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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. Hi guys. Idle problems are usually the most difficult to deal with. if you have the CIA, check to see your intake rubber pipes are not split or cracked. check that all vissible vacuum hoses are all connected. Another thing that could be causing it is a dodgey idle control motor (i'm not sure if there is one on the 2zz). If your car is out of warranty, run some throttle body cleaner through it. when was your last service?
  2. If you want to know what happens when water is sucked into the intake - think reduced displacement but sudden & super increase compression ratio and high pressure steam. If enough is sucked in, say goodbye to piston rings, con-rods and head gasket at the very least.
  3. I'm keen. poor 'ol johnny howard wouldn't know what hit him. hehehe
  4. Hey Oz. I don't really agree. what you suggest puts too much monetary value on the prohibition of such acts and detracts from the focus on the social impact. I agree that legislature would work for other offences but for such an easy to commit and common "crime" such as speeding, you need a different approach. it's a crim with an intagable subject. you can't stop it the same way you can stop 100kg of heroin at the border. it just doesn't work that way. Road users here (espcially in sydney) are uptight enough as it is. you'll just ad fuel to the fire by imposing more restrictions. People feel frustrated on the roads most of the time because they are travelling at a speed (i.e 50km/h) that feel way way way way slower than what can be safely handled. Like i said before, go somewhere where there are cr@ppy roads and no speed limits and observe how everyone drive and you will know what i mean. Sort of the reverse operates in some countries, like the US. I lived in New York for 3 years, and the motor registration dept. has a computerised system linked to an insurance database that ALL insurance companies can access. What this means is that any "moving violation" (e.g. speeding, running a red light, drink driving etc.) results in an entry in the insurance database. Then what happens is, in addition to any fines or demerit points on your license, you IMMEDIATELY begin paying more for your insurance. The logic is that people who commit traffic offences are at greater risk of having more accidents etc and should pay more for insurance. It is a true "user pays" system. What I would like to see in Australia is not just limits and curfews for P Platers as an incentive not to break the road traffic rules, but also a reward of sorts in terms of lower rego or insurance costs for those who do obey the rules or who seek out advanced training. Then you have not just a carrot, or a stick, but both. And surely then most who are tempted to consistently speed or otherwise break the rules will learn that it is a costly behaviour? ←
  5. I disagree dudes. I do realise speeding is a problem but having just arriving back from Thailand (no. I wasn't caught in the tsunami) I realise that having too many restrictions, regulations and stuff of the sort make everyone uptight and doesn't really solve anything. I guarantee you that after this rule is enforced you will see a decrease in road accidents from P platers and an increase in road accidents by slightly older, full licence holders...it's just shifting the problem to another demographic. if you drive in Vic, QLD, WA, SA, NT, TAS, Laos and Even Thailand...you will realise that Sydney drivers are amogst the most uptight, rude and arrogant road users in the world (i've been in sydney all my life btw :) ) This new rule is really a question of civil liberties vs political correctness. what we need to do is educate young drivers and teach some self control. Imposing such strict rules does not teach any of this. Contrary to what some may think, driving IS a right, not a privilidge. We have the right to drive whatever car we want. We don't have the right to drive dangerously but the right to drive whatever car is available should be a free choice. I've been driving for 6years so i've seen all sorts of horrific accidents but there has to be a balance. If the driver feels confident he can handle a twin turbo Supra with Dual stage boost controller, front mount intercooler and a turbo upgrade, then he should have the right to purchase one. allbeit a stupid choice for a P plater, but a free choise nonetheless. Education is the way to change society. Brute force by the judicial system does nothing for society. Look at the recent "drink driving" ad campaign, that is the right way to go. look at the "click-clack front and back" compaing for seat belts almost 10years ago. that worked. we need a balance between education and law enforcement to solve this problem...not just strict regulations. If you ever go to a country with cr@ppy roads and no speed limits you will understand where i am coming from. that's my rant for today. oh...i know it's abit late but Happy New Year to everyone!
  6. I think the number plate has been removed. There is actually a hole behind the numberplate. I was thinking abour relocating the place elsewhere.
  7. I don't imagine it would. He said it had the stock ECU which means the limiter would be unchanged. 235Nm of torque to play with...There goes that mid-range gap :D I wonder what the power output would be
  8. There is a blue stivo that takes his owner to work everyday at silverwater just off silverwater road. perhaps it's him. I've never seem him before. I work just around the corner from "blue stivo"
  9. but this clutch grab issue is documented now. I'm sure they cannot just turn around later and say it was driving error....I hope.
  10. qkslvr

    post #300

    I should post more often and submit shorter posts :P aahh...another post under the belt *Edit* Holly smokes...I just realized i've posted 351 times. My mum and teacher always said i talk too much.
