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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. Hey. I have the same problem. I haven't had time to check but it sounds to be coming from the engine bay. I think it could be the "ball" on the end of the piston that comes out of the slave cylinder. when you depress the clutch pedal, the hydralics pushes that little piston out that in turns pushes against the clutch level on the gearbox. try spraying some silicon lube or something waterproof where they join and see if that helps. I don't think there's anywhere else along the clutch assembly that will squeak besides the clutch itself and i certainly hope it's not the clutch making that noise.
  2. qkslvr

    At the park

    From the album: My Ride

    perfect day for the park =)
  3. qkslvr

    At the park

    From the album: My Ride

    Took this shot at the park.
  4. qkslvr

    Sportivo Breaks

    From the album: My Ride

    Painted the brake calipers
  5. qkslvr

    Sportivo Exhaust

    From the album: My Ride

    Polished the stock exhaust
  6. qkslvr

    Sportivo Rear

    From the album: My Ride

    Next stop: rear pods =)
  7. qkslvr

    Sportivo Side

    From the album: My Ride

    ride height is much better now.
  8. qkslvr

    Sportivo Front

    From the album: My Ride

    Eyelids, TRD style front grille, 17x7 bronze rims, and 2" drop
  9. hey matey. Welcome!. if you're looking for springs. stick with the bigger names. like Kings, Tien...etc there's less chance that the springs rates are wrong, the spring sag is more gradual and consistant, and the powder coating won't crack so quickly. I got my eyelids from a member of this forum but you can probably get a set from Toyota Penrith as they sell TRD products.
  10. Congrats man! My g/f's brother just got a new yaris YZR. it's a nice car all-round. feels quite solid. there's less rattles in it than my car. hehehe :D
  11. It's a tough one. But if you look at it logically, then the "rammer" is at fault. First of all, regardless of which lane you are driving in, you should always know what's happening ahead of you in traffic. If that was the case, the car in the left should have realised that there was someone trying to turn right and that, naturally, the cars behind it would want to merge left. In this situation I would either close up the gap or slowdown and get ready for the chance that the cars ahead don't see you and pull out. It's a common enough situation seen enough for people to be able anticipate. My general rule is: Never stay in anyone's blind spot or if you are approaching someones blind spot make sure you get ready to react to any emergency braking situation.
  12. sorry to hear that mate. I hope everyone was ok and no one was hurt. btw: the picture link is occasionally down.
  13. qkslvr

    bye guys..

    hey! look on the bright side. with all that panel damage spanning down towards the back of the drivers door. just be glad you weren't hurt....also, the mirror survived! :D
  14. that is awsome to hear that the Sportivo is involved in serious motorsport events. Excellent result.
  15. bugger! missed out. it says that this files has already been downloaded 30 times. How long does it take for it to reset?
  16. I still feel like crying now. Couldn't believe that actually happened. It didn't feel like we lost fair and square. If we lost the game on skill then in hindsight everyone could have been satisfied with the result. but to be robbed, raped, and pilidged in the final 25seconds before extra time would have been called is heart breaking. Leaves a real bitter taste in my mouth! and the fact that we had no sporting chance to even come back after that "dive" was even more un-sportsman like! I'm so dissapointed in the result.
  17. Hey guys! kinda of a late reply but awesome cruise yesterday! We may have just convince my friend who also came along to buy a Sportivo. :D :D Cool to meet everyone. I hope everyone going back out west got home ok. sorry for my late radio calls. I'll have pics posted soon
  18. OMG. I haven't checked the forums for a month and so much is in the works. The track day sounds like an interesting idea. does anyone know what's involved in booking wakefield and also what the driver/car requirements are?
  19. mate you try fit a 120gk aussie in one of those seats, then you will know what it feels like to sit in a vice :P Agreed. I'm a 70Kg Asian guy and it's a tight fit for me. The suede is rather soft and the side bolsters wear/rip eventually. also, if you have a set of two, try reaching into the back seat! it's virtually impossible. I have two friends with DC5R's and have "test driven" them many times. the only problem i can see is that the bottom cushion where you actually sit is rather long. This is fine in the integra where you sit rather low. in our corollas where the seat railing actually bolts to a raised part of the chassis floor, the seat is rather high. this might make it difficult for your legs to get to the right angle to reach the peddles (if you can picture what i'm talking about) has anyone actually installed a set in their rolla?
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