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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. short shifters are cool but i don't really have a need for them and can't really justify the cost (i'm just cheap :P ) i cut the shifter in my old celica and it felt really good to drive. because of the shorter stick, the throw is slightly shortened (just like hold the stick lower). i was so busy thinking about how good the shift felt that i rear ended someone on the same day :( there wasn't much damage but the front paint was all cracked.
  2. is there a planned route or destination as yet? I will definitely be there but there might be a few that are reluctant to commit because of the lack of destination. i don't know enought cool places to plan the route but hopefully someone more well-travelled than me can help out. hopefully some place that has a stop or two along the way for photo ops. Cheers.
  3. Welcome C-Rolla. There are plenty of pics in the gallery. You will mainly find pictures of the Sprotivo but there are also modded 1zz corrola there aswell. :D
  4. Hahaha that's right. I'm from Hong Kong but people always mistaken me for Thai, Vietnamese, Korean...etc in the end i just give up and tell them that i'm from Asia. hahaha.
  5. Thanks Richi! :D $30 won't break the bank and thanks to E-Gene's eyelids offer, i get then painted and fitted for less than 100 bucks! :D
  6. hi guys. How much did you guys pay to get the eyelids painted? i've been trying to get a quote over the phone from several places but they all want me to go there and show them the eyelids first. :(
  7. I agree with you there Secasx. the power band is quite narrow which explains the close gear ratios. even with these ratios we still land out of lift if we don't drive carefully. also, I would actually prefer a smoother transitions between the two cam profiles. toughen up the low end and i'll be happier than a red neck getting a lap dance. :D
  8. qkslvr

    mr2 platform

    i know the Exige has the 2zz-Ge engine in it! revised ECU and fuel maps but essentially the same engine. so are you saying the Elise has the 1zz-FE engine? maybe it has the 1zz-GE (if there is such a thing) ;)
  9. Zeerolla, i got the Radio from MegaMart for $80 for the pair. good value. they are UHF 40 channel. only about 2-3Km range so if you're a straggler then you will need something with longer range! hahaha Just kidding. :D you can probably find something better for that price but they will only be 1 per pack.
  10. Just got myself a UHF radio :D . Will it work? just set to channel 28 and that's it right?
  11. Welcome matey :D congrats on the purchase. I'm around 67Kg and the seats are still fine. like screaminrolla said, you could have a couple of dodgey seats. It might also be the seating positions. putting too much pressure at one point on the seat. i don't think the leather is stretching but rather the cushion compressing. anyways. welcome dude.
  12. have you checked for vacuum leaks and also check the length of your intake runners and intake piping for cracks and leaks. I believe your engine has the airflow meter. there could be in metered air entering the engine. keep us posted.
  13. I'm not too sure about taking out the dash but i can offer you a tip on installing the HU itself. don't hack up the original wiring connector. you can buy a connector from Jb or something and hack up the wiring from the adapter. it makes it easier to install the factory HU if you need to. Also have alot of fuses handy. :D
  14. Hey Peekay, shame you won't be here to see the sydney meet. I can't speak for everyone but I would be interested in meeting up this sunday for a chat (and to check out your car) :D anyone else want to join? lets show Peekay some sydney hospitality hahaha :D what is it that you do interstate all the time? :P
  15. I have agreed with some things you have said. However i honestly believe you have a false preconceived notion of "illegal street racing". Damn fast and the furious! :D There are two types of "street racing" that you could be referring to. the first of which is what you have a point on - the racing of cars amongst traffic. darting and weaving through traffic at high speeds is dangerous and inconsiderate. I cannot say that i don't do this at times (the temptation is just too great although i know i should cut down ) the second of which i am assuming you have never experienced. that is the organised runs at some location where there are mainly factories and away from residential areas. These areas are usually well picked and minimize the danger to the drivers and the public. I don't have any problem with these type of runs as they are quite entertaining and give a better idea of which car is faster due to it being a "serious" run rather than a red light dash. just try to be a little bit more open minded and less opinionated as you will be quickly alienating yourself from the rest of the forum. We will try to respect you views if you respect our forum! it's not much to ask!
  16. oops! sorry Map81, didn't see the bit where you specified the diff ratio also. per my mistake. :P
  17. do those gear ratios take into consideration final drive? i agree with Shaohaok. Chassis dynos have always been good for giving an indication of Hp but will not always give true HP. As someone has always said, HP is not everthing. it is a simply a book-keeping figure that is ONE indicator to the drivability of any car. there are many more and arguably more important factors in the outright performance of a car. but with that said, the power figure Mike got on the dyno looks ok to me from what i've seen and read elsewhere. The sportivo certainly feels fast to me :P I saw a Honda S2000 pull ~117Kw ATW on a chassis dyno at AutoSalon Final battle 2003. even though the power figures aren't really that far off, i still got my **** walloped buy one the other night. we were cruizing around at 80km/h for a few km. I guess he must have gotten sick of me next to him so he downshifted and just punched it! the thing litterally took off like a rocket! in reaction, i floored it but it was too late. he was long gone! the power to weight of the s2000 must be phenominal! don't worry guys. i wouldn't be silly enough to take on an s2000 for real! otherwise, there goes our street cred! hahhaa btw Shaohaok, it took me two days to finish your post! hahaha. i read half and got tired and didn't read the other half until today.
  18. Count me in! i work really close to there so i can just duck in after work. Does anyone mind if i bring a celica buddy along? I should have my eyelids painted by then . (thanks E-Gene for sending it so quickly) :D Cheers boys. P.S about the heel-and-toe. it's all about rev matching. i had to do it in my old celica because the synchros were worn on 3rd gear :P there's something cool about using 2feet on 3 pedals. hahaha :D
  19. traction control? we don't have traction control on the corolla...do we?
  20. hahaha. too late. :P btw, shaohaok, nice wheels man. what are they?
  21. hehehe. sorry i wasn't very clear. you only change your final gearing if you increase or decrease your rolling radius. but yeh, like you said, shaohaok it's probably not noticable anyway. hehehe. don't want to sound like as "as a matter of fact" kind of guy. :P
  22. those with wider tyres notice any improvement in handling? btw, bigger wheels make your car slower because you change the final gearing of the car. your car will accelerate slower but you will have a higher top speed in each gear. which is sh*t for the 2zz-ge because you will land out of lift when shifting (depending on how much diameter difference there is) You essentially get taller gearing ratios.
  23. do you ride the clutch while idling at the traffic lights? the throw out bearing is taking tremedous pressure from the pressure plate when you step on the clutch. The less time the clutch is dissengaged, the longer the bearings will last. shift to neutral and get your foot of while at lights. If you're already doing it then i apologise and take it back :D it's just that i friend of mine used to have his foot ont he clutch the whole time while at the lights. then he wondered why the clutch was making funny noises after only a few thousand km's.
  24. Hey. Next time there is a race meet. let me know. I'm down for supporting a corolla race driver :D
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