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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. hey! i take it all back! ouch! :) it looks awsome! it looks lower, the rims on one of the pictures are 18". and like Blackrolla said, if those bucket seats come with it, i'm going to cry. .....AND IT'S LOWER! <_< HoLD ME BACK boys, i think i'm in love! :D
  2. I'm definitely with you there man! V8 conering killers! hahaha :D I've driven ok handling cars all my driving life so i don't really know what a crap handling car is like. I was driving with a friend the other day and i usually try to drive on the "racing" line all the time. that way i don't have to brake and accelerate all the time. * I do it out of laziness * i took this corner at a moderate speed and my friends car (old Pulsar Q) almost ran off the road. crappy tires, old shocks and bad driving is a dangerous mix! hahaha
  3. I agree with mickeyq. I work for a media wholesale company and come accross this sort of stuff all the time. Sony are by far the most pickey buners in the world! To let you know. if you want a good quality media that is not retailed packaged, Taiyo Yuden make one of the best discs out there. they are the original inventers of the CDR and almost all burners are tested using these discs. they are Made in Japan so they tend to be a little more expensive. back to the topic, can anyone else use CDRW's on their head unit? i can used cdr but not cdrws! maybe it's just the brand i'm using.
  4. Cool pix guys! TRD, I really like the colour scheme you have! :D Imagine a group of 20 corollas zooming around sydney! :D
  5. Hmm..interesting. I work around the silverwater area. I drive a silver stivo. honk if you see me! :D
  6. hey dude. sorry to hear that man. I have the same problem. i've got a nasty scratch on the rear door. it's not dented but the paint has been scraped off. some people are just i've just accepted the risk. there's not much you can do, just pick your spots well and hope for the best. :(
  7. I read some posts from the south African forum and they came up with a theoretical figure of ~136kw at the flywheel also. last i heard they were wanting to lodge a formal complaint to toyota for false advertising. don't know how that went. Hope they also got the sqeeks and rattles fixed :D i'm thinking toyota pulled a trick and dropped the rev limiter which in turn dropped the max output from 141kw to somwhere around 136kw. Because don't forget that the pre 2003 celicas had an 8600rpm rev limit. legally they can still argue that the engine is capable of 141kw but they just limited the power for safety or something. what do you guys think?
  8. I've had none of the other problems stated by other. No rattles. the only thing i have is squeecky brakes in reverse.
  9. hey guys! i haven't been on this forum for a few days now and have noticed a change. what's up with all the attitude? come on guys. it's suppose to be a car forum where people can express themselves. wasn't there talk of starting a club? ;) it won't be much of a club if this keeps going on. with that said. had a "red light dash" with an older shape corolla (square hatch) geez he gave me a run! the guy drove better than me. if it wasn't for lift i definitely would have lost. I hit the rev limited on two consecutive gears and he actually pulled in front for a second. then lift kicked in and i pulled ahead again *Phew* he backed off when we both hit 3rd (I like my license :D ) from what i could tell he had exhaust and maybe extractors. he was quick. the was there with me the whole way. Or maybe i just can't drive. :P How embarrassing.
  10. I don't really like it. it reminds me of Citroen. It's too "girlie Euro hatch" for my liking! I prefer the current shape. headlights look more aggressive. I hope they change it for the Austrlian market.
  11. Xoom, you make a good point. but i still love my car! :P :D
  12. hehehe. now THAT would need special fuel! hehehe V10 with 18000rpm rev range. when would lift kick in? hahhahaa :D F1 cars still astonish me. 900+Hp in a car that would be best described as a hi-tech go-cart. 800km. imagine 4g's under braking. My girlfriend would be so p*ssed off! hahaha :D
  13. Yes. ABS can increase stopping distance by 3 times. It appers they have set up the ABS to assume that we stivo drivers are all novice at best. the combination of light weight car, high power engine and budget sports suspension probably forced the engineers to go down this path. perhaps Toyota don't want to tarnish their reputation as having safe and reliable cars by having stivo drivers crash their cars. the worse thing Toyota can have happen to them is increase premiums on toyota badged cars due to negative saftey image. You can see this in their new Sportivo concept where they have electronic power limits on the engine, electronic speed limits imposed by the car computer itself...etc. A big selling point of toyota and especially corolla is lower insurance premiums.
