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Everything posted by Silver-Aurion

  1. Okay, quick update. Went to pick up my oils at repco then went to the dealer and just my crappy luck. As soon as I get there, the guy gives my oil filter and when it comes to the filter removal tool, he says they don't have any in stock at the moment. Ahhh ,then why say you do on the phone?! Anyway, he ordered it in for me and it should hopefully be in by this arvo. Also, I asked if he could do a better price on the filter and tool so he dropped the filter from $23 to $18 and the tool from $44 to $40. Not a big difference but oh well, better then nothing.
  2. Ouch! A new car and that has already happened? Damn :(
  3. Good luck finding a store that has the oil filter wrench in stock. It is usually a special order item for most stores because the design is not really as common for them. If you are planning on getting it from Toyota, don't get your hopes up because depending on who you deal with, they probably won't sell it. Just follow my previous recommendations: Avalon Oil Change (PDF) A mob named 'T&E Tools' makes such oil filter wrenches. You can order them from most auto stores like Repco and the likes. Thanks for the reply. Like I said in my PM to you. Both dealers I called were more then happy to give me this part with one even having stock at the moment. Luckily I have all the correct tools like a wrench extension to remove the filter drain cap etc. Everything looks pretty straight forward. Big thanks to you daryl for the PDF. I printed it off and will be using it as a guide when changing the filter :)
  4. You know that this seller has 3 accounts and all this stuff he sells are stolen? No jokes. I thought something was sus. Today I'll be heading off to pick up my parts to give the car it's oil change. Two 5 litre bottles of Penrite HPR5, the oil filter removal tool and oil filter from Toyota. I decided to change it and not do it at 12K like it says in the book. Summer is coming up and it is getting warmer and my last oil change now was 7000KM ago so I would like some good oil for the summer so the engine can perform well during the heat.
  5. Anyone up for some Kappas? Going for pretty cheap... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=130438611109&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  6. That thread and the one's below it (I'll fess up to moving the one "Spotted: Green Avalon on Bell Street, Preston" into there when I was cleaning the Aurion board) cannot be deleted personally by myself. I think only a Super Moderator or Admin has the rights to modify posts there. If I could, those three threads would be gone from there by now. Alright then. I think it's time to give you some super mod rights :P
  7. Oh snap. Now that the AU dollar is trading at 98 cents US, if I bought my rear sway bar NOW. I would have saved $50 Damn it .
  8. Exactly the same here man. I was thinking that as well. I can't believe no one has attempted to do that. IMO the most good looking Aurion. Period. also +1 for the black roof, it looks tough as.
  9. Fair enough mate. Good to know that some people treat the cars well :)
  10. This thread is an eyesore in the seen thread: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28688 Can't it be deleted?
  11. There's someone in my area that drives a black TRD. It really is a head turner. Such a nice car, can't believe Toyota are not building these any more. edit: http://www.museodelcoche.com/Galerias/wp-content/gallery/toyota/Toyota%20Aurion.jpg Who owns this Aurion? Everytime I type in Aurion in google images that car comes up. Was it some sort of special custom built one from Toyota for display or something?
  12. I actually found it funny. I love random things
  13. lol. Okay, if you are going to be like that. After gym I drove to BP to fill her up with some 98 @ $1.29 :P that is all. but... if work gives me a break, been flat out all damn week, will be picking up some HPR5 and filter and give it a service.
  14. Is it true you guys thrash these cars since they are not really yours?
  15. I totally forgot what the old way looked.
  16. Or even better: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1546078
  17. Good luck. I really cannot wait for the day that EV's come out that are affordable and a decent size. I would love to get rid of my ICE vehicle for a full plug in EV.
  18. What a small world: http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29829 http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=9313708&postcode=3129&__Qpb=true&__Nf=p_GeoLocation_String|GCLT%20-37.80446
  19. HEY GUYS, today I spotted the weirdest thing! A prodigy with a SPORTIVO body kit! I stopped behind it at the red light and I looked at the badge and it said prodigy. It was looking clean as too. Spotted on Somerton RD. Anyone here?
  20. +1!!!!!! I was enjoying that it was exclusive to the Aurion boys. Damn you daryl :P Need to get out more and socialise with your neighbours. True true. But can't deny it was good to have to exclusive to Aurion.
  21. Good to see you pin pointed the problem. Gotta love successful outcomes :).
  22. Mate, I used VLC and it played no problem. I use VLC for everything. That thing plays just about every single type of video file.
  23. Rain + busy T-intersection + FWD = Worst combination ever My car spins the wheels but aint going no where fast, hate it when that happens. Then traction control kicks in but that doesn't do much in the rain, lol. Like DJKOR said, find the right amount of acceleration. That really does help getting you going.
  24. +1!!!!!! I was enjoying that it was exclusive to the Aurion boys. Damn you daryl :P
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