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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Well, it looks like you guys no longer need to worry. The new mobile version of this site is ace. Has all the same features as the full version of this site.
  2. I have the sudden urge to buy a White sportivo. God daym that is hot davo. Envious mate B)
  3. WTF did I miss.... Hmm, a nice clean white theme to compliment toyotas white good products. lol just kidding :P

    1. Silver-Aurion


      holy crap. the new mobile version of this site is kick asssssssssssssss :D

  4. You'll need 6 litres of oil in the Aurion 6.1L to be more precise. Why don't people ever look at their owners manuals. Because you're the manual
  5. In most cases if you are using an oil of the same weight and specification, then a majority of what you hear is just placebo. If anything, you may have improved the flow of oil by changing to a new filter, but in terms of the oil itself, it's mostly an illusion. Your mind is really good at doing things like that to you. Well considering my last service was at the dealer so I would have no clue what they use but I doubt it was a 5-40 semi syn like I used. I hope it's not placebo because overall the car just sounds and feels like it is running so much better. I don't think I'll ever be taking my car to a dealer ever again because I couldn't even get the cap off. Chances are since it doesn't come off, no one has bothered to remove it and left it as is. A-holes. For it to get that tight would be that they didn't use the filter wrench to re-tighten the housing but a **** socket wrench and tightened from the cap. Not being able to get the cap off made for a very messy oil filter change.
  6. I actually thought about this when changing my filter because you keep saying that you won't tell us. The closest I can think of would be a hammer and screw driver of some sort and hit the filter housing on the two sides that stick out until it is loose enough to unscrew by hand. As shown here: http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk63/zomgunique/Car/photo-2.jpg
  7. Can oil seriously make a car run and engine quieter? After using Penrite HPR5 in the Aurion she runs so much better. The way I can definitely tell is that I was at a mates place last night and parked outside. It was 3 degrees last night in Melbourne so it was freezing cold. Usually when my car would sit outside in that cold, when turning it on it would be loud as and the rev's literally would jump up and down for a few seconds and I would get this awkward thump and the car would jolt forward, very weird. With penrite, the moment I started the car from a dead cold engine @ 3 degrees outside, it was quiet as anything. No rev jumping and within seconds the rev's dropped. I started off driving and it was just much quieter on a cold engine than before.
  8. I was literally thinking of the same thing couple of days ago.
  9. Hard to say mate because mine came off without the filter wrench, so I pretty much spent $40 on the wrench for nothing. If your cap is tight like mine and won't come off the socket wrench will do the job. But if your cap does come off first you would need to wrench to then remove the filter housing. edit: What I would do, is call Toyota and ask them that if you DO NOT need to use the wrench after buying it that if you can return it to get your money back. Because if you don't have it and you start the oil change your in trouble if you end up needing the wrench. But if you didn't end up needing it you take it back to Toyota for a refund. OR, do what I did and just keep it anyway and hopefully one day it will come in handy.
  10. I've got my eye on you. lmfao!! So good
  11. +1111111111111!! :( Damn she was a beut.
  12. GAVE her a service. Fresh Penrite HPR5 and new filter. Runs like a dream now. Loving it. B)
  13. My dad got the most awesome thing done to his car today. He went to get his central locking to work by remote. Anyway, long story short, the guy done the locking so that when you hit the brakes twice when the car is in drive and turned completely on, the doors automatically lock and as soon as he turns off the ignition the doors automatically unlock in an instant. So damn cool. He only done it for $140 I'm thinking of going to him to get mine done too like that, I got jealous Would it be harder on the Aurion, because he put in a completely new locking system & motors for this remote locking or would you be able to some how wire up the existing central locking of the Aurions to lock doors when the brake is pressed and to automatically unlock when the ignition of turned off?
  14. Any update? Also, are you sure it's not just a placebo effect? 60K is just an oil change and brake fluid change. Don't see why anything else would go wrong? It's not like they needed to fiddle wit anything else electronic etc.
  15. Thanks for the reply man. As the only guy to help out I really appreciate it :). I tried your method with the wrench, dad held the wrench while I tried to unscrew, then the bloody wrench slipped and the ****ing wrenches teeth dug nicely into the oil filter housing leaving a nice deep gash on it. That is when I thought **** this and left it alone before I do any more damage. I even left the housing in the deep freezer for 30 minutes() but that did not work either. I just changed the big o-ring. As long as nothing will go wrong if it does not come off.. What sucks though is that I paid $40 for the oil filter housing removal tool when I did not even need it <_< Next time I HAVE to go to the mechanic to get it log book serviced I'll make sure to tell them to get it unstuck, so it's their problem now. Onto the oil change its self. Poured my 6.1 litres of HPR5 and headed off for the night to a friends. Came back home and the oil on the dip stick is so clean it's almost like water! I can confirm it was NOT like this when I brought the car back from Toyota for my 60K service because when I checked it when I got the car back home the oil was still a bit black. So I bet the A-holes did not even change my oil or they use some ****ty oil OR they did not let it drain long enough. I left mine to drain for one hour and it was still dropping oil very little bit(Oil cap off on top of engine and filter off). All in all VERY happy I changed my oil. It was almost black as the night. Car runs so quiet now.
  16. Bahh, oh well. What ever I tried it did not come off. Put it back on now and the car's finished.
  17. I just went to remove the oil filter cap and when unscrewing it the whole housing came off but the cap didn't. With the whole housing off I tried to remove the cap and it will not come off! It's like it is welded on. I want to put in the new small oring but the cap won't come off.. Any ideas?? Answer quick would be great because it's getting dark outside and the car is sitting on ramps. edit: Changed topic title so people with this (annoying) problem can find this thread for reference.
  18. Thats just... great ;\. If they will do it for free and no questions asked like the oil line change I'll get mine done just for the heck of it. lol.
  19. Well I'll be pouring in HPR5 into the Aurion. Lets see how it likes it. Even though I'd never know. When it comes to oil I know **** all. As long as it lubricates and stuff I would not be able to tell the difference in performance and how it's doing.
  20. LOL. Such a noob. Needed to print instructions to do an oil change :P LOL Well, I really wouldn't need it but seriously, the Aurions filter is completely different from your normal unscrew old one and screw in old one type. I would probably just need to use it once and next time I'll know how to do it :P Need to head into the city to give a quote to a customer then I'm free for the whole day which means come back and service the Aurion :D
  21. It's time for a service B) And here is the oil filter removal tool for anyone with an Aurion and wondering what it looks like.
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