgey finish. I sat in the lancer2.0, Mazda SP20 and Ford Focus and the Sportivo definitely had a less "toy" like finish and styling than the rest. the lancer2.0 interior looked to "aftermarket" for a factory finish, the same can be said about the Mazda and Ford. The Sportivo has the most refined looking interior of any hatch i have seen under 30k. I really like the Pug 206 GTi 180 but even that interior doesn't tickle my fancy (I love the 18" factory rims though) anyway, back to the issue. the only way you can tell for sure is to test drive as many cars as you can. The sportivo is definitely a car that has to be driven to be appreciated. You never know, you could drive it and end up loving it or hating it depending on what kind of car you are after. Hope this helps, Kien
  19. sensible 4door "family" car on the outside but the heart of a racing beast within! :)
  20. Corolla Forum -- How to quickly take out the baby seats from a sportivo on track day
  21. ROFLMAO! so funny and so true! I'm laughing histarically at work....not good dude!
  22. Wow. I sit on the fence with this one There seems to be a whole level of interaction between certain board members that alot of us do not know about. I must admit there have been certain posts that i have read where some people (mods included) have over reacted to what was posted in the heat of the moment. but certainly not enough to lead to this thread. I enjoy visiting this forum daily in hopes to learn more about my car and to chat with ppl of similar interests. Please! personal issues & conflicts should remain off this board (in my opinion). I was under the impression that everyone got along on this forum otherwise we wouldn't all be posting here. This forum is not a pirate ship and there will be no mutiny. nor will there be walking of any planks (if you get my drift). so like E-Gene said, Chill Pills for all and lets get back to business. :P My 2cents, Kien
  23. I'm not sure about the height but my alignment has never been right. always pulls left or right. I always thought it was to much toe-out.
  24. I agree. pilots go through such a rigourous program to get their licences. Even train drivers have rigourous training programs and they don't even steer the damn thing. yet i was able to get my licence after six months being taught by my dad and some driving instructor who couldn't speak english properly. then after only 1year of driving by myself i set my sights on learning manual by myself in my very own manual car Thank got i'm a good driver. I'm not saying to make it almost unobtainable or too expensive to go for, but i think the three year P's with logbooks had good intentions but doesn't tackle the problem. Some classes to teach people skid dynamics of cars, tyres, braking distances at varies distance may make people think twice about over speeding.
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