  14. Peekay's Stivo! :D :D the list is long but distiguished! hehehe - in-dash satalite navigation - Lower the seat an inche or two - full suspension upgrade with better dampers, lower and firmer springs, front sway bar...etc - supercharger, lower CR of engine, stronger pistons and connecting rods - full after-market rear bumper. similar to the Mugen civic hatch rear bumpers with the slats in the corners - more aggresive looking front bar and grill combo. ( I already love the side skirts) - all wheel drive conversion. heheheehe (big dream!) - entire rework of the low-range cam settings. aftermarket ECU to accompany the new cams settings and valve timing and the list goes on! hehehe
  15. yeah, good point. i suppose if there was a problem it would be minimal at most. Actually, ABS kicks in way before the wheels lock up. it works by calculating G-force. the sensors detect rotational speed every few milliseconds and tries to determine how fast the wheels are slowing down. If the rate or decelleration of the wheels is way too high to be possible based on the standard package, the ABS will pulse for a certain time and at a certain pulse rate based on the G-force detected on the wheel. then it will sample the rate of Decelleration on the wheel again, if it is acceptable then nothing happens. high rates of decellerations can be caused by wheel slippage and not just wheel lock. that's why you will notice ABS kicking in on gravel roads under even moderate braking.
  16. Nope I can tell you it doesn't from first hand experience. it's an open diff. I was parked on a hill facing up with one front wheel on wet grass and the other on the road. I tried to move but the wheel on the grass kept spinning. in the end i had to let gravity roll me back onto the road before i could get going. I've never driven a car with an LSD. do you really feel that much of a difference coming out of the corner? My friends call me a "text-book mechanic" everything i "know" i've read from a book - i have limited hands-on experience.
  17. Hi Yall. I noticed there is another on this board called, Quicksilver. :D STOLE MY NAME! :D just kidding In relation to upgrading brakes. This is just a heads up. I remember reading somewhere that changing a break setup can destroy an ABS setup. the ABS program is written with the characteristics of a particular brake kit in mind. when you tinker with rotor size...etc it will effect how well the ABS works. The pulses on the brake pedal are determined by the braking ability of our cars and may not be effective for another brake kit. Do you guys with bigger wheels notice if ABS kicks in earlier or later on your cars? Theoretically it would but theory is often thrown out the window when reality walks through the door :D I wish i could afford bigger rims right now but the stivo has already taken my left arm and half my right foot :D
  18. hi rollin, check to see if there are cracks in your intake pipes after the sensor on the airbox. check to see all clamps are tight. when was the last time you ran some injector cleaner through the fuel? anybody, does the corolla have an airflow meter?
  19. excuse my ignorance but who are ADR. another standards board or something? If that's the case then it might be up to the importer or manufacturer to get approved.
  20. hehehe. you got everyone worked up over a haux! :D :P If it's one thing i've learnt about cars it is that with the right amount of cash, you can pretty much do anything. :D couldn't you get the supercharger to kick in and out the same way a airconditioner compressor does. sure the clutch plate would probably wear out in a matter of month but its possible right?
  21. so the chip essentually changes your fuel-map right? i'm guessing a more aggresive fuel map would lead to slighly poorer fuel economy depending on how it's tune right? I've noticed many people on this forum claim that the chip along with a good tune will close up that nasty torque whole in the mid-range. off topic - it was a lovely 17degrees this morning and i noticed the car pulled much much much better from 3krpm upwards at mid throttle. something i've never experience in the stivo before. wow! i'm wondering if you guys with CAI noticed a significant difference in performance over your stock airbox?
  22. hey Dakota, I've never had that problem. I had that problem on my old Celica. I couldn't really figure it out either. I always thought it was the pump with a warn valve or something. does it do that at all service stations?
  23. Yikes! I've had a 1month licence-renewal refusal for going 30km/h and over. $500 fine. so i feel for you dude! :( must be a bugger having a corolla in your driveway and unable to drive it.
  24. I agree. I'll try to avoid the policitical debate here and get straight to the point. I honestly don't believe there is a "black box" device in our cars as these days, you can't even put a camera in a pizza parlor without having to abide by some sort of ligislation/rule...etc If our cars were to have black boxes it would be one of the first in Australia and i'm sure this would be all over the media. The implications of having such a device on our cars is just to great a deal to overlook. my 2 cents.
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