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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. bummer dude!!! i can't believe it happened again. you gotta be careful where you park. it has to be be almost like a spider-sense. :P Will your insurance cover it this time? what about the excess? that's fooked-up man! i'm feeling p1ssed-off for you
  2. Thanks for the info man. I was unaware of any such "140kw" magical threshold. taxonomy of cars is not my forte. Well, if i didn't raise the issue then this wouldn't have been clarified. I'm sure other misinformed souls beside myself would have had doubt in the back of their minds too. I was just more verbal. Looks like Toyota was in quite a dilema then. BTW, the other night i saw a black toyota helicopter airlifting a crash-damaged UFO. :P
  3. i think the ticking is normal too. but when the engine is warm it gets louder and the idle is not as smooth.
  4. Don't get me wrong. for some extra KW, i'm up for anything. just opening this topic up for abit more discussion. Don't mean to scare anyone off doing the actually mod. :P
  5. yeah. i get that too! when the engine is cold it's quiet and fine but once it's warmed up, the engine vibrates a little more and i can hear mechanical sounds (ticking-like sound) from the engine alot more
  6. Guys. does anything seem fishy to you? why would a lack of engine power trigger action from ADR over engine noise? unless its the other way around. be weary guys. they may be playing games. Generally speaking, to make things quieter would mean a loss in power right? so does that mean they have a more restrictive airbox and detuned ECU in store? Hmmm interesting. I don't mean to stir the pot but just wanted everyone to keep their heads up and play it safe. If for instance, they came out and stated that the engine is too loud by Australian Design regulation for a "non sportscar" and all owners now have to return their cars for de-tuning. what kind of reaction do you think they would get? (rhorical question :P ) i have some reservations about this whole "free upgrade" sounds a little fishy.
  7. Chinese-Aussie :D Born in Hong Kong.
  8. heel-and-toe without double clutching does nothing for the gear box synchros. You need to let out the clutch before you blip the throttle so the input shaft and output shaft are at a similar rev. that way when you jam that gear in, the synchros do less work for the dogs to engage. and FYI, alot of people just use the side of their feet to blip the throttle while half their right foot is on the brake. feels much more natural than having your foot sideways :D there is a particular rythm and timing to it. Brake, clutch, neutral, clutch out, blip the throttle (knowing how long takes practice), clutch, downshift, clutch out and back on throttle. you want to time it so that when you are ready to get back on the throttle you have just come out of the corner. it's all about being in the right rev entering the turn.
  9. Great info. I had the benefit on learning heel-and-toe on my old celica. it was old so you could hear the engine more and clutch was heavier. it had more feel and feedback than the stivo so it's easier to learn. I find that i do it all the time now. just a habit. :D I find it particularly useful when i need to accelerate as soon as you come out of the corner after braking. some guy was tail-gating me at one stage thinking he could overtake as soon as we came out of this sharp left turn. Heel-and-toe allows you to stay in the power band by downshifting, braking and turning all at the same time. by the time he was finished turning, i was long gone! hehehe. he was so annoyed he tried to run me at the next set of lights. I just let him go so he wouldn't have the satifaction. :D :D G-O-D i love being an A*rsehole! hehe
  10. sorry to hear that dude. My car did it from day one! my dad's workmate has a stivo and it doesn't do it at all. Weird! <_<
  11. guys! Just for your information. I bought my car end of January this year. it is actually an 03 plated car but i got it in jan. anyway, when i picked up the car, the first thing i noticed was the center silver panel under my shifter was not installed properly, one of the corners was not pushed into the clip. I just pushed it in and didn't make anything of it. Now that i think about it, maybe i was one of the ones they tried the fix on. because i don't have any major rattles at all. I had a buzzing sound whilst in lift at one time but that's dissapeared. Maybe Toyota have known of the fix a while ago and where just finding a way to do recall in a cost effective way. Hmm <_<
  12. Hey guys. Nice to meet you fellas. i had fun. Wish i didn't have to duck off so soon. Next time we'll make it on a Sunday. :D Stauff, i think we need to practice our shifts. hehehe. we hit the rev limiter at the same time. Screaminrollas' CAI sounds awsome!!!
  13. Woh! $250. wow. didn't realise they were that much. hehehe. i can sort of see how they are glorified mudflaps but they still look good. hehehe shao, funny avatar man. :D
  14. I wouldn't mind getting the rear corner flairs for my stivo. the rear looks a little plain right now. any idea how much they would cost?
  15. Luke, sounds like a horror story to me!
  16. changing brake pads will not effect your allignment. The only way you can mess with your alignment is if you touch your lower ball-joint, strut top or tie-rods. Changing your brake pads only require you to take the caliper off the knuckle. so i wouldn't worry about it. also, changing rotor will not do anything to the wheel alignment. the rotor is not even bolted on. it sits between the hub and the wheel. it's clamped i place by the caliper. once the caliper comes off the rotor just slides off. hope this helps :D
  17. so when is this canberra meet happening?
  18. :D hahahahaa do I sense a "Pre-emtive" strike coming up? hahaha :P
  19. My car the left pull right from day one as soon as i drove it out of the dealership, i noticed it also. hmmm <_< I mentioned it to the service guy at my first and second service and nothing was done to correct it. they just kind of ignore the fact that i mentioned it.
  20. hahahaha. that's hilarious. :D that car got more physically punishment in 3 days then a normal one would in it's entire lifetime. hehehe first it thought, hey! they bang up the body work and was assessing it's engine but then they actually drove it into the studio at the end. hehehe. amazing stuff.
  21. WTF?!? THEY LOST YOUR SERVICE BOOK. make a complaint man! woh! $370 for a service?!? are they on crack or something! what did they actually do to your car? for that much money you'd expect they would have replaced all the wear and tear bits and not just oil change, coolant, power steering fluids...et yada yada yada.
  22. Hahaha. It just worked. i just went out to the car and when i started the car, the disc just ejected. The disc had a stick on label and the label peeled and jamed the mechanism. oh well, guess i'm a idiot for blaming toyota when it was actually the disc.
  23. no. there's nothing there. I can see the disc when i try to eject it but i it's jammed up on something.
  24. Thanks for the tip. but no i don't think there is a manual eject thingy on the head unit. i will have a closer look during lunch though. yeah, i'm sure warranty will cover it but i'm just annoyed that i have to take time off work to go and get it fixed.
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