  11. there was a post a while back with an echo that has a 2zz-ge transplant. it looked pretty cramp. i'm surprised they never put he 2zz-Ge into the MR2, must be because they did that deal with Lotus to supply the engine for the Elise. hehehe the MR2 is not that much heavier than the elise is it?
  12. It's a trick used by most car manufacturers to keep costs down. as you may have heard, Toyota will stop the Celica and MR2 variants to make way for another sports car to compete with Nissan's Z car. so i guess that means there is a need for a car to make use of the 2ZZ. They probably spent a fortune developing it. Toyota have always used the same engine in multiple cars. in the late 80's. the 3S-FE could be found in the Celica and Camry. my friends used to make fun of me by calling my celica a "two-door camry" Toyota have always developed engine to be suitable for multiple platforms rather than outright performance. This is what's given Toyota the sunday school driver image. but the up side is that our cars have always been cheaper :) can anyone say "best bang for your buck"
  13. Hi guys Just wondering if any of you give pet names to your cars. I call mine J-Lo because of the corollas rather round behind :P "baby got back" I know blade hunter calls his Sammy - Sammy the stivo :P :P
  14. congrats people. so all the emails and phone calls finally paid off. :D Jenny and others in Toyota must have gotten sick of getting bombed with emails. anyway, i'm glad to see a positive outcome. So does that mean this forum can get back to talking about how good our cars are again?
  15. While youre over there buy some local girls, we need some "sportivo" models back home, i'll even provide them some accomodation :D . ← Hahaha. Your generosity should set an example for all men and woman...especially at this time of year. hahaha. Why note "import" a few "models". the exchange rate is in our favour! Just have to becareful of those darn lady-boys
  16. hehehe. what the...? where did this come from? and what is this about? I'm confused...did i miss something? :o :P :P :P
  17. I agree, bluesportivo. I still reakon your idea of a cruise down to the gong would be nice. This is probably not a good time of year for cruises but maybe in the new year. It would be good to catch up. Influx, does team godspeed have a website? i can't seem to find anything on google. Cheers guys.
  18. Hey Peekay, I just noticed your new avatar. have you already taken delivery of your new Euro? it looks nice. :) Have you still got your Stivo? what are your impressions of the Euro? I really like the steering wheel layout. the whole interior looks well layed out. there was a dark grey Euro next to influx and Xtiger's car at the autosalon. The factory kits looks really cool.
  19. Solenoid is the most likely culprit by the sound of things. if you don't hear it clicking then it could be relay or even the ignition barrel.
  20. Hi Kyoto Just adding to what to what Zeerolla said, the electrical wiring on the airbox is indeed your Airflow meter. car will not run without it. Just a tip, when you take out he stock airbox and install the cone filter, make sure you have some sort of bracket supporting the rubber tube and airflow meter. If not, the rubber tube will eventually crack and they are expensive and especially hard to find. most wreckers sell them with the engine so you won't find them there if it cracks. You can probably fabricate a customer bracket from stuff from your local hardware store. just bolt the bracket to the mounting holes for the stock airbox. cheers, hope this helps
  21. It wouldn't be the plugs because it's not cranking to begin with. Have you had any timing belts replaced recently? check to see that all ignition leads are connected. I'm not sure about the new Rollas but my old celica gave out error code when i shorted out certain pins on the diagnostic cap. the check engine light would flash a certain sequence giving the error code. then it was simply a matter of check the manual to get a description for the error code. anyone know if that can be done on the new rollas?
  22. Hi Guys Just thought i'd post my impressions on this years autosalon final battle '04. All-and-all it looked like a pretty successfull event. the cars wree awsome and the pretty ladies were plentiful :D Not that many totally outrageous cars. the only exception being the Osman convertible rex. Anyone who's seen it will know that the seat placement makes it virtually undrivable. I wonder what the quarter mile time is? :P so...without further ado, here are some pics i took at the event. superdome at Sydney Olympic park - autosalon final battle 04 Sportivo concept - autosalon final battle 04 black sportivo - autosalon final battle 04 Influx - autosalon final battle 04 Tayna - Model - autosalon final battle 04
  23. hi blackrolla, do you hear the solenoid click over? if it clicks but the engine doesn't crank, it could be the solenoid. if it cranks but doesn't start then it could be a multitude of causes.
  24. I just came back from a business trip in Melbourne. I was in the city on wednesday night driving around in my rental Lancer when i spotted the stivo with pink bits on it. I pulled next to him and said hi... He must have thought i was quite odd because he gave me a puzzled look. then he said "oh yeah, I know..." by then the lights went green so i said bye and drove off. hehehe... Probaby just gave confirmation to another Melbournian that Sydney-siders are weird!
  25. ADR_rolla, good to here you finally got somewhere with the gear problem? do you notice any difference with the feel of the clutch? does it grab lower in the pedal travel? does it feel stiffer/softer?